Wedding Proposal

The morning lights shine on Azlan, Elysia and Freya. "Good morning, my love," Elysia greeted Azlan.

Although they greeted each other daily, today's greeting was different, before it she called him by name or little husband, but today it's changed into my love.

"Good morning," Azlan nodded, "Yesterday night was so fun, why have you hid it from me till now," He enjoyed his first night, but he has questions, why has he not experienced it before yesterday.

Elysia looked towards Azlan with loveable eyes, and then she held his face and took it in her embrace, she explained, "My love, yesterday was our first night, and we can only do it after the wedding on our first night."

"So, for doing it again, we need the wedding again?" Azlan asked, because he feels so bored and tired of all of the rules and regulations during the wedding.

"No, my love, we have already completed the procedure, now we can do this anytime you want," Elysia explained to him, she knew he was a kid, when it comes to the general knowledge, but because of this they like and love him more.

"Ok, now I understand, if we have done the wedding with anyone, after we can do the things, what is called, fex, no… tex, no… rex, no… sex, yes… sex. So we can only do the sex after our wedding, right," Azlan asked, Elysia nodded.

"Then why haven't we done it before yesterday, we have done the wedding things before yesterday," Azlan asked, as he hit his own head and remembered it.

Elysia can't able to stop herself from laughing after seeing the funny antics of Azlan, "No, my love, we can't do it before the legal age, and after becoming 18 years old, you can do it, that's why we have waited till you turned 18," She explained, but she didn't tell him, that in the Elven community wedding before the 100 years old was rare, it just because of Azlan, Elysia and Freya wedding has decided in mids 40.

"Okay, now I understand everything," Azlan nodded, then his hands started traveling over Freya's body.

"What are you doing?" Freya asked, as she woke up, but she was still in half asleep mode.

"Little wife, I want to do the sex thing again," He answered, as he pointed towards his cock, which has again worked up, and it wants something.

"Then do with the sis, please, let me sleep a little more," Freya replied, as she is going to fall into a deep sleep.

But Azlan didn't stop it, as he took her in his embrace and positioned his cock towards her pussy, they were still nude from yesterday night. "Elysia explained to me, now I can do it anytime I want, since our wedding is completed. Now it was my time to bully you."

"You…" Freya is left speechless, "I know you can do it anytime you want with us. But in our Elven community, the woman deserves the proper respect in between the husband and wife. And it was important, when you do it with your wife, you need her consent, you can't do it without her consent. It was not a good thing," She explained to him.

"What? I need to do it with your consent? But I want to do it now," Azlan said, as his eyes become in puppy shaped, and he was going to cry (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠).

Freya looked into his eyes, although she rarely fell for his tricks, but after the ceremony between them. She can't see the tears in his eyes, "Well forget about the consent, you can do anytime you want. What can I even say, since I love you so much. I am completely yours, you can ravage me as you desire." She adjusted the position and took his cock inside her.

"I know you loves me," Azlan became happy, as he started fucking her.


Meanwhile in the King and Queen's chamber, two important ministers of Aeloria kingdoms are standing, and they have put a proposal in front of King Elarion.

Aeloria Kingdom is situated on the Blue Moon Continent. It is on the West Side of the Sylvarion Kingdom, after crossing the Violent Dragon Empire, and followed by Konda Kingdom. Then the Aeloria Kingdom will arrive.

"Your highness Elarion, so what is your take on it? Is it possible that we can further talk about it? Also our princess is so beautiful, she is even more beautiful than your both daughters. She will also become our next queen in the next ten to twenty years. So if you agree we can send this news to our Princess and Queen," Silvanna said.

"Well, your proposal is good, and it will benefit if our Kingdom joins together. And I know, your princess Ariana is beautiful and even more beautiful than my daughters. But still, everything depends on my son. If he wants to marry, then we can agree about this," Elarion explained his decision.

"Your highness, I know you seek confirmation from crown prince Azlan. And I think Prince Azlan will definitely like our Princess Ariana. And we will also open our secret way to a different world for Prince Azlan, if the marriage between the princess Ariana and prince Azlan is successful," Aeris comments.

"What? Sara, go and bring the Azlan, Elysia and Freya," Elarion was shocked after hearing it, he quickly ordered Sara. Secret of the other world. Elarion even till now remembered the magic lands, and their magical beasts, which were known as the Mysticons. He was still amazed how those creatures could fit inside the little ball.

Elarion knows about how humans have the secret of taming the beasts, although other species also can tame the magical beasts. But only humans can harness the magical beasts abilities, not any other species can do this.

And even then, they are only able to connect with the single magical beasts for all of their lives. If their magical beasts die, they become useless. But still humans have a space inside in their minds, which will hide the Magical beasts inside of it. It was really exclusive to human species.

But in Mysticons World, the ring known as the Mystic Ring has the same ability. It is really amazing, it can even fit the big Mysticons inside the little Ring. And they can even capture many of the Mysticons, not only the one.

But the way of the Mysticons World was only exclusive to Aeloria Kingdom. And the many Elves Kings and Queens visited the Mysticons World just once in their life, when it's secret ways were discovered.

And since Elves are a peaceful race, and they can't attack each other just for their greed, the Aeloria Kingdom will become the sole owner of the secret ways of Mysticons World.

From them it was everyone's dream to visit the Mysticons World and capture the Mysticons for themselves. But this is the secret of only Elves, not any other beings knows about them.

Azlan entered the meeting room with Elysia and Freya, "Dad, you have called me?"

"Yes," Elarion nodded, then he pointed towards the two beautiful girls, "They are the Envoy of Aeloria Kingdom, Aeris and Silvanna."

"Nice to meet you," Azlan nodded.

"Nice to meet you too, crown prince Azlan," Both of them nodded.

"They have come here with a proposal, but it is related to you, so I decided the situation in your hands," Elarion explained the reason for calling him.

Azlan nodded, then he turned towards Aeris and Silvanna, "What did you needs with me?"

"Crown Prince Azlan, first see this," Silvanna said, then she creates a holographic display using her powers, on the display shows, a beautiful girl, she is practicing with her sword, she pointed her swords towards group of dummies and trees, which was 100 meters far from her. While the leaves were flying in between of them.

Then she does an action of hitting the sword, and then with a whoosh sound, all oh the dummies have split into two pieces, but not any single leaf or the trees were harmed. It shows she has precise control of her air and time powers.

"How was it, Crown Prince Azlan?" Aeris asked.

"It was really good, she has great control of her powers," Azlan nodded.

"Prince Azlan, I am asking about how Princess Ariana looked," Aeris corrected him.

"Oh, I thought, you are asking about the technique. Well, she is beautiful," Azlan answered.

"Prince Azlan, do you like her?" Silvanna asked.

"Yes, she is good, so I like her," Azlan said, but he doesn't understand why this type of question session is going on.

But Elysia and Freya understand why this question was asked.

"So Prince Azlan, it was ok, if both you and Princess Ariana married together," Sylvanna asks her important questions.

Azlan was left speechless, as he didn't understand where the topic was going, he said, "I am already married to my wives. See this is Elysia, and this is Freya, so how can I marry again?"

"Prince Azlan, you are the future king of Sylvarion Kingdom, you can marry with as many wives as you want, no one can stop you," Aeris said.

Azlan turned towards Elysia, "Is it possible, I can marry as many wives as I want?" He asked her, because every question was always answered by her.

Elysia looked towards Elarion and Celestia, and from their expression, she understands that. Azlan marriage with Ariana was beneficial for the Azlan, or they didn't even think of bringing him here, she turned towards the Azlan, "Yes, my love, you can marry as many as you want."

Azlan nodded with understanding, he thought for some time, "Elysia, you can decide about it, I don't know if it is good or bad." From his experience, he trusts Elysia completely, moreover since Elysia was his big wife, all the important decisions he gives her. Freya is also ok, but she always bullies him, so he can't give the important decisions in her hand.

Elysia messes with the Azlan hairs, and pats on his head. He becomes happy, he doesn't know why, but whenever Elysia does it, he feels so much happy. But same when Freya does it, it was ok, but not more than this.

"We will accept this wedding, but there is one condition. Your princess needs to follow every command of our husband. If my husband commands your princess to go east, so she can't go west, understand," She gives her reply.

"Give us some time, we need to ask the princess Ariana," Aeris said, as she tooks out a device, it was the device of Mysticons World. Through it, they were able to call from one place to another place.