Chapter 1 The New Era, Two Talents

3021 AD.

In the Deep Blue Civilization, the Professional Association of Nanming City's Eastern District stood a massive crystal, with a long queue of young people in front of it.

"It's almost my turn, only five more to go," Lin Kong thought, feeling a surge of excitement.

The process known as awakening referred to the discovery of one's professional talents and occupations, granting them the ability to enter the game "Zhutian."

A thousand years ago, "Zhutian," a game created by the will of the greater world, emerged, allowing everyone the chance to awaken professional abilities.

Simultaneously, numerous secret realms materialized within the Deep Blue world, filled with powerful monsters. Killing these monsters awarded teleportation scrolls to the corresponding worlds.

Through these scrolls, professionals could enter the infinite worlds within "Zhutian," gain experience, and enhance their strength.

The training method was straightforward: fight monsters to level up and complete tasks. It was a gamer's paradise!

However, when Lin Kong arrived in this world, he was just a child. The Deep Blue Alliance regulations stipulated that only those over 18 could awaken their professional talents. Until then, they had to attend school to learn basics, combat skills, and more. Lin Kong had to wait 10 long years.

"I wonder what profession I'll awaken: warrior, mage... or assassin?" he speculated.

"Once I enter 'Zhutian,' I need to verify the reality of my dreams," Lin Kong resolved.

Since he was six, he had a recurring dream every three days, viewing the game world from a god's perspective as professionals cleared "Zhutian."

All his dreams shared a common element: completing the hidden main quest to achieve a perfect clearance evaluation.

Typically, professionals could only enter worlds via teleportation scrolls. But by completing the hidden main quest, they gained the ability to enter that world at will, monopolizing its resources—a priceless opportunity!

Thinking about this, Lin Kong glanced at the white jade piece hanging from his neck, a treasure from "Earth." He believed his travels and dreams were linked to it, though it remained unchanged for 18 years.

"No. 49, it's your turn to awaken!" called the staff, snapping Lin Kong out of his thoughts.

"Alright," he replied, taking a deep breath and stepping forward with determination.

"Close your eyes, place your hands on the crystal, clear your mind, and awaken through meditation," instructed the staff.

Lin Kong nodded, familiar with the process. He closed his eyes, recited "Awakening" in his heart, and felt a cold mechanical voice in the darkness.

[Connecting to the "Zhutian" system... Connection successful!]

When the darkness lifted, Lin Kong found himself in an ancient temple surrounded by statues. A translucent panel appeared before him.

[Awakening request detected, source: No. 4559 Universe·Eastern Region·Yinzhou Galaxy·Deep Blue Star, Awakening Number: Y4559-EA-8YS-4910...]

Every Awakened had a unique number, and Lin Kong's was 36 digits long.

[Detecting suitable profession for the Awakened...]

Light swept across his body, and suddenly, the white jade piece around his neck broke free, transforming into black and white lights that merged into him.

"This is..." Lin Kong was taken aback.

Numbers appeared: [Archer 100%] [Warrior 0%] [Knight 0%] [Assassin 0%]...

"100% fit?!!" he exclaimed.

Since the birth of Deep Blue Civilization's first professional, only tens of thousands had a 100% fit—rare indeed. The fit indicated the match between core talent and profession, not talent strength.

"Then I'll choose the archer profession," he decided, opting not to waste his precious talent.

**Occupation Template:** Archer 

**Quality:** Class D 

**Attributes:** Four-dimensional +1/level, Agility +1/level, free attributes +1/level 

**Bonus:** Attack Speed +5%, Movement Speed +5% 

**Occupational Skills:** [Basic Archery LV3 (1325/3000): D-level quality, accuracy +3, archery attack speed +6%, normal arrow damage +6%.]

Archery, swordsmanship, and other combat skills were school essentials. Now, Lin Kong's archery solidified into a skill. In "Zhutian," all items, professions, skills, and talents were graded D to SSS, with higher qualities existing but undocumented.

[Career selection complete, starting talent awakening...]

[Awakening talent quality range [D~SSS].]

Brilliant light enveloped Lin Kong for several seconds.

[Congratulations on awakening core talents: "The arrow carries the Tao???", "Death Gift Immortality."]

"Two talents?! And what quality are ??? and immortality?" Lin Kong was stunned. In all records, no one had more than one core talent, with SSS being the highest known. The term "immortal" suggested the "Death Gift" was beyond SSS.

As he processed this, the system prompted again.

[Please enter your second name in the world of "Zhutian."]

Hundreds of years ago, real names caused disputes in "Zhutian" dungeons, so the system now allowed second names.

"Eternal Night," Lin Kong entered, using his old gaming ID. In "Zhutian," second names could repeat, but each person had a unique number.