Chapter 43: Obstacular

A/N: Hey guys, I am currently remaking my gacha program and its list because it sucked pretty hard when I first made it and I lost the descriptions for most of the things inside and didn't write one for most of them. Out of the 1000+ original abilities with no descriptions, I am at 700+ with every single ability with a unique description(Currently at 22,000+ words, so, so many goddamn hours and still only barely halfway) so do not get confused if you see some ability classes change or some changes to the gacha interface as I am remaking the Gacha.

Although I'm not sure, I may even release the Gacha Script and my own item list for public as I'm kinda interested in what other people could write with it and I have put in way too much effort into this thing. I know some of you guys have asked for it before but what do you think? 

"Welcome everyone to the annual UA Academy Sports Festival! The giant battleground where fledgeling heroes come to sharpen their swords and prove themselves! And these are our guys!" Present Mic's voice boomed throughout the entire stadium while the cheers got louder, this was the sign for our class to walk forward and we did in a straight line as the cheers got even louder upon catching sight of us.

"The rising stars who overcame even overcome the trial of villains themselves! Hero Course, Class 1-A!!!" I won't lie, this was actually a bit overwhelming for even me.

I was never one to be around crowds, and now being surrounded by tens of thousands of people watching us from all angles from the stands all above including the most powerful people and famous people in the world made my ass clench just a little.

"Hopefully I won't have performance problems, heh." I chuckled wryly while Momo turned to me.

"You have a problem with crowds Hakari-kun?" She curiously asked while I waved my hand.

"Not exactly a problem before, but so many people in one place is a tad concerning. But I guess it's a part of the challenge." Momo nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, if we are going to be pros we need to get used to the spotlight." When the entirety of our class moved to our spot the microphone man resumed his speech.

"Although they haven't had as much time to shine, these stars aren't any dimmer than the others! Hero Course, Class 1-B!" At his words they walked in just like us, Tokage gave me a sneaky wave while I heard others in their class complain about being second place to us and how we shouldn't get extra credit for "Just being attacked".

I would have loved to get some popcorn and watch them fend off Nomu.

Without lingering too much on them boom blast voice man moved to the others, this time he sounded like he was reading from a script.

"And they are also here! General Studies, Classes C,D and E!" I spared no attention to the background characters who moaned and whined about not even getting a speech like it wasn't their fault they ended up in the filler class.

He also announced the business and support courses incoming but I kind of zoned out, it was good to see Mei again though.

"All of UA's first years are here now! And as for our Umpire! Everyone welcome the R-Rated Heroine Midnight!" I could feel the excitement of the crowd on my skin, Midnight was one of the most well-known heroes after all, even if the decision to have her teach at a school was dubious at best.

Midnight took the stand and immediately had the commanding presence of a veteran hero. While in work mode she certainly had charisma befitting one of the front-runner heroes of Japan.

"Alright everyone settle down, let's start right away!" Midnight cracked her whip to command everyone's attention "Every year many have no choice but to swallow their tears here! Let's see what the event is this time!" She gestured to the giant electric billboard behind her which spun through many possibilities like a slot machine before it displayed our first event.

"This year it's... Obstacle Course Race! All 11 classes will compete at once, the course will be held outside the outer rim of the stadium, with a circumference of 4 kilometres!" I remained unphased as everyone started whispering among each other, so far nothing different, thank RNGesus, this made things way simpler.

Then she sported a sadistic expression when announcing the last clause.

"As long as you stay on course it doesn't matter what you do! So go wild and go plus ultra! Now, everyone get ready and take your places!" Midnight snapped her whip to the right, making all of us turn our heads to see one of the two giant entrances to UA Stadium light up green.

Everyone shuffled over there and even though the entrances were large it was still not very spacious when over 200 students were trying to get ahead of each other.

So we were packed like sardines, pushing each other shoulder to shoulder, UA really is brutal, isn't it? Of course, I wasn't someone they could push around with my physique but I could see some of my other classmates struggling.

"H-hey watch it!" I could see Jiro getting pushed around so I made my way over to her like I was parting the sea. "Oh, Hakari-kun, it's you." She blushed a tad upon seeing my face, I put a hand on her shoulder.

I already had a plan formulated for the race, if it had happened anyway, remix is a bitch sometimes, I practised making a specific scary monster form with Setsuna, I was already assured to win this with my collection of mover abilities anyway.

So, why not pick up cute girls along the way?


"Hey, Jiro-chan, your quirk really isn't suited for an obstacle race right?" I asked whole she looked confused about why I was asking.

"Yeah? What about it? I'm still gonna try to go as far as I can." I respected her attitude even at a clear disadvantage. But my smirk must have seemed a bit sinister to her as she got on unconscious guard.

"I got an idea, want to ride the Hakari bus? Hitch a ride to the finish line? I know you are great but you can't really shine here, so I thought I should offer my help." Jiro furrowed her brows.

"I appreciate the sentiment but why? Yeah, I do wanna show off properly but why would you do that Hakari-kun? Won't it hurt your chances?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Nope, not really, this challenge is perfect for me and I can transform, you just have to trust me. Do I need to have a reason to help a cute girl in need? It's a hero's job to help, I don't want my classmates overshadowed by others." Jiro blushed as her ears went rigid as she sputtered, at the same time another person waded through the crowd to reach us.

"Hey Hakari-kun! I heard you were helping cute girls! Room for another? I don't think I'm much good for this!" Hagakure hugged my arm after squeezing out from the crowd.

"Ha-Hagakure!? Why are h-hanging off his arm!?" Jiro was just about blowing steam from her ears as she pointed to Toru who seemed unbothered.

"Because I'm hitching a ride! It's only common courtesy. Right Hakari-kun?" I already knew Hagakure wanted to stand out and I was going to make sure to let her at least show off a little in the festival, so of course I was going to carry her along.

"I have another arm free if you wan-"

But before I could interject in their quarrel, the giant gate opened, signalling the start of the race and I turned on Byakugan out of reflex.

"Sorry, but I'm going ahead." An edgy voice cut through the crowd as ice burst from Todoroki, creeping through the ground like a flood.

Cheeky bastard, being an asshole and crippling competition by freezing them. No spirit of sportsmanship in that one.

I reacted before anyone did, my hands shooting out and grabbing both Toru and Jiro by their collars as I activated Scary Monsters and leapt into the sky and over the others.

"Whaaaaa-!-!!" "Wheeee!" Toru and Jiro screamed at the same time as everyone else, but while they had their feet frozen to the floor they were just dragged into the air with me.

"Hang on everyone!" My grin split apart, literally, when Jiro and Toru hung onto my clothes I sunk my energy into my abilities.

With Scary Monsters my body took on a quadrupedal shape, increasing in mass vastly, I transformed into a quadrupedal reptile like a smaller T-Rex but with the front legs the same size as the back ones the size of a small truck like I practised.

My legs were the size of tree trunks but lengthy enough to not get in the way. But I did not stop there. An armoured carapace covered every inch of my body and compressed the body beneath, making a new kind of monster.


"What the hell!" "M-monster!" "Who is that!?" "Aaah!!!"

As my front legs met the ice covering the floor, it was crushed by over 5 tons of mass diving on it, even the concrete beneath was broken.

"This bastard...!" Kasumi glared at me with wide eyes while she was moving through the air using explosions from her palms as propulsion, on the other hand, Todoroki offered me nothing but a cold glare as he pushed himself forward with his ice.

As for me.

Crash! Crash! Crash!

My talons crushed ice beneath my feet with every step I took, I moved with unnatural grace for my form thanks to the Byakugan. Weaving between people without injuring any soul.

"This is insane...!" "Whoaaaa!!!" Jiro and Toru held on for their lives on the furry patch on my back along with the spinal spikes I made for them.

Currently, my form could best be described as a Lizard Xenomorph runner who took every steroid known to mankind, with my black carapace, covering my reptilian body the size of a small bus.

My tail and body moved in unison as I ripped through the floor in my sprint. With my centre of balance and mass, nothing short of a railgun could make me lose balance or control of my movements.

All Terrain Traversal Form: Benemoth

A form that was optimized for all-terrain, too heavy to slip with my talons, I could scale cliffs, run upside down, hold my breath for 10 minutes during intense exercise. And a defence strong enough to take tank shells without flinching.

I was casually moving around 100 kilometres per hour in my current form. Sure, I could probably crack that up to 550 with phase shift, or maybe 1100 if I really push it with cellular overdrive but I had passengers on board.

Speaking off phase shift...

From my 360 view(true 360 thanks to reptilian eye placement with Byakugan) I saw the most promising contestants on Hot Pursuit.

A carbon copy of me minus the tied hair using offensive form to its max potential and leaving others behind with unnatural grace. Toga really was a natural with Phase Shift. I could see the confusion on people's faces as my carbon copy rushed past them.

Another surprisingly fast contestant was Mineta, he threw his balls down and bounced between them with agility, he clearly practised the manoeuvre.

Momo also showed surprising adeptness with her ability, creating poles from her palms to push herself off the ground. She couldn't use a motorcycle for the upcoming obstacles after all, it would be a massive waste of her reserves.

I was neck 'n neck with everyone since I was cruising languidly, however that was stopped as we encountered the first of the obstacles.

"Obstacles have shown up suddenly! Starting with the first barrier! Faux Villains!" Announcer Head's voice echoed.

I grinned as I watched the road turn into a wide funnel filled with dozens of the faux villains from the exam including 0 pointers.

My maw lined with razor-sharp teeth started glowing a nuclear blue.

Time to show off for real.

A/N: Off-screen training shows its real value as Hakari starts making real scary monsters. The first place in the race was basically assured with the list of mover abilities Hakari has(It's a lot) so he can even afford to flirt.

Also if anyone is wondering why he doesn't just absolutely smash everything with efficiency, he is here to show off and break records to rake in as many tickets as possible. What did you guys think about the Jiro and Toru scene as well as the Behemoth form? I would love to know.


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