An Outcast or a Winner?

The founding party was an important event that should've made the Ameratti finally known even to the capital city. 

But with the series of events that had happened there, instead of being known for having reached a new peak in the business industry, they would known for creating such a laughable show!

"There are shareholders and potential investors at the party. Are you planning to drag all of us down?" Russo initially thought Rosalie had the potential to be an important part of the family. But with what happened outside, he couldn't bring himself to accept her.

After seeing the situation was bad, Mike was worried. "Dad, I noticed some guests have already started to leave. I think we should postpone this discussion and join them."

Thinking back to how Richard started a fuss and then to Albert's outburst, it was no wonder people would feel disinterested to continue staying. 

His eyes flickered to Rosalie. "And you, Rosalie. What were you thinking? And what is this nonsense you're talking about? You're not a real Ameratti?" 

This time, he was met with silence. 

Getting no response from Rosalie was understandable. 

But how could his father and Albert not say anything? 

Mike looked between them.

But both men ignored him, continuing to glare at Rosalie. 

Mike's face turned ashen. 

Rosalie didn't raise her head and rubbed the ring on her middle finger. 

She raised an eyebrow. "You didn't know?"

Mike was clearly surprised. He exclaimed, "Of course not!" 

Rosalie leaned back on the sofa, gathering her hair into her right shoulder, gazing at Albert and Russo for a brief moment before showing a lazy smirk that was not quite a smile. She said, "You didn't tell him? That's disappointing. I thought you would've informed everybody in the family. After all, you planned to announce it in front of everyone at the party." 

"It doesn't matter if they didn't tell me, the situation is still not looking good for all of us." Mike's eyes were heavy. "With what happened, it'll soon spread in the entire Neverville and the capital city. Ameratti will be forever remembered because of this event!" 

"Just why did you do this, Rosalie?" Albert asked. He could barely stop himself from raising a hand to this girl.

Rosalie sneered, "Why? I'm trying to help you."

Her answer surprised them. 

But Rosalie didn't care as she added indifferently, "I'm helping you get out of the trouble of revealing the child you've been living with isn't your daughter. Isn't that great? You all don't have to think so hard for your scripts later when you reveal I no longer belong to your family."

"You..." Albert had never been so speechless before, especially by Rosalie, the daughter he had been estranged from. His face turned red as he angrily clamored, "You're unreasonable!"

Just because of this reason, she had to humiliate everyone in the Ameratti family. Albert thought inwardly. 

On the other hand, Emma was thinking something different. 

Biting her nail, she looked at Rosalie's stunning face but was startled when Rosalie's eyes met hers. In this instance, she understood what was going on. What Rosalie did today, was all because she found out all about her plans!

Emma didn't know how Rosalie found out. But if she really did, then her schemes no longer have any chance of succeeding!

"Why are you looking at me? Is my appearance so beautiful?" Rosalie curved her lips slightly. 

Emma was so shaken that she took a step back in fear. 

Russo had enough of this conversation. Now that the secret was exposed and the person involved found it out and then, publicly revealed it herself, there's really no need for him to hide anything anymore. 

"Speak." Russo grounded his teeth as a way to hold back his anger. "What do you want?" 

Albert turned to his father in shock. "Father..." 

"Since she did this, she certainly has something she wants," Russo stopped him from completing his sentence. 

But Albert couldn't accept it. "Why would you give her something she wants? She humiliated us. The very least she could do is pay us back for the shame she brought to us!"

Of course, Russo also wants to do that. But he wasn't as blinded as Albert was. 

As Albert said, they could make Rosalie pay for what she did at the party. But Russo was afraid of what Rosalie, who shamelessly and recklessly exposed the secret of her identity, could do once they did something to her. 

A person whose belief is destroyed will no longer be held by any kind of rules or restraints. 

"So, what do you want, Rosalie?"

"I want freedom," Rosalie said, still sitting relaxed, with her back straight. "I want my name off the Ameratti family registry." 

Unexpectedly, this was what she wanted. 

The old patriarch took a good look at Rosalie, became thoughtful, and then said, "Rosalie, you've lived with the Ameratti family for so long. If you leave, can you still raise your head in front of your friends and acquaintances? Without being tied to us, you'll go back to being an ordinary person with no ties to the high socialites of our world. You'll do menial and tedious work that you've never done before and will often get harassed or bullied."

"Hmm," Rosalie hummed briefly before she replied, "... harassed and bullied?" 

She chuckled. 

Her eyes gleamed dangerously. But in the depths of it, almost where light couldn't reach, sadness lay beyond. 

The things the old patriarch used to scare her into giving up on her request already happened to her. It drove her insane. Yet, no one stopped their assaults. Instead, they pushed her to her death. 

"Did I say something wrong?" Russo was perplexed by her laugh. But he thought she still didn't understand the gravity of her decision because she hadn't experienced the real world yet, "You're a sheltered young miss until recently. You're overestimating yourself too much if you continue. Do you really think you'll survive outside of the Ameratti family?"

Albert frowned at his father. "Dad, if she wants to leave, then let's just do it. Just don't expect us to give you a penny when you leave!" 

He shot a disgusted look at Rosalie. He thought her behavior was too desperate. Did she think they would beg her to stay if she did this? Once his real daughter returns, Rosalie will be forgotten!

Lowering her eyes with an openly mocking grin, Rosalie pondered if Albert had forgotten something. 

For example... the inheritance his mother left in her name.