
Name: Kotaro Hakari

Height: 187cm/6'1ft Weight: 97kg/214lbs

Favourite Food: Chicken and Egg on Rice


(The sources of the abilities are listed next to the ability/trait in () if there isn't one its either too generic or I came up with it)




[Uncommon - Momentum]

|Rarity: Uncommon| [Class: Mover, Passive]

The longer you run the faster you will go.

[Rare - Danger Sense]

|Rarity: Rare| |Type: Passive, Thinker|

Allows you to sense danger more acutely like a 6th sense.

[Uncommon - Emergency Exit]

|Rarity: Uncommon| |Class: Mover, Passive|

Passive, teleports the user to a random location that is considered safe when they are grievously wounded. Once used it goes on a cooldown for 24 hours. The range is 1000 meters.

[Rare - Apport](Saiki K.)

|Rarity: Rare| |Type: Mover|

Allows you to swap items by changing their places with each other. The item you swap must be at least 25% more valuable than the object you are swapping it with. The current effective range is 50 meters.

[Rare - Radio Waves](MHA)

|Rarity: Rare | Type: Emitter|

Allows the user to release electromagnetic pulses from their body allowing them to damage and disable most electronics.

[Elite - Phase Shift](Unordinary)

|Rarity: Elite | |Type: Active, Changer, Augment|

Allows the user to switch between an Offensive and a Defensive Form by shifting the parameters of their body.

Rare+ - Blink]

|Rarity: Rare+| |Type: Mover|

Allows you to instantly teleport to anywhere you can see within a 15-meter distance. The location must be normally accessible to you.

[Rare - Gravity Jail](Highschool DxD)

|Rarity: Rare| |Class: Shaker, Emitter|

The Magical Eye that Brings Shackles. Allows you to amplify gravity on anything within your eyesight.

[Uncommon - Micro Hydrokinesis]

|Rarity: Uncommon| |Class: Kinesis|

Allows the user to very precisely manipulate water on a small scale.

[Elite - Frost Flare](Terraria: Calamity)

|Rarity: Elite| |Class: Emitter|

The freezing flames of the ancient ice castle. Allows the user to wield flames so cold they burn, while using Frostflare the user is immune to cold but weak to fire.

[Rare - Exoskeleton]

|Rarity: Rare| |Type: Changer, Augmenter, Transformation|

Allows you to quickly form a tough armour-like exoskeleton around your body made mostly out of Chitin, keratin and Collagen. This armor consumes the minerals and vitamins in your body so repeated use is unadvised.

[Common - Geyser]

|Rarity: Common| |Class: Emitter|

Allows you to summon a geyser of water that will erupt from the ground within 25 meters with enough force to cause injuries.

[Rare - Zoan Axolotl]

|Rarity: Elite| |Class: Changer|

Allows the user to turn into an Axolotl or an Axolotl Hybrid at will. Giving them all of the strengths and weaknesses an Axolotl possesses.

[Epic - Gene Refinement](Legendary Mechanic)

|Rarity: Epic| |Type: Trump, Changer|

Allows you to refine genetic makeup, increasing parts of it to improve its effectiveness. Essentially allowing you to upgrade biology and by proxy abilities. Cooldown: 8 Hours

[Common - Judgement]

|Rarity: Common| |Class: Thinker, Master|

Compel someone to tell the truth to you by making eye contact. Cooldown: 8 Hours

[Common - Regenaration]

|Rarity: Common| |Class: Recovery|

Gives the user a minor regeneration factor, allowing them to recover from most minor wounds.

[Rare - The Fool]

|Rarity: Rare| |Class: Trump|

"Beginners Luck"

When activated, The Fool is replaced with a random ability or skill that is weaker than itself and is best suited for your situation for 8 hours.

Cooldown: 7 Days

[Uncommon - Tinker: Repair & Maintenance](Worm)

|Rarity: Uncommon| |Type: Tinker|

Gives you a supernatural sense and knowledge of how to repair and maintain any piece of machinery you encounter.

[Epic - Scary Monsters](JoJo)

|Rarity: Epic| |Class: Changer, Trump, Master, Enhancer, Thinker, Brute|

"The power of prehistoric times"

Allows the user to turn any living being into a dinosaur including themselves with a single touch, the user can decide which dinosaur the target transforms into. The user can command all transformed dinosaurs they have created.


[Polar Channel Flow - Cellular Overdrive](Legendary Mechanic)

|Rarity: Rare|

Push every single cell in your body to their absolute limit drawing up every ounce of energy it has to drastically boost yourself . Places immense strain on the body and has a chance to permanently harm the body.

[Teaching Mastery - Intermediate]

[Acting Mastery - Intermediate]

[Masssage Mastery - Advanced]

[Mechanics Mastery - Intermediate]

[Kama Sutra - Expert]


[Major Curse - Lust]

You will find it harder to restrain and quell your lust. Every day you spend without release you will get weaker, your own touch will not count.

[Intermediate Curse - Remix]

The world is slightly different than you remember

[Elite -Battle Continuation](Fate)

|Rarity: Elite|

Allows the user to persist even through injuries and disadvantages to themselves, letting them function even when wounded and continue fighting as long they haven't received grievous harm.

[Epic - Expert Wind Resistance]

|Rarity: Epic|

You are resistant to all wind-based abilities. All wind-based attacks will deal significantly reduced damage to you.

[Rare - Kakyoin's Blessing](JoJo)

|Rarity: Rare|

Milf hunting is in your blood. Older women are more attracted to you and it is easier to start a relationship with them

[Elite - Nothing Wrong Here]

|Rarity: Elite|

People tend to overlook what you do most of the time and find ways to rationalize your actions. You will always have the benefit of the doubt.

[Common - Noctis](Worm)

|Rarity: Common|

Reduces your need to sleep drastically, not sleeping will not affect your physical condition.

[Common - Natural Scent]

|Rarity: Common|

You naturally have a pleasant scent around you.

[Uncommon - Tough Claws]

|Rarity: Uncommon|

Improves the toughness and sharpness of your fingernails into powerful claws, all claw-based abilities are boosted.

[Common - Half Light](Disco Elysium)

|Rarity: Common|

Your fight-or-flight response is beyond the norm. You are more attuned to your baser instincts.



[Epic Item - Character Card: Destiny's Child (4/5)]

(Legendary Mechanic)

Predict an 'opportunity' in the future. Can indicate a mission, an item, an action of a certain person… etc.

[Epic Item - Deep Sea Knight's Anchor](Black Souls)

An anchor imbued with the blessing of the hidden princess wielded by the knight of the deep sea. The weapon is unwieldy and immensely powerful. Wielding it doubles the strength of the user and boosts the power of all water abilities.

[Ticket to the ITOPOD](NGU Idle)

When used sends you to the ITOPOD otherwise known as the Infinite Tower of Pissed Off Dudes. Every floor contains an enemy with an ability as strong as the corresponding floor. According to the floor you manage to finish your climb at, you will get an item of equal level.