A little change

" You'll never try, you'll never know of what you're worth"

Eraya :

I was not much surprised when Xayden gave me his book, because I know how much of a nice person he is, always kind to everyone. One of the reasons I admire him. Headphones in ear, mind full of thoughts, I was walking towards school, when I felt a tap on my shoulder and was surprised looking at Xayden standing beside me and smiling . I took off my headphones and wished him good morning. He stood up from his bicycle while replying to my wish and started walking beside me while moving his cycle with him.

"Ezra's missing from the site today", he said jokingly.

"She's running late today so I had to take the bus" I replied. While my heart was doing summersault with just being able to walk beside him. Like it's the most normal thing we always do.

"I liked the flavour" he said so suddenly that I was a bit confused.

"Huh" i replied a bit frowning.

"The thankyou note, remember",He said.

Oh! He was talking about yesterday. Finally coming back to my senses I replied, " oh! Yes, I bowed a little, I wanted to thank you for yesterday."

"You don't have to be so formal with me Eraya. We are friends right? And friends help each other, and I am perfectly fine. I didn't do it for you to feel indebted to me and I'm am more than happy getting the apple juice. It was just the thing I needed after a long run". He said looking at me while giving me one of his smile, which is really bad for my heart right now.

I was not unknown of his good looks. He really is handsome. With his height, lean body, black messy hair. He is quite known in our school. And adding his personality to it, he's surrounded by people all the time. He come's in the type of a person,whose presence will always be noticable in a room full of people and other would gravitate towards him. Soo much opposite from me.

But my most favourite is his eyes, they're something else. For someone who have black eyes, different colours facinate me on another level. He's eyes are the greenest I've ever seen with a bit of olive shade. And if you stare a bit longer, you'll find a few specks of light brown in it. I've always loved sketching and painting, and the colours always speaks to me. And his eyes always captivate me in an endless greens.

"So, in which sports you're giving your name?", I heard him ask. "um, sorry. I didn't get it." I replied coming back to reality. " Focus Eraya! You can drool later" I chanted in my head. "I was saying, as the sports day is around the corner, what will you be participating in?"

"Ah! That, um I don't know. I'm not a very athletic person. I just usually give my name as a reserve for the vollyball team, to cheer for Ez."

"Lying bitch! she run's, you know" . Our head snapped to the direction from where the comment came and saw Ez now beside me, standing up from her bicycle panting a bit. "Good morning to you, too. Good that you made it" I replied showing her my tongue for cursing me. "It's just a warmup for me rara baby, you know it" she said while giving me a flying kiss. I just shook my head while smiling at her antiques.

"You should join the relay then", I heard him say. I looked at him and said, " I don't know I'm not confident about it. Just a bit Swift at my feet. And I don't want to be pushing back our class anyhow".

"Rara don't be a pessimist, you haven't even tried it yet. What if you win. As I always say, "you never try, you'll never know". Ez said.

"Yeah! You should try it Eraya, it's our last year. Don't let such small fear hold you back. And if you're afraid of doing it wrong, just do it till you make it right". Xayden said passing me an encouraging smile.

I looked towards them being gratefull to have such encouraging friends and they're right. it's my last year and I really want to live it doing every fun I've always been so afraid to do. I looked at them and said a bit enthusiastically with a full blown smile, " I think I'll do it guys, thanks for the encouragement". They both looked at me a bit surprised but Ez was back to normal in a second but I think Xayden was still in a bit of trance.

"That's my friend!" Ez said smiling at me and slapping Xayden's back hardly. Bringing him back from wherever his mind wandered off too.

"And what will you be playing?" , Ez aked Xayden. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and said," you remember I'm the boys volleyball team captain, right".

"How can I forget, with that height of yours.

He really is tall, me being petite and small just come up to his chest. Genetics are such a pain at times.

You're a pain in the ass you know. I just remembered I had a complaint for you, to make your little fans shut up at our court. it's annoyingly distracting when we play our game. Ez sneered at him.

Well the thing is that Ez is the captain of girls volleyball team. And our school has two courts in the same room. Most of the times they have to practice together and Xayden's popularity doesn't help Ez much to concentrate in game. When all she can hear is girls screaming on the top of their lungs of how they want to do so many different things with him. Most of the times I have to stop myself to not shiver with the cringe at the things they say sometimes.

" Hey! Don't make me remember that torture !, he said while being offended while visibly trying to stop himself from shaking while recalling those moments.

"Ez, you'll see me screaming the loudest in the crowd cheering for you." I said while changing the topic.

"Oh my baby, you're all I need. Now I'll make sure we win." She said while hugging me with one hand.

"What about me?" I heard Xayden say I looked at him a bit dumbfolded not knowing what to say.

" You already got a big fanbase for that just to remind you if you've forgotten. I don't think my presence would be necessary" I said laughing a bit.

"It's necessary" he said a bit seriously

"Huh" I looked at him a bit confused by his words.

"You...you're my benchmate and my friend you should cheer for me" he said scratching his nape a bit. I haven't seen him stuttering much before.

" Ok....ay, then I'll cheer for you as well" , I replied with a smile. He's right, he's my friend. He helped me yesterday too. Moreover I got a chance to cheer for him. I've always wanted to cheer for him. I've went to his matches before and the sight of him when he's in his form, it's just tooo much for me to even get a voice out of my mouth.

He cleared his throat and was about to say something when a body slammed to him, that made him stagger a bit. "What the fuck!" He cursed trying to balance himself while looking at the intruder. Oh he's Kai, I've seen them together many times. He goes to the school beside ours. Kai stopped in his tracks and looked at Ezra and screamed, " YOU! ".

I looked confusedly between him and Ezra, then at Xayden who looked at me being as confused as me. Kai was still staring at her while Ez was glaring back at him.

"Hey, what's going on? And how do you know each other"? Xayden asked breaking their staring competition.

"I .don't .know .him" Ez commented still glaring at Kai.

"I didnt knew sleeping together is nowadays considered as not knowing someone " Kai countered with a smirk.


