Chapter 56: The Battle for Survival

The flag projection in the sky flickered with an ominous glow, casting a dark shadow over the ruins of Duran City. Lin Kong watched it with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

[Ding! The Blood Flag Challenge has been initiated. All participants are eligible to compete for control of the Blood Flag. The faction holding the flag will receive significant buffs and rewards.]

Lin Kong's heart quickened. The Blood Flag was a known element in the Corpse Tide World, offering immense benefits to those who could capture and hold it. It was a double-edged sword, however, as it would draw the attention of countless enemies.

"Everyone, the Blood Flag Challenge has begun. This is an opportunity, but it also means we'll be facing fierce competition," Lin Kong announced to his teammates.

The White Kitten, who had moved away but remained within earshot, turned back, her eyes narrowing. "Are you planning to go for it, Yongye?"

"Yes," Lin Kong replied confidently. "With the right strategy, we can turn this challenge into our advantage."

Anlus, still grinning, seemed intrigued. "Count me in. I've always loved a good fight."

The two mages, Hei Feng Mie and Li Ye, nodded in agreement. "We'll follow your lead, Yongye," said Hei Feng Mie.

Chapter 57: The Path to the Blood Flag

The group began to move towards the center of Duran City, where the Blood Flag was located. The streets were littered with debris, the remnants of a world overrun by the undead.

"Stay alert," Lin Kong cautioned. "The undead are not the only threat. Other professionals will be gunning for the flag too."

As they approached, they encountered groups of C-rank corpse demons. Lin Kong took the lead, his arrows flying with precision, each one taking down a demon with lethal efficiency.

"I'll scout ahead," the White Kitten whispered before disappearing into the shadows.

Anlus used his exoskeleton armor to bash through groups of weaker undead, clearing a path. "This is too easy," he laughed.

Hei Feng Mie and Li Ye provided ranged support, casting spells that decimated the hordes of undead from a distance.

Chapter 58: The Blood Flag Battle

The team reached the Blood Flag, but they were not alone. Several other groups of professionals had also arrived, all eyeing the flag with a mix of greed and determination.

"Looks like we have some competition," Anlus said, tightening his grip on his weapon.

"Focus on the flag," Lin Kong instructed. "Take out anyone who gets in our way."

The battle erupted in a chaotic frenzy. Professionals clashed, spells and arrows flying in all directions. The White Kitten moved like a ghost, striking from the shadows and disappearing before the enemies could retaliate.

Lin Kong's arrows never missed their mark, each one bringing down an enemy with deadly accuracy. Anlus charged into the fray, his exoskeleton armor absorbing blows as he dealt devastating damage.

Hei Feng Mie and Li Ye unleashed their most powerful spells, creating barriers of fire and ice to control the battlefield.

Chapter 59: Victory and Consequences

The battle raged on, but Lin Kong's team held the upper hand. One by one, the rival professionals fell, unable to withstand their coordinated assault.

With a final, decisive push, Lin Kong grabbed the Blood Flag. "We've got it!" he shouted.

[Ding! Your team has captured the Blood Flag. All members receive +50% to all attributes and continuous health regeneration.]

The team breathed a collective sigh of relief, but the victory was short-lived.

[Ding! Blood Flag captured. All undead in the vicinity will converge on your location.]

The ground began to shake as waves of undead surged towards them. Lin Kong's eyes narrowed. "Prepare for a fight. This is far from over."

Chapter 60: The Endless Onslaught

The undead horde closed in, a relentless tide of death and decay. Lin Kong's team formed a defensive circle around the flag.

"Hold the line!" Lin Kong commanded. "We can't let them overrun us."

Anlus stood at the front, his exoskeleton armor glowing with energy as he smashed through the undead. "Bring it on!" he roared.

The White Kitten darted between the enemies, her blades flashing as she cut down the undead with surgical precision. "Keep them off me," she called out, "I'll take out the stronger ones."

Hei Feng Mie and Li Ye unleashed their spells, creating barriers and laying down suppressive fire. "We can't keep this up forever," Li Ye warned.

"We don't need to," Lin Kong replied. "We just need to survive long enough for the Blood Flag to fully activate."

Chapter 61: The Blood Flag's Power

Minutes felt like hours as the team battled the endless horde. The Blood Flag began to glow brighter, its power growing with each passing second.

"Almost there," Lin Kong said, his voice steely with determination. "Just a little longer."

The undead kept coming, but the team held their ground. Finally, the Blood Flag erupted with a blinding light, sending a shockwave through the area that obliterated the undead in an instant.

[Ding! Blood Flag fully activated. Your team has gained control of the flag's power.]

The team stood victorious, the ruins of Duran City quiet once more. Lin Kong looked at his teammates, pride swelling in his chest.

"We did it," he said. "We've secured the Blood Flag and turned the tide in our favor."

Chapter 62: A New Threat

Just as they began to relax, a new notification appeared.

[Ding! A powerful entity has sensed the Blood Flag's activation and is approaching your location.]

Lin Kong's eyes hardened. "Prepare yourselves. This isn't over yet."

From the shadows emerged a massive figure, its aura radiating power and malice. It was the true ruler of the Corpse Tide World, drawn by the Blood Flag's power.

"We fight," Lin Kong declared, his resolve unshakable. "For the Blood Flag, for survival, and for victory!"

As the entity closed in, Lin Kong and his team readied themselves for the ultimate battle, knowing that their greatest challenge was yet to come.