Chaper 46: Cavalry Mayhem

A/N: Hey guys, I will be officially releasing the Chaos Gacha into Beta testing on my p*treon this Sunday, and if the Beta Testing goes well, I will also be releasing it publically after some tweaking.

~Hakari Kotaro~

"Alright, everyone! Time for what you all have been waiting for! The UA Sports Festival part 2!!! Can I get a round of applause for our dear contestants who have made it this far!?!?" Present Mic's loud presenter voice rang out throughout the whole stadium as the seats erupted into cheers.

Every one of us who just made it to the 2nd stage of the festival was gathered in the middle of the stadium on the second day. Some preened under the applause while some, like me felt a little unnerved under the massive spotlight shining on everyone gathered here.

"Now! For the second event our tenacious students will have to struggle through with all their might we have..." The screen flashed through the names of numerous activities such as King of the Hill, Tug of Rope etc. before landing on... Cavalry Battle.

So nothing changes huh? This will be... painful.

"Cavalry Battle! Our contestants will form into groups that will be given headbands that hold the point value they hold on them, their goals are to protect their headbands and snatch the headbands of the other teams while doing so! No holds barred! As long you keep as one team and don't go out of bounds that is! If a contestant is eliminated, the points for the team at the end of the event will be deducted by 25% and given to the team who eliminated them!"

Midnight continued Present Mic's speech for him, gathering everyone's attention with her whip.

"That's right! It will be a brutal fight where you all will strive to keep your heads out of the water and keep the most points while everyone will make sure to take your points!" Midnight really has a knack for describing any activity we do like it's a death battle.

"But how would the points be distributed-" One boy muttered to himself only to be cut off by Midnight.

"And as for how the points are going to be distributed! Take a look, everyone!" Another screen flickered to life, showing the points of everyone who participated according to their rankings including me, Kotaro Hakari listed at the top.

Almost everyone turned to me with hungry gazes in their eyes, after all, 10,000,000 was magnitudes higher than all of the other headbands added up. To be honest, this event was the one I was the least confident in. Plenty of students here to use their broken quirks to dogpile me. But...

I can take it.

I revel in the challenge.

"Everyone! You have only 15 minutes to pick your teams! Choose wisely!" After that, everyone started scrambling around to find their partners while I stood still as I instantly saw a few faces approach me.

Toga as expected, and unexpectedly two other people skipped over. Momo and Tsuyu.

"Yahoo! Hakari-kun, let me in! Eh? Tsuyu-chan? Momo-chan? You wanna team up with Hakari-kun too?" Toga tilted her head and asked curiously while Momo and Tsuyu turned to me. Momo spoke first.

"Yes, I am able to materialize useful items and gadgets but unfortunately my defensive abilities are not up to par in an event like this. But if we team up together, with your spectacular defensive and mobility capability I am sure we can achieve some great results together." Momo said with fire in her eyes and I couldn't argue with her logic. I gave her a thumbs up.

"Sure, in my Behemoth Form I don't have much in terms of utility so I'll be relying on you Momo-chan." Momo nodded with conviction while pumping her fists. "I'll do my best."

I turned to Tsuyu who simply shrugged her shoulders and pointed to herself.

"Well, I might not be as impressive as Momo-chan but my tongue is really useful for retrieving things Hakari-kun. I'm sure I could snatch some headbands." Before I could respond Toga also chipped in.

"And I have Hakari-kun's frostflare copied! We three together could be the best turret in the game coupled with Hakari-kun's bulk! We will have this in the bag!"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, I can't argue with that. If everyone is fine with being the target of everyone else participating I'm down." Momo nodded with a smile on her face.

"Don't worry Hakari-kun, I'm sure if we work together we can get through it!" Tsuyu also agreed.

"Besides, wouldn't it be a bad idea for them to target the best students in the year-ribbit? Especially after Hakari-kun just demolished the competition like a bulldozer, I wouldn't want to face him myself."

"Hopefully they won't Tsuyu-chan, but I wouldn't count on it, you can refer to the glares directed at me by Bakugou and Half-shi- I mean Todoroki."

"This will be tough but we got this! Now Hakari-kun transform so we can get into position." Toga could barely stand still in excitement, I could just tell she couldn't wait to ride me like a dragon and blast people with Frostflare. She was oddly simple like that at times.

Objectively, we were the strongest team here, Toga having long-range power, Momo having utility, Tsuyu having long-range snatching and me being the perfect bruiser package.

As Toga had said I put both hands on the ground before using Scary Monsters, Exoskeleton, Byakugan and a surprise ability that will be useful later. All the girls got on my back while the crowd cheered, I suspected it was because of the tail.

For some reason, everyone always focused on the tail.

On my back everyone got ready, Momo took off her jacket to reveal her sports bra, Toga transformed into me and tied her hair into a ponytail to make herself more visually distinct from me and Tsuyu stretched lightly. I lowered my centre of gravity and let out a breath of steam to seem more intimidating.

"This will be a bumpy ride girls, get ready." As noises of affirmation came from my back I could feel everyone's hungry gazes on me or more so on the point headbands tied around Momo's head. The timer on the screen ticked down before hitting 00:00.

"Alright! The timer has hit 0 and the 12 cavalries have lined up and gotten ready for the bloody battle ahead! Raise the battle cries and light the fires!"

I snarled, my grip on the ground tightened, I fortified my defences. A lot of heavy hitters all around. Even I couldn't casually shrug off a combined assault.

" Without further ado! 3! 2! 1! START! "

"The number one is mine!!!" "You're mine!" "Die!" "Let's do this!"

It was like the dam had just burst as almost everyone instantly turned to me and started charging forward with their respective teams. A myriad of quirks gunning straight for me and my team.

Every one of these people had strong quirks without exception, they were the cream of the crop of UA which was the cream of the crop itself.

"This is insane!"

Almost everyone was rushing toward us with their quirks, without Byakugan's visual acuity I wouldn't even be able to keep up with half of it. Razor-sharp scales getting shot at us like bullets, acid and sticky balls were in the mix too.

I had to hop away as the ground turned soft like quicksand just to have to jump again when the place I landed erupted with vines from the girl with vine hairs.

Then suddenly a wave of ice erupted from the side, hitting me and making me stumble a little before Tokoyami's dark shadow emerged from my flank.

"I got you!" "No, you don't~"



But he was quickly intercepted by a blast of freezing flames from Toga on my back. Toga was skillfully intercepting projectile with curtains of Frostflare every now and then. Momo was also helping slow down the horde using a net launcher and gas grenades. And when the opportunity arose Tsuyu's tongue shot out and grabbed headbands.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bakugou lept from her own cavalry group toward us with a nasty explosion crackling in her palms. She tried to blast us only to meet her match with Toga blasting her back with equal intensity of Frostflare to her explosions, putting them in a stalemate before Bakugou was reeled back in by her teammates.

All the while I was still playing the world's hardest bullet hell, trying to keep the people on my back safe. I had to run, leap and duck numerous times just to avoid getting tagged by the horde of abilities coming my way.

As I was turning I felt something sturdy grab my tail, focusing I noticed that it was a large beast-like man whose veins were bulging as he pinned my tail down with all of his strength.

"I got his tail!" "And you can keep it!"

I detached my tail and left it with the confused beast man and leapt away just in time to avoid the iceberg that had just erupted beneath my feet. Thankfully not everyone was targeting me but the ones that were were really really persistent pains in my nonexistent asshole in this form.

But when I landed I felt the sensation of my feet refusing to move, there were a ton of sticky balls stuck in the ground. I saw Mineta grinning smugly in the corner of my view with his teammates.

"How do you like that!? Even you shouldn't be able to break my balls that easily!" That's true, I couldn't break out of these anytime soon. Thats why...


My form vanished and appeared behind Mineta's team, my claw raised high.

"Nothing personal kid!"



I smacked Mineta's entire team away in one blow. Nothing was better than Blink in terms of mobility, as long as I kept Blink in an active spot I couldn't get pinned down or cornered. The only problems were my passengers.

"You girls good up there? I might have to repeat that a few times!"

I saw Momo give me a thumbs up.

"Yes Hakari-kun, just inform us beforehand!"

"Alright, then, stay sharp, we got more contenders."

I snarled and kept my stance low as I faced the dozens of students still gunning for me. This wouldn't be easy.

But then again.

I liked the challenge.

"Bring it on!!!"


~Hakari Kotaro~

"That's the end of the second round, the Cavalry Battle! In the first place! Team Hakari! In the second place..." The cavalry battle had finally come to an end as Present Mic announced the winners. Me on the other hand...

Take me out, please...

"Even though we won this was very intense. I thought we wouldn't make it out." Momo said while slightly out of breath and a transformed Toga on her knees breathing heavily added in.

"You tell me! I had to use Frostflare so much that I felt like my arms were about to fall off! It is not an easy ability to use." Tsuyu looked to the side, feeling embarrassed.

"Looking at you guys I feel like I didn't accomplish much-ribbit." She was underselling herself, Tsuyu had an integral role of snatching headbands and throwing them away to distract others and give me some... breathing... room... "Especially when I look at Hakari-kun I can't help but feel bad."

"Are you... okay, Hakari-kun?" Momo asked cautiously to me as I lay face down on the floor, with my clothes completely soaked in sweat and trying to hold in my breakfast.

Stamina is not an endless resource. Especially when you are burning ungodly amounts of it as a truck-sized armoured behemoth moving like a star athlete. I could make do with Battle Continuation but it also had a downside.

When you abuse battle continuation you don't know exactly how badly you are fucked up and so after the battle is done you end up like-

"Kill... me... please..."


I abandoned all other abilities and only had chlorophyll to recover what I could as the others looked at me with varying levels of concern.

"Uh... I'd love to carry you to the infirmary Hakari-kun but my transformation will run out in like 3 minutes and I don't wanna flash everyone so I gotta go." Toga quickly ran away leaving me a boneless heap on the ground before I felt myself get picked up by someone, I couldn't exert any strength so I just let them, I quickly glanced and saw it was Tsuyu.

"Since I am the least tired let me escort Hakari-kun while you rest Momo-chan." I smiled bitterly at my saviour as my vision dimmed.

"Thank you... please remember to water me... and give me plenty of sunlight..."

And my bottomed-out stamina couldn't take it any longer before I passed out.

A/N: The cavalry battle starts! ...And it ends! I decided to do the cavalry battle but decided to make it shorter since it isn't the main attraction, at least I decided to write it enough to show you guys how it was going down and how difficult it was. Did guys like the mini cavalry arc? Think I did a good job illustrating it without making it take more than a chapter?

Every class 1-A is getting their scenes, I noticed that I didn't look in Momo and Tsuyu's direction much so I expect more from Frog Waifu next chapter! And finally, we can get into the meaty portion of the Festival, Ie. Tournament. Who do you guys want Hakari to face in the upcoming tournament? I'd love to know.


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