Psychic Badge

"Ok, then let's go," Azlan nodded, and they now moved towards the next destination, Astral City.

But just as they walked a little bit and left the city, rain started. "Quickly set up the tent," Azlan shouted, as he and the girls started setting the tent.

After some hours the rain stopped, "Let's go see outside, where we are," Azlan said, and he came out. He noticed an old man was giving flowers to someone.

Then they realized they had settled their tents in a graveyard. "What are you doing, mister," He asked the old man.

"Just visiting an old friend, he was a good Mysticons, and had a long life, but his time came eventually," The old man replied.

Azlan consoled him, then the old man thanked him, invited them to his house. 

The old man explained that in order to respect the Mysticons, a building was built here known as Mysticons Tower. He showed them a big building in the middle of the town.

"So that building is a cemetary?" Freya question. Old man nodded.

"So, why didn't you put your Mysticon's grave there," Elysia asked.

"Because the ghosts appeared inside the tower. From that time the People of this town didn't trust any people, and started living in fear," The old man explained.

"We have never seen the ghosts, why not experience it here," Azlan asked.

"Okay," Freya and Elysia agreed. The old man warned them, but Azlan didn't take his advice.

Soon they entered the Mysticons cemetery. There they found the graves of many Mysticons, and found a picture, which shows the battle between the Kadabra and Ghostking.

And inside were not the ghosts, but they are the Ghost Type Mysticons. They just like to enjoy by pulling some pranks on the people, but their fun created the fears between the normal public.

Ghostking found that Freya is more funniest than him, so he decided to travel the journey with Freya.

He then brings them inside a secret room, from where he takes out a book, and gives them. This was the most interesting thing, because in this book. It was the story about the battle between the Ghost Mysticons and Psychic Users, this also explained why there is a picture of fighting between Ghostking and Kadabra.

"Elysia, explained what is written on it," Azlan said, as they adjusted themselves in a seat.

Elysia nodded and started reading the story. "It was a story after the defeat of Evil Psychic Users, when the world became peaceful. But it is not always peaceful. Once again, a person named Akira Tobi, who claimed himself the descendant of Shira Tobi, with his evil intentions rises again."

"The person starts gathering evil Psychic users, but before he can fully establish his territory. A group of Ghost Mysticons attack on the evil Psychic users and their Mysticons. Psychic Mysticons are powerless against the Ghost type, and the Psychic users became fearful of the Ghost Mysticons."

"Akira Tobi is killed by his haunted dream, which Ghostking gives him. The people became relieved, after the defeat of Psychic users. And it shows, one Eleven's Descendant gives the Ghost Mysticons duty to keep eye on the Astral City. if any descendants of evil Psychic users rise again, then they defeat him."

"But just like his ancestor Shira Tobi, before Akira Tobi died, he also gave the warning. 'You have once again defeated us, but we can rise again stronger than the Ghost powers, and claim victory over the world.' This is also a reason why the Psychic Users are afraid of the Ghost type."

"Interesting, the Psychic Users are becoming interesting," Azlan comments. After solving the ghost problem of the town, the townsfolk thanked them, and since the rain had stopped, they again continued their journey to Astral City.

After some more adventures and travels, Azlan, Elysia and Freya finally reach Astral City. This is the same place from where the first evil Psychic users were born.

And this is the same place where the evil Shira Tobi came into the world, and made his own army of evil Psychic users, and here is the same place where the Shira Tobi died.

Azlan after some traveling is ready to enter the Astral City Gym and win one more badge. But before they could enter, they noticed a person was warning everyone, who ever comes to challenge them.

"If you have any ghost type Mysticons, then enter it there, or else, the Leader of this Gym makes you a toy." And the trainer ran away after hearing it from there.

He was going to also give the warning to Azlan, but seeing the Ghostking with them, he kept quiet, while Azlan, Elysia and Freya went inside.

"So, here comes more toys to play with us," A little girl laughed. Azlan bravely stepped forward. "Hello Sabrina, I'm Azlan Starwind, I come here to battle you to earn the Psychic Badge," Azlan noticed as the man was warning others, there are two Sabrina.

One was a little girl in white, holding a Mystic Ring, she was heartless, and the other was a woman with long dark green hair, wearing a long red shirt, the depressed girl. "I am warning you to be careful, because I am not going to show you any mercy. Moreover, you are so cute, that I will keep you forever with me," The little girl started laughing loudly.

"Once more girls fall for his charms," Freya commented from the sidelines.

Sabrina felt some unknown power which came from the Azlan, and seeing his Elysion. 'He has Elysion, he must be an Aura User. Although the people here hate the Aura Users, he was so cute. Then it decided, he will become mine after I defeat him.'

"I accept the challenge, but there is a bet, if you lose you will have to play with me, with my two new dolls." The little girl spoke up and giggled. She begins her magic and changes Elysia and Freya into a doll.

But to her shock, her powers are not working. "So, your plan is to play with us, after turning us into a doll," Azlan asked as he looked towards her.

"No, I am not going to change you into a doll, but this time, I will make you my husband, and we will play together." Sabrina explained with her giggling, she noticed the Ghostking Mysticons near Elysia and Freya and thought because of this her magic is not working.

The big woman spoke up, "This will be a one vs one Mysticons battle. Let play time begin." She floated to the top side of the stadium. Azlan became interested after seeing this, he stepped onto the bottom side of the stadium.

"Come on out Kabra," Sabrina commanded. A brown fox-like creature came out of the Mystic Ring, but it looked like it was asleep.

Azlan looked puzzled by the information from his Mystic Phone: "Kabra, the Psi Mysticons. He sleeps for 18 hours a day. Even when awake, it teleports itself while remaining seated."

Before Azlan commands his Mysticons to go on the stage, Kabra starts to glow. "Interesting," Sabrina said. They watched as Kabra evolved and changed into a bigger fox, with a spoon.

Azlan looked it up: Kadabra, the Psi Mysticons. The evolved form of Kabra. It stares at its silver spoon to focus its mind. It emits more alpha waves while doing so.

"Okay Elysion, take the stage," Azlan commanded, and Elysion jumped in the middle of the arena.

"Let's begin the battle with the enemies," Sabrina said, as she smiled with delight.

"Ok, then let's be ready to face the power of Aura, the love, which makes everything feel better. And defeat anything." Azlan said.

"Yes, I also want love from you," The small girl giggled again. "So, show me your love. Kadabra Psybeam." Kadabra fired a Psybeam from his crossed spoons.

"Dodge with Agility!" Azlan ordered. The Aura Mysticons vanished in a blur of movement and the Psybeam missed its mark.

"Kadabra, use Psychic," Sabrina commanded and Kadabra's eyes started glowing.

"Elysion save yourself in Aura Shield," Sabrina didn't not understand what he said and she never knew about this move, she saw Elysion form a blue barrier around himself which is unaffected by Psychic.

"End by Aura Sphere," Azlan commanded, Elysion started forming the blue sphere and hit toward Kadabra.

"Kadabra counter by Psyshock," Sabrina shouted and Kadabra started to form a small purple orb between his paws and fired a wave of dark purple circles at the blue orb.

The two attacks met in midair, both were strong but Aura sphere pushed the Psyshock, and hit the Kadabra and exploded on impact. When the smoke cleared, Kadabra was forcing himself to stand on his leg, but he was unable to.

"Kadabra!" It said he slumped back with swirls in his eyes. "My Kadabra is unable to battle, your Elysion is the winner!" Sabrina announced "It means Azlan Starwind is the victor, now you take this Psychic Badge, or get out from there," she shouted.