Preparation for the sudden trip.

Having spent most of the day idling and recovering my mental state, I also had spent time watching movies with the kids.

Additionally, Eliza noticed that we had a severe lack of clean cash lately, and would continue to have in the future, so she offered to try making money using the Internet. I did end up agreeing as long as she didn't do anything that could get her in trouble, so honest jobs like filling out spreadsheets and whatever else fit the bill. 

Plus, I had recently found out from my own browsing that various crypto currencies existed in the marvel universe, so i told her to invest in it as much as she can, considering that it's value will jump 5 times or so within a decade. 


"System, can I bug you a little bit more?" I asked, thinking back to what had transpired today.

"Why exactly did... That guy follow me over?" I asked with apprehension, not wanting to trigger a switch. 

"Then, why didn't my hallucinations follow along? By now I expected to see some things that shouldn't be there you know?" 

"Ah... I got it. Although I wonder if I can get rid of him somehow."

"Huh? But-" 

"SIR, YES SIR." Hastily grabbing my Desert Eagle, I left the bunker at a lightning pace. Needless to say the two kids were surprised by my antics, to which I just replied "be right back!"

Within moments I left the bunker, and having exited the small tunnel that led to the warehouse, I stood in the office that was still completely messed up from when I was searching for the tunnel. 

Thinking to myself, I asked the system. 

'So what exactly is waiting for me here? Cause the way you worded it it seemed quite urgent.' 

'This guy? Mmm... Got it' 

Obviously, I did as told, and no sooner did I leave the office door did I spot three men investigating the warehouse. One of them was a handsome man with a beard, while the other two were a baldie with a snake tattoo and the third one was a short haired man with a knife scar. 

'Yeah, what about him though, is he like a important character or what?' 

'Uh... No, can you just tell me?' 

<...The 7 int you have is really for show, huh? Although to be fair there's like a dozen possibilities you could think of. Anyways, as usual, this guy is Frank's friend, yet here the thing thats different is that he is part of the Costa family, the family that was responsible for shooting Frank's family in the park. And as for why they're here, they're trying to track you down and pay you back for murdering their family members. Go and do what you're good at.>

'Got it.'

Having listened to the systems explanation, the Desert Eagle took aim at the handsome man's head. 

There was roughly 20 meters between me and him, so I didn't mind activating for a fraction of a second to line up a perfect head shot. 


Without any surprises, his head exploded into a bloody red mist, as he wasn't even a superhuman or strengthened in some way. 

In the slowed down world, two more shots rang out, and two more lives were taken as the other two had their chests torn open by the Desert Eagle. 

Leaving the cover of the office, I started slowly inching closer to the bodies, then I looked down at them with a confused expression. 

"Uhh... What did you want to demonstrate? And why did you help me with shooting these three bastards in the face?" puzzled, I asked the system. 

"Wait so, just to make sure, anyone who isn't a simple goon is actually worth a lot more than you would expect? Then how does the xp increase work?" 

"Yeah, I got it, I got it. Mmm... Then this place isn't safe anymore huh?" 


"I planned to, although I still want to do something for these two, like take them to an amusement park or similar. Can you... Can you help me with letting th-"

"Mmm.. Why?" 


"I know, thank you system for giving an idiot like me tips. I promise I won't disappoint you!" bowing to the system window, I turned back to the bunker. 

As the system said, tomorrow I would need to relocate both of them, before I would need to get Afghanistan somehow. 

Going back to the bunker, I once more started stuffing everything inside the duffel bag except the laptops and a few thousand worth of cash in my pockets. Seeing me come back, Eliza asked why she heard gunshots from the outside. 

"Boss, are we..."

"Dont worry" I cut her off, "we're just moving again, although I haven't decided where yet."

Heading out of the bunker and the warehouse itself, I called a taxi, deciding to go to the bar I previously visited. 

30 minutes later, I found myself in front of the same bouncer as before, except he had one more scar on his head now. 

Nodding towards me with a smile, he opened the door for me, a stark difference compared to how it was before. 

Heading inside, I was surprised the bar was packed with people. At a simple glance I counted more than 30 people inside this place, and it wasn't even 10PM yet.

Going to the counter, I saw the old geezer. Noticing me, he smiled.

"Been a while, eh?"

"Yeah it has. I didnt expect this place to become... This packed compared to before."

"You chased off the bastards that were harassing out clients and trying to run this place into the ground. Needless to say we've already recovered mostly, and I think i can even renovate this place, hah!"

"I see, I'm glad it turned for the better for you. I got some inquiries tho-" wanting to ask for a safe place, I was suddenly cut off by the old man. 

"Ah, shush!" signaling to follow him to the kitchen, I followed him. Seeing no one around us, he continued. "This stopped being that type of place, it just wasn't lucrative enough and the risks were honestly too big. I'm afraid I can't help you for those types of things... Although I guess I could answer if its not something too outrageous, I owe you after all."

Getting to the point, I asked "I need a hideout for two people, for a probably long period of time. A few months at least." 

"Ah, is it dirty buisn-" 

"I need a safe spot for my two kids while I am on a mission in a foreign country. Preferably outside New York but inside is fine as well." 

"Mmm... I see..."

"I guess you can't help me with that?" 

"No, I actually am just considering which place to tell you about, cause there's hundreds of such hideouts in the vicinity and inside of New York." 


"Yeah, everyone and their mother has some dirt on them they want to hide, or they just want to hide away from cops when things get hectic. Although I think I have a better idea in mind, considering its for two kids."

"What are you thinking about?" 

"A guy owes me big time, I saved his hotel from becoming the target of a gang war due to a misunderstanding long time ago, and I never called in that favor. He can let the two of them stay there for a few months off the grid without any issues." speaking up to this point, he turned to look at me. 

" What do you say about it? It's a 3 star hotel so it's a pretty good place for two kids to stay compared to all the other hideouts that are... Dirty in some way. This one's clean, as that guy is an honest buisness man."

"That seems too good to be true. There's absolutely no catch?" 

"It's without any catch." he replied resolutely. "I owe you this much, after all." 

Seeing that even the system was in agreement, I nodded. 

Seeing me nod, he made a call. After a dozen seconds of waiting, someone picked up. Hearing some vague grumbling at first, that stopped the moment he said the Barkeeper said the word favor, the call ended shortly after. Smiling at me, he said it was alright, so that was sorted then. 

"Oh and, where the hell could I get a wheelchair? I need one for my daughter." 

"Huh? There's a few places, I can handle that for you. It's decently cheap if you're as connected as I am. Anywhere from 300 to 500 depending on the qua-" 

"Highest quality" as I said that, I gave him the grand I had on me. 

"Uh... The most expensive ones only go for 500 though?" 

"Consider it a tip, and tell me where to bring the two of them for tomorrow, I want to get this sorted as soon as possible considering that they're in a shitty bunker right now." 

"The Prospect Hotel near Prospect Park."

"Got it, thanks. I'll see you a few months later for a drink or two old geezer." waving goodbye at the old man, I went outside the kitchen 

"Ha, see ya, and don't ya dare not come back!" the old man's accompanied my exit, both of us having a faint smile.