Psylor Creation

At the Evil Psychic Users places, everyone was sitting in their respective places. Tushiro was sitting on his throne, and he gathered everyone to give them some big interesting news.

"Sir, from our sources, we found the girl who has come from the PAL region. Able to use Psychic powers. And she also fell in love with Ben Eleven," The girl on the left replied.

"And, she is a big threat to us, because she is so much stronger in Psychic, our elites may not be able to defeat her, and with her Mysticons Alakadabra, she became so much stronger," The Right side girl also gives her opinion.

"Himawari, Sarada, you have found the interesting news, she is also perfect for my bride. If she joins us, then it makes our team stronger, but if she disapproves of our invitation, then kidnaps her," Tushiro gives order to his right and left hand woman.

He takes out a paper, which shows some sign of sealing. "It is the formula of sealing the Psychic powers, if you put on the Psychic girl, her Psychic powers is lost for one minutes, and only that's a chance to kidnapped her, so go for it, with my inviting," Tushiro give them the Psychic power sealing paper to his attendants.

Then he focused his eyes on the people, who had gathered here, to explain the reason for this meeting, "I called everyone to give you interesting news. There are four elites in our army, Neji, Kushina, Karin and Choji."

After the Tushiro announcement, two men and two women come on aside from the gathered people. "And they all bring some important news to us, so explain it my elites, what news you have."

The bald one starts speaking, gives the information, which he found, "My name is Neji, and it is my honor to become Elites in this people, and work for our master. So, from my sources, I found, there was an evil group, known as Team Rebel. Their proposals are also evil like us."

Red hair woman came beside Neji, "And, I Kushina, I found that the Leader of this evil team was known by the name of Viktor. He somehow found the Mythara DNA, from his sources."

As Kushina gave the name of Mythara, everyone became silent for some minutes. They remembered, Mythara was the reason their ancestors failed to rule the world.

The next girl stood aside, "And I, Karin, found the leader of Team Rebel. He is making new Mysticons by cloning the DNA of Mythara, he gives the name of these new Mysticons as Psylor, a rival in the power of Mythara, and they are near to success on this project."

"So, as our master purpose was, we should join our forces with Team Rebel. And after some negotiation, we are able to join Viktor. And with the Power of Psylor. We didn't need to fear Mythara, and claimed this world," Choji explained the rest of information toward their progress.

"So, as you hear, we are going to join the forces with Team Rebel, but only for the moment we need help, and after that, we take the Psylor on our side, and in the name of Shira Tobi, we declare victory on this world," Tushiro Tobi announced, and everyone started shouting the slogan, they was now going to take this world by storm.


Few years ago, before the birth of Ash Ketchum, and before Azlan entered the Mysticons World.

There is a big hall where many creatures reside. Humans called them Mysticons. But currently, which we are seeing, they are the Legendary and Mythical Mysticons. They manage everything in the human world. And today, they gathered for some important topic.

"Father, why did you call us?" Umbraxis, the God of Pataal Lok, Mysticons asked, her work is to maintain the ecosystem of the human world by removing the pollution and filth of the human world in her Pataal Lok. And even if the filth is human himself.

"Because, we need to choose a warrior from the human world, who is going to represent us, and save this world from many dangers," Divinus, the God and Father of every Mysticons replied.

Divinus was the being, which belongs to the Mysticons world. But every God Level powerful being of the Beast Multiverse knows about him.

Only four or five beings in the Beast Multiverse are able to fight him equally. And only two beings were able to defeat him.

Moreover, Divinus also knows about the Universal Tree, he has already seen the Universal Tree from his own eyes. He has visited a few different worlds, and knows their culture.

From some mysterious world, he has taken the DNA of extraordinary beings. And now he wants to give this DNA to a worthy child.

"So, who are you going to choose? And what dangers awaited us?" Timus, the God of Time Mysticons asked.

"As you know, I have found a trace of a new portal, and together with old ones, we have found the way of forty different worlds together. And in this new world, I have seen humans are able to perform energy attacks like Mysticons and also their attack is very far stronger than the Mysticons."

"And those types of attacks are Energy attacks, so I have taken DNA of powerful beings from there, and will give the human beings we will choose," Divinus explained his plan.

"So, who are we going to choose?" Mythara asked. She is the Mother and creator of every Mysticons except for Legendary.

"I have searched all over the human world, and I have some of the Places, like Uttar Pradesh Region, Delhi Region, PAL Region, and some of them. Then I remembered about the history of the Evil Psychic User and Good Psychic User fight, when the Good Psychic users won the fight, with the help of Aura Users," Divinus explained.

"So, you are going to choose from the Good Psychic Users and Aura Users?" Magmagro questioned, he was the God and representative of Ground Mysticons.

"No, we need to first wait and see who is going to be worthy of our Powers. And especially, the Eleven generation, Pakura generation, or some of them are on our priority list."

"But why did we need humans, we are enough to save this world by ourselves?" Oceanos, the Goddess and representative of the Ocean asked.

"I know, but since you know about humans, many try to capture the Legendaries Mysticons, many see Mysticons like us slaves, but more dangerous are many evil groups trying to rule the world by Mysticons power, or recently."

"Or you all also know what happened to me in some past years. It shows humans have potential, and they can also save us from many dangerous moments," Divinus explained.

"So, it means we need to keep eyes on some of the worthy opponents, to judge who is worthy of giving the power," Skydra, the God and representative of Air guessed.

"Yes, you are right," Divinus nodded.

"But who is to keep eyes on them," Tribunal, the God of Judgment Mysticons said.

"I already thought about this, and I keep Solophoenix on duty to keep eyes on the worthy opponents in Uttar Pradesh, and choose from them. Umbraxis in Delhi Region, and Kapu Elektiki in Nicobar Region. Aerion in Lakshadweep Island, Gaiaxis in PAL Region and Luminis in Bangalore region," Divinus replied, Solophoenix the Goddess of Fire and Creator of Trio Legendary Beasts nodded with all.

"Now, I am going back to sleep to regain my powers," Divinus says and goes back to sleep in his own dimension.


And for the few years continuously on the order of Divinus, Aerion keeps eyes on Ben. She meets with him. She explains many things about the Mysticons to Ben, she teaches him about the Mysticon language. And explain to him about every Mysticon, which resides in the Uttar Pradesh Region, and Legendaries Mysticons of Uttar Pradesh.

And the others were searching for the worthy trainer, who will represent them.


Now back to the present, everyone was amazed by seeing the two worthy people. "So, Ben mastered the use of Psychic power," Mythara said after seeing Ben's practice on Psychic training.

"It looks like in the upcoming time, he needs to be this powerful, I already feel some evil thing is coming."

"You are thinking about the Project Psylor of Giovanni." Solophoenix.

"No, it is more dangerous to Project Psylor." Mythara guessed.

"But the Azlan guy, the Aura User is also good. He can also be worthy of the powers, which father has brought out," Aerion said.

"Well, it depends on the father," Solophoenix replied, as they continued seeing both Ben and Azlan's adventures


On the Team Rebel newly headquarters on the Island. A Mysticon is opening his eyes, he was so much confused about himself, he continued to question himself. 'Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing there?'

The scientists were happy to see their research was successful. They congratulate each other on their success. The Mysticons broke the container in which he was residing, he broke the wires which were connected to his body.

"Your name was Psylor, you were the result of our hard work, we created you, you are a clone of Mythara Mysticon," Fuzi explains to Psylor.

"I am your creation." When these words go in Psylor's ears. He released a Psychic wave, which destroyed the headquarters there; everyone died by this destruction, only Psylor escaped from the destruction.


Meanwhile inside the origin place of Mysticons, the Legendary Mysticons were seeing the creation of Psylor.

"So, the evil team was finally able to create the clone Mysticons with my DNA," Mythara said.

"But, they created their own destruction?" Pyrocanis replied.

"Yes, I see how Psylor destroyed their own base," Voltoris agreed.

"But, if it does not help Psylor in understanding what is going there, then Psylor also brings destruction to this world," Mythara warned, and left the Hall of Origin to help Psylor understand the situation.