The Headsman

Getting out of the car, I looked back at Jack. As Jack got out on his side, he smiled while thinking about today's catch.

Funnily enough, while he went to inspect her brand handbag, he found drugs inside of it already, meaning he didn't need to plant anything. Claiming she was innocent, she kept denying it was her weed. Assuring her she would be released if she really was innocent, she agreed and got into the car, 

Needless to say, the rest of it was fairly easy. Forcing her to ingest a drug, she went unconscious within minutes, her struggles stopping.

Opening the rear door, Jack picked up the girl, before we started heading towards our destination.

As the smell of the sea breeze kept entering my nostrils, I walked past countless ships anchored in this area of the wharf, whether it was some expensive yachts or barges used for transporting goods.

Stopping at the end of the pier, we stood in front of my yacht. Although it wasn't quite the biggest yacht you'd find in this area, it had still cost me a few million I had saved up over the years. Needless to say, the 30 meter long behemoth is what we used to trade goods with the other gangs.

Hopping on, with Jack right behind me, I went under the deck. Greeting the two goons I hired to keep watch over the yacht, I was in a pretty good mood.

As Jack placed her in the middle of the room, I got the tools ready. Pulling open a drawer, I retrieved... Duct tape!

Throwing another one to Jack, we got to work on the target. First, a small layer of foil so she can be easily extracted from the endless duct tape that'll cover her. Then, layers upon layers upon layers of duct tape. That way, having packaged the goods so they can't escape, even if they wake up somehow, i went back to the upper deck.

My goal was to arrange a trade with a certain bastard from the Maggia. After all, he wasn't interested in her body, more so her connections and the fact he could exploit her, to blackmail her parents.

Arriving in the captains cabin, I started dialing the number of him when I heard a scream resound from the back of the yacht.

... It sounded like one of the goons.

Grabbing my pistol, I went to see what's happening.


Looking at the dead guy in my hands, whose neck I had snapped, I rushed the other bastard on watch duty.

As his scream resounded for a mere second, i placed my hands around his neck, and with a loud snapping sound, he also collapsed to the floor.

Two bastards gone, im guessing there's just two more left. Plus, as long as I didnt shoot, I didn't have to worry about anyone finding me here, the sound of waves alone was really loud. 

Going down the stairs, I saw a tied up girl in the middle of the room. Yet as I approached, one guy tried to jump out from the corner and shoot me.

Tried, yet failed.

Grabbing the gun in mode, and diverting the barrel from pointing at me, I then proceeded to snap his arm with a vertical chop.


As the unknown man's scream resounded throughout the yacht, I broke his other hand.




He didn't suffer enough, not yet. His two broken arms are not enough.

 While thinking that, I started checking the contents of the drawers. Other than a lot of duct tape, there also seemed to be some narcotics and other, similar things.

Soon enough, I heard another pair of footsteps approaching.

Once more, my body grew taunt, and with every step I heard inch closer to this place, I was getting more and more excited.

Finally, I jumped into the staircase, and in a slowed down world I saw a cop carrying a handgun.

Too bad he was too slow with readjusting his aim.

Grabbing the pistol wielding hand, I squeeze as hard as I could.




With that, the next stage of the plan was to be done. As I went back to the drawers, I pulled out the duct tape, and within minutes, both of them had their hands and legs securely bound by layers upon layers of duct tape. 

Next up, I carried the girl to the upper deck, and placed her in a safe spot where she wouldn't need to witness what was about to happen to these two. 

Now then, looking at the two of them... Which one would be more fun to mess up first? 

I guess, I would start messing up the sidekick? Yet just as I was thinking that, the moron decided to openly provoked me. 

"You dumb fuck! Do you think any of the guys we deal with will let you off?! They'll gut your entire fam-"


With one punch, i sent him crashing into the wall, his teeth and blood spilling onto the ground and splattering the wall. Looking down at the wailing man, I grabbed him by the hair. 

Kneeing him in the face, I felt his body go limp, his head having turned into paste. Smiling at the bits of flesh hanging on my hands, I walked in front of the other bastard, looking him directly in the eyes. 

Noticing him trembling, I started speaking in a very slow tone, with my still bloody hands on his head. I was trying my hardest not to crush his head this instant, I needed to find out who bought their people and if I can do something to save them. 

"There's two ways. This ends. You're dead. But your body is whole. Or. You will wish to be dead. You'll cooperate with me, riiiiiiiight?" 


"Great, now, let's have a little chat. First, tell me everything about the ring you're involved in, its members, how you communicate and when they're active. Next, I need to know how many you've sold, and to whom. Every single one of your clients, dont leave even a single one out, okay? The more details you provide, the quicker this will be. And lastly, when was the last one set up, and when is the one set up to be? Oh and, do you have blackmail materials on the higher ups or are they also corrupt and are discreetly helping you. "


Grabbing his mouth, I whispered quietly in his ear. 

"And no shouting, okay?~"

"... Mhm." 

"Good boy." I said, as I pulled out my phone. "Now start talking slowly." 

An odd half an hour later, I finished noting down everything in my phone. The 2 main customers of the human trade, along with three others that only bought occasionally people, the list of bastards I needed to put down due to their involvement, and finally the higher ups thaat were bribed in some ways to never touch him. Next, I had three things to do as of now, in no particular order. 

One, get that girl to safety, and make sure that she knows I saved her, I cant guarantee whether the cops thatd arrive would be the bastards in this guys ring. 

Two, hunt down the bastard thats going to show up for the next goods delivery, and put a bullet in his head. This was 4 days from now. 

Three... This guy. Looking at me with a hopeful expression, I smiled back at him. 

"Thank you for your cooperation, it will greatly help me with purging evil things from this world. Now then..." 

Gagging him with a piece of clothing from his buddies body, then tying it in place using duct tape, I grabbed his finger, before I broke it. 

"I did change my mind about letting you die easily, sorry~!" 

As he kept wailing with the gag muffling his screams, I grabbed his fingernail next. Grasping it between my thumb and index finger, I started applying pressure while pulling back my thumb. 

Slowly, I felt his nail get moved with my thumb, before it finally came off. Looking at the man whose fingernail I ripped off, i smiled. His death would not be an easy one, for what he did warranted no mercy. 

One by one, his fingernails were torn off, with him fainting occasionally. Yet that was nothing that repeatedly slapping him didnt fix, waking him up to a world of suffering once more. 

An hour later, I was looking at the thing that was once called a human, with all its limbs bent at twisted angles, it's bloodied eyeless sockets, the fingers with ripped off nails, and the bleeding, broken off teeth sticking out of his gum. As for where they went? Inside his stomach. 

The last moments of this person's life were spent in pain, pain far worse than he had ever experienced, all of it visible from looking at the face twisted in utter agony. 

Grabbing the corpse, I Carried it up to the deck, wondereding where I should leave it be, to attract the most attention possible. Suddenly, I looked at the mast of the yacht, sticking out like a sore thumb, a smile on my face. 

Climbing up the mast with the corpse proved to be incredibly easy, and finally, I impaled the corpse upon the mast. Looking at the gory spectacle, with blood still flowing down the mast, I felt satisfied. 

Going back to the room where I placed the girl, I picked her up and and throwing her over my shoulder, I vanished into the shadows of the city once more, my masterpiece left to be discovered by someone. 

All the while, a wide smile was plastered on my face. 

The Headsman is here.