Chapter Fifteen: Big Catch

**The Next Day**

*The Grand Market of Aethoria*

The sun cast its warm glow over the bustling Grand Market, nestled in the heart of the Aethoria Empire. Merchants and traders from all corners of the realm showcased their exotic wares, enticing passersby with vibrant colors, enticing aromas, and lively music.

Sounds of haggling could be heard from all corners of the Grand Market.

A middle-aged woman stood in front of her flower shop. She turned the sign before watering the flowers in front of the shop.

"Oh, good morning Maggie." A man greeted as he turned the sign.

"Morning Chris. I hope I'll get some of your bread this time," Maggie smiled.

Chris smiled back, "Don't worry, I'll keep it for ya,"

They waved at each and Chris entered the bakery.

As Chris entered the bakery, the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread enveloped him. He exchanged warm greetings with the patrons that entered the bakery.

Meanwhile, Maggie entered her shop and tended to her flowers, her hands moved with the precision of a seasoned florist. She arranged a bouquet of sunflowers, their bright yellow petals shining like miniature suns.

A gentle chime above the door announced the arrival of a customer. Maggie turned to greet, a warm smile on her face. "Good morning! Welcome to Petal & Stem. How can I help you today?"

The customer, a young woman with striking red hair, asked. "Hi, I'm looking for a bouquet that can uplift the sprit."

Maggie's eyes lit up. "Ah, right away."

As Maggie worked her magic, creating a stunning bouquet of yellow orchids,

The young woman's eyes widened as Maggie presented her with the bouquet. "Oh, they're beautiful! Yellow orchids are my favorite."

Maggie smiled, her hands touching the petals gently. "Ah, then they're meant to be. Yellow orchids symbolize hope, happiness, and new beginnings. They'll surely uplift your spirit."

The young woman thanked Maggie. Then gave her 5 tales of sliver.

A smile filled Maggie's worn face as she waved the young lady good bye.


"Mag! Did you hear?!"

With a gentle smile, Maggie said, "Quiet down Lucy."

Lucy laughed, "Sorry, sorry."

Lucy's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Mag, did you hear? The Imperial Family is hosting a grand ball!"

"Oh really? Why's that?" Maggie asked.

"I heard Lady Argent has woken up, so the Imperial family is throwing a ball to celebrate." Lucy answered as she feed the Delio flower.

"Be careful, Delio's are peaceful plants but their spikes have poison," Maggie scolded the careless Lucy.

Lucy stuck out her tongue with a giggle.

"Ahh." A sigh escaped Maggie's mouth.


Maggie quickly smiled, "Welcome to Petal & Stem, how can I help you today?"

A figure in a black cloak walked towards the counter. "Hello. I would like to order 200 variant of flowers. Each should be no less than a thousand."

After the cloaked figure finished, silence descended on the flower shop.

Maggie looked at the figure in shock. Her mouth opened and closed but no words came out.

The figures voice deepened as he asked, "Can you do it?"

Lucy snapped from her shock as she quickly agreed, "Y-yes, we can!"

The figure nodded. He placed a piece of paper on the counter. "This is the location you need to deliver the flowers."

The figure reached into his cloak and placed a bag the size of two adults first on the counter, then left.

Maggie's eyes widened as she stared at the bag, her mind racing with the enormity of the order. "200 variants of flowers, each with a thousand blooms... That's... That's a staggering amount!"

Lucy's eyes sparkled with excitement. "We can do it, Mag! Your magic is the best when it comes to this!"

Maggie's expression turned skeptical. "I don't know, Lucy. This is a massive taking. And who is this mysterious figure, anyway?"

Lucy shrugged. "I don't know, but we've already taken the job,"

Maggie sighed, rubbing her temples. "I have a feeling we're getting in over our heads..."

"We'll be fine." Lucy said. She looked at the paper then shrieked.

Maggie held her chest as she asked, "What's wrong?"

"T-this is the Imperial Palace location!" Lucy excitedly said.

Maggie ignored Lucy and focused on the bag. She opened it and froze in shock.

"Lucy, you done good this time," Maggie said with a wide smile.

Lucy looked over, but quickly went back to squealing as she looked at the paper.