Chapter One: Awakening

"Lalala, I see the morning star shining.." a beautiful voice sang. On stage a girl's figure could be vaguely seen due to the bright light shining on her. The crowd slowly moved to her voice; all seemed to be in a daze.

The tempo of the music gradually increased as the singer moved vigorously along with it. The crowd cheered as they watched her.

Suddenly, the lights cut off as the tempo slowly faded out. Everyone was out of breath after the cheering and jumping. The auditorium was soon filled with loud claps and cheers.

"Thank you everyone for coming!" the girls cheery voice rang out through the stadium.

The fans cheers grew louder as they chanted her name. The loud cheers seemed to cause the stage to shake.

Suddenly, a sharp scream echoed in the stadium causing the crowd to stop cheering. The audience looked towards the stage with eyes widened in terror. Where the young girl once stood, was a paddle full of blood and a large piece of equipment on top of it.

The crowd broke out into screams and tears as they ran out of the stadium. In the next half an hour, the audience were outside along with a large number of reporters and ambulance.

The sound of fire alarms rang throughout the city.

The medical staff and fire department staff helped pull the young girls body from under the equipment. Then the medical staff quickly checked her. Everyone looked agitated as they waited for the results.

The doctor sighed, then shook his head. Cries of anguish filled the ones joyous stadium.


Deafening silence was all she could hear. Thoughts she had and would have never thought of filled her head. The black space was endless, creating a suffocating feeling.

'How long have I been here?'

'Did everyone get out safely?'

'Did my body get buried?'

'I hope my instruments are safe,'

After worrying for a while, her conscience faded away.


After what felt like an eternity, she was able to move her 'body'. She got up from her laying position and floated around.


Another eternity-like moment of floating later, she came across a large castle. Intrigued, she moved towards the castle. A large window by the side caught her attention. Moving through the window, she saw a pale figure sleeping on the big bed.

Looking closely at the figure on the bed, though she had no breath, she felt her breathing stop. The girl on the bed was extremely beautiful that, no words were enough. The girl's white hair was bright, even against the white satin bed casing. The girl had long eyelashes that framed her siren-shaped eyes, her lips were extremely pale.

After waking from her shock, she realised that the body was empty. Confused, she stretched her finger towards the pale forehead. As if in a trance, she touched the girl's forehead, and a bright light engulfed both figures.


"Ugh," a hourse voice rang out in the big, white room. The girl on the bed sat up as she held her head. 'What happened?"

she thought. Sighing, she placed her hand on her laps, only to freeze.

Taking a double take at the sight of her hands, the doors to the room opened. Hearing the sound, she looked up and came face to face to a woman wearing maid clothes.

They both stared at each other until the girl broke the silence first, "Excuse me, but who are you?"

The maid, screamed as she ran out of the room, "The young mistress is awake!"

Dumbfounded she screamed wait, and quickly got up from the bed, only for her to fall down on the floor with a thump.

"Why are these legs so weak?" she got up slowly and walked toward the nearest vanity table.

Sitting down on the chair, she looked up and saw her reflection. "Aargh!"

She touched her face after screaming. Feeling her face with disbelief she thought, 'Isn't this not the face I saw earlier-'

She took a sharp inhale as she looked around, she realised she was in the same room and the face she was looking at was the one she saw in the bed.

She heard hurried footstep headed this way. In her panic she rushed towards the door. The door opened she hid behind it.
