First Mysticon

After some time, they both jumped in the cold pond. The water inside this small cold pool was extremely clear, however was very deep, and couldn't even see its bottom. Azlan followed Elowen, as he dived down, and a burst of bones piercing coldness attacked them. But it was not even able to do anything to them, since they had already cultivated the boly.

Approximately even after half an hour, they still had not reached the bottom. But their speed of diving downwards became faster and faster. Then they detected one white colored light.

Diving closer, there were more and more white colored lights. They simply were close and numerous, filling up whole waters. Soon they found a fan-shaped tunnel entrance, however water was not flowing into it.

"This is it," Elowen commanded, and Azlan nodded, they both went inside of the tunnel. This moment Azlan began to carefully size up this fan-shaped cave, he was surprised to discover the walls of this cave were very smooth.

The end of this cave couldn't be seen, and at the interval of 50 meters or so, there were two small white colored magic lamps on either side of the cave wall which illuminated this cave. At first glance, it appeared just like a passage leading to heaven.

When they reached inside, Azlan began to size up this spacious hall in this kind of room. This room was absolutely empty without any items, walls on all sides and conical roof with scribbling all over them. Azlan carefully read those scribbles for a while, and discovered that he was unable to read even a bit.

"Now, what's we need to do?" Azlan asked Elowen. "Nothing, you just need to stand in the middle of it," Elowen answered and pointed to the star-shaped mark on the floor.

Azlan nodded and together with Elowen, he stood at the position. Then he looked upwards, and suddenly many small holes appeared on that conical roof, and blue colored light shone down from each and every one of these small holes.

Making a light diagram on the ground, on the place of a star-shaped mark, and after a line joined these point after point, it actually formed one big magic formation.

A burst of dense blue light emerged, then Azlan felt the space around distorting, and everything became dark before their eyes.

After they opened their eyes, they found themselves at different places, they looked around, and noticed Ariana, Elysia and Freya were looking over them. Azlan noticed a big palace was there. Aeloria Kingdom was written on it, from this he understands, that this was the Elowen property.

"How much time has passed?" Elowen asked, because the Dark Realm time ratio was always different from the outside world.

"One hour has passed," Elysia replied.

Now they recognise the situation, and finally they have entered the Mysticons World.

"Elowen, now what do we need to do?" Azlan asked her, since she is the regular visitor of the Mysticons World, only she can tell him.

"Although I have only come to catch Mysticons here, there are also the most interesting events, and one of the events is the Mysticons Championship, but sadly I can't waste my time here. Since I am also a queen, I need to return back to Aeloria Kingdom. So, tell me, you want to participate in the events in the Mysticons Championship League, or you want to return back with me after catching some Mysticons," Elowen explained.

"I want to participate in the Mysticons Championship," Azlan replied.

"Ok. Then you must remember this place, well I also saved this address in your Mystic Phone, but first you need the starter Mysticons," Elowen said.

"Starter Mysticons, What is this?" Azlan asked in confusion.

"Starter Mysticons was given to the newbie, who just started their journey, and since you are, you will get it. Ok, follow me," Elowen commanded, Azlan nodded, and followed her.

"Elowen, which place are we there?" Azlan asked.

"This is the Mircha Town of the Uttar Pradesh region," Elowen replied, then she started explaining the criteria of participating in a Mysticons championship.

"To participate in the Mysticons tournaments, first you need to win 8 Dojo medals. Dojo badges you won after defeating a Dojo trainer. Then you need to build a minimum of five Mysticons teams. And for catching Mysticons, the people used to defeat the Mysticons, and then catch them. By doing this they show their own power and make Mysticons understand, they will from now work for them, so you can do it."

Then soon they reached a big house which was famous for its wind turbines, "This is a Mysticons lab located in Mircha Town that is directed by Professor Samuel Blaze. Its functions are to research Mysticons, unravel the mysteries surrounding them, and study their characteristics and behavior in a natural environment. Another important job is to take care of the Mysticons that belong to Mircha Town's Trainers. And gives the starter Mysticons to newbies," Elowen explained, as they reached inside.

Here Azlan noticed an old man, nearly 50, who has brown hair giving a Mysticons to a young kid of 10 years, who was wearing a blue dress, and has brown hair.

"Gary, so which Mysticons you are choosing as the starters," The old guy asked.

"Grandpa Blaze, I will choose Aquapup," Gary replied.

"Ok," The old guy nodded and gave him a Mysticons. It is a small reptilian Mysticons that resembles a light-blue turtle. It has large, purplish or reddish eyes and a slightly hooked upper lip.

Each of its hands and feet have three pointed digits. The end of its long, squirrel-like tail curls inward. Its body is encased by a tough shell. This shell is brown on the top, pale yellow on the bottom, and has a thick white ridge between the two halves.

"Goodbye Grandpa," Gary replied after taking the Mysticons in a Pokeball, as he exited the Lab.

The old guy then noticed Elowen and her group, "Elowen, welcome, how you decided to visit me?" The old guy asked.

"Samuel Blaze, I have come here for a Mystic Phone, and Starter Mysticons for three of them," Elowen replied as she pointed at Azlan, Elysia and Freya.

"I am sorry, but now, I have only one starter Mysticons left, it was the Flametail, and one extra one is Sparky," Professor Blaze answered as he pointed towards the two Mysticons.

One was a bipedal, reptilian Mysticons with a primarily orange body and blue eyes. Its underside from the chest down and the soles of its feet are cream-colored. It has two small fangs visible in its upper jaw and two smaller fangs in its lower jaw. A fire burns at the tip of this Mysticons's slender tail. It was Flametail. While the other one was Sparky.

"Forget it just gives the three Mystic Phone, and Flametail to him, and also gives us many Pokeball," Elowen replied, as she took out some of the coins, it was the Mystic dollar, the currency of Mysticons World.

"Ok," Professor Blaze nodded, he brought out three latest generation Mystic Phone, "Now tell your names for the registration."

"Azlan Starwind," Azlan replied, Blaze gives him the Mystic Phone and Flametail. Flametail's tail fire starts wavering, after he goes to Azlan.

"What is happening to it?" Azlan asked in confusion, as he noticed the fire was wavering on his tail.

"He was happy. It was known as a fire burns at the tip of this Mysticons's slender tail and has blazed there since Flametail's birth. The flame can be used as an indication of Flametail's health and mood, burning brightly when the Mysticons is strong, weakly when it is exhausted, wavering when it is happy, and blazing when it is enraged. It is said that Flametail would die if its flame were to go out. However, if the Mysticons is healthy, the flame will continue to burn even if it gets a bit wet and is said to steam in the rain," Professor Blaze explained.

"Ok," Azlan nodded. After Blaze registered Elysia and Freya's name in the Mystic Phone. He gives Epic Mystic rings to them, to capture the new Mysticons. Mystic rings is also a sci-fi device and with its grade.

The common grade Mystic Rings can only capture single Mysticons inside it. And most of the Mysticons didn't like to live inside these rings. Because inside of the Mystic Rings, the place was very desolate, and had no other functions.

Then comes the Rare Mystic Rings, which can fit and capture the Six Mysticons inside it. And inside was also a big place. While the environment also changed from inside towards the Mysticons types.

If there were six different types of Mysticons residing in the Rare Mystic Rings, then the Mystic Ring inside was changed into six different environments. While the Rare Mystic Rings also heals little bit the Mysticons.

Most of the new trainers get this type of Mystic Rings, since it was given free with Starter Mysticons.

Then comes the Epic Mystic Rings. It has the same function as Rare Mystic Rings. Just a little bit different, it heals faster the Mysticons and can keep ten Mysticons inside of it.

Then comes the Legendary Mystic Rings, which can keep thirty Mystic Rings inside of it. It heals so much faster. While it also changed the environment inside according to the Mysticons types.

But it has one more benefit, it continuously helps the Mysticons in becoming stronger and also helps them in their evolution.

There is also a myth about the Mythic Mystic Rings, but whether it exists or not, no one knows.

Azlan was amazed by the Mystic Rings. He didn't know how these amazing things appeared.

Blaze explained that there were few mythics Mysticons. One is to rule the opposite world, and change nature according to them.

While other is the rule of time. And the last one is the ruler of space. And they almost most of the time battle each other. And whenever they battle, just a little bit of their battle sparks change the area into Mystic place. And here the people can finds the Mystic Rings.

Most of the Mystic Rings were common. While there were also Rare Mystic Rings. And very few of them, not more than the ten numbers, were Epic Mystic Rings. While the Legendary Mystic Rings were only found by the very lucky person.