Waltzing in the Rain

Song recommendation: Shameless – Camila Cabello


Rosalie walked down the street, hugging her arms across her chest to stay warm. She wanted to escape the rain like everyone else, but each establishment she tried to enter turned her away..

"Sorry, miss. We can't allow you inside our store."

"Miss, find somewhere else. We really can't let you in."

After several more rejections, Rosalie had no choice but to continue walking in the rain.

She considered going back to the apartment to change, but even the taxis ignored her, driving past as if she were invisible!

"Hmph! I'm not the one losing out on money!" she muttered.

Of course, she was not one to talk. Her wallet didn't have enough cash inside it, anyway.

Rosalie glared up at the sky, wanting to curse at it. But just as she was about to open her mouth, the sky flashed bright, and a thunderclap started her like a cat.