Azlan Vs Leaf 2

At Azlan's locker room, Mystique in the Tiger's form, Sabrina, Elysia and Freya are consoling him. Mystique is advising him to use her in the next battle, while Gardevoir is showing a pained expression.

"It's ok, you don't need to be sad, I have still three chances left," Azlan answered, he was not sad about continuously losing.

"So, which one you are going to use next, I think only Elysion and Mystique have any chance to battle Magmorous. Draphoeon is weak against the Magmorous," Freya guessed.

"I will use Elysion against the Magmorous, I have completely believed him, that's, he will be able to defeat the Magmorous," Azlan replied, Elysion raised his fists, and nodded.


Inside the V.I.P. box, a discussion was going about Leaf and Azlan.

"This girl has easily defeated the three Mysticons of the boy, maybe she has the talent to become the Uttar Pradesh Champion, which we already have the empty Champion place," Lance said.

"No, you have not seen, if Magmorous is not Legendary, then he will lose the battle with Infernodrake. But the most dangerous feeling I am getting is from the black and white looking tiger Mysticons beside the boy."

"Which he has still not used till now, and the first time he has brought it in the battle, maybe it was his best Mysticons. And we also have not any data about it-" Goodshow explained, but he stopped when he noticed the time, "We have a chance to see what is happening." And commanded the announcer to call both trainers.


Azlan and Leaf both come to their side, "If you both are ready, then start the battle," The Referee said. Leaf tossed her Mystic Ring, revealing the Magmorous. From the Azlan side, the Aura Mysticons jumped on the stage.

"Magmorous, bite him by Fire Fang," Leaf quickly ordered.

Azlan noticed Magmorous reached near Elysion, "Elysion, dodged it and used Iron Tail." Elysion jumped on, dodging the attack of Magmorous, and then he attacked Magmorous with the Iron Tail.

"Magmorous, Magma Storm," Leaf commanded, and then Magmorous again created the fires in the ground, which reached towards Elysion.

"Elysion, use Aura to make a shield, and gather the Aura Sphere," Azlan ordered. Elysion quickly created the Aura Shield, which saves him from the Magma Storm. While using his paw, he was generating the Aura, and gathering more of it.

"Magmorous, Iron Head," Leaf command. Since Elysion is bound by the Magma Storm, he was not able to dodge the Magma Iron Head. But much to Leaf's amazement, Magmorous was not able to hit Elysion, and he collided with the Aura Shield.

"Magmorous, Fire Spin." Magmorous creates the fire, which surrounds the Aura Shield, and starts making it weak. "Now, Flame Charge." Magmorous surrounded himself with a flame, and he again hit the Aura Shield. "Again, Iron Head." And with the attack of Iron Head, the Aura Shield is finally broken.

"Now, your game is over," Leaf said, giving a victory smile.

"No, your game is over, if you remember, your Magma Storm times are over. Elysion, Aura Sphere," Azlan replied back, it revealed, the storm of fire which gathered around Elysion had ended. And now, Elysion stands with a bigger Aura Sphere, which no one has ever seen.

Elysion throwed the huge blue ball toward Magmorous. After the blue ball collided with the Magmorous, it created a big explosion, nearly destroying half of Arena. And Magmorous was sent into the sky. After a few seconds, Magmorous fell downwards and collided with the ground with a 'Boom' sound, creating the dust around him.

When the dust and smoke of the explosion was over, it showed Magmorous had already collapsed on the ground, with his eyes swirling. "Amazing folks, once again amazing things happen. For the first time in this Conference of Lucknow League, someone was able to defeat Magmorous. And it was none other than our favorite trainer Azlan Starwind's Mysticon Elysion, it's really amazing. Green side trainer, send your next Mysticon," The Referee shouted very loudly.


Inside the V.I.P. box, again the discussion is going on.

"What, I said to you, this boy has more skill, now I am confident, he wins the battle," Goodshow said to Lance.

"Yes, he is able to defeat Magmorous, but Leaf has still five Mysticons left," Lance replied.


Back on the battlefield.

Leaf has already seen the Elysion battle, she sees how easily Elysion wins all of his battles. 'Maybe, this is dangerous to me, first I need to transfer him' She thought before rubbing her Mystic Ring, which revealed the rare Dragon Mysticons of Kanto and Johto and Pseudo Legendary. "Wyrmnite, Dragon Tail," Leaf said. Wyrmnite uses Dragon Tail, which sends back Elysion to his Mystic Ring and brings out the Draphoeon on the place of Elysion.

"Wow, this is amazing or also the cleverness of Leaf, we already know the power of Elysion, but now the battle has turned into Dragon Vs Dragon Type Mysticons, let's see who is the winner," Announcer announced.

"Wyrmnite, returned back. Infernodrake, I choose you," Leaf said, she recalled her Dragonite back, and sent another Mysticon, which revealed a fire lizard.

"Infernodrake, use Fire Spin," Leaf said, and then Infernodrake use fire to surround the Draphoeon.

"Draphoeon, use Dragon Blade to cut the Fire Spin," Azlan commands, Draphoeon creates the blade of Dragon Aura and cuts the fire in two parts. Although it burnt all the leaves, it still does minimal damage to Draphoeon.

"Use Seismic Toss," Leaf commands didn't give time to Draphoeon for recovery, Infernodrake took Draphoeon in his claw before flying to sky, after some height he turned back down and with spinning came back. When he was near to collide with the ground, he threw the Draphoeon on the ground.

Draphoeon with the sudden attack, after colliding with the ground, she fainted. "Wow, Leaf has come with an interesting return, she easily wins this battle, Draphoeon is unable to battle, Red side sends your next Mysticons," The Referee declared.

"Elysion, take the stage," Azlan said, sending Elysion back for the battle.

"I have something interesting for this Mysticons," Leaf said before recalling her Infernodrake and sending the next Pokeball, which revealed the yellow electric mouse. "She has a Sparky," Azlan said.

"Elysion, end the battle with your own," Azlan commanded and he sat down on the platform, leaving the rest of the battle on Elysion.

"Elysion, / I will bring the victory," Elysion said, he created the fire around himself, and he went toward Sparky and without waiting continued attacking with his kick and punches. It was a Blaze Kick. After some time he stopped and prepared to make Bone, but he noticed Sparky was already collapsed on the ground, with her eyes swirling.

"Wow, without taking orders, Elysion has defeated the Sparky," The Referee said, "Green trainer send your next Mysticons."

Leaf called back Sparky and sent the next Mysticons, which revealed her starter, and Uttar Pradesh water starter's final evolution. "Torrentoise, attack with a Water Gun." Torrentoise releases the water from his shell gun on Leaf command. The storm of water directly hit Elysion, but not giving him any damage, because Elysion has surrounded himself with Iron Defence.

Elysion covered his hand with thunder and he continued attacking on Torrentoise using the Thunder Punch. After this he increases his speed of punching Torrentoise using Bullet Punch. After many hits he stops, he notices Torrentoise was still able to fight, then he creates the bone in his both hands and attacks on Torrentoise.

Torrentoise is not able to stand after taking continuous amaged and he faints. "Wow, Elysion is starting to attack, he shows he is the best, green side trainer sends your next Mysticons," The Referee said.

"Infernodrake, ready to win this battle," Leaf said before tossing her Pokeball, the fire lizard again came back to the battlefield.

"Infernodrake, Steel Wing," She commands, Infernodrake wings turn in steel and he goes toward Elysion. But before Infernodrake attacked him with his wings, Elysion grabbed the Infernodrake's wings. Then he attacks Infernodrake's throat with his leg, which sends Infernodrake upwards.

But before he goes further up, Elysion jumps and attacks Infernodrake back with full power and speed, which sends Infernodrake to directly collide with the ground 2-3 times.

But Infernodrake was still able to stand. 'I will not wait for him, this is my last chance to defeat him.' Leaf thought and she commanded, "Infernodrake, Seismic Toss." Infernodrake grabs Elysion and flies toward the sky, and with spinning he turns back down.

Elysion waited to reach near the ground, as they were ready to collide, Elysion bit Infernodrake's neck. And instead of colliding himself alone, he collided with the Infernodrake, and then both of them collided to the ground and fainted together.

The entire stadium roared and cheered. "Amazing, this is totally amazing, now this is called double knocked out. Both Infernodrake and Elysion are unable to battle, now the Azlan has only one Mysticons left, and Leaf has two Mysticons left. Let's see who will become the winner of the Lucknow League. Both trainers, send your next Mysticons," Referee announced.







Author's Note - Due to having returned to my job, my uploading speed will be slow, but I will try to upload one chapter in two - three days.