"I can't be this weak"


Accompanied by deafening explosions.

Suddenly, the entire screen was filled with an overwhelming red light.

Then, Kisuke Urahara's expression froze.

Struck by the false bullet, he fell like a kite with broken strings.

It seems...

That's how he was defeated.


[Urahara Grocery Store]


"Were you killed as soon as you appeared on the scene? Manager, you're here to be funny on purpose. I can't see you having a talent for comedy" Looking at the image on the light screen, Tessai Tsukabishi couldn't help but laugh.

Well, undeniably.

When he first appeared on the scene, Kisuke Urahara's pose was really cool.

But this is useless.

He didn't even have a single line throughout the whole process, so he was inexplicably killed.


"When did you secretly go to film? No way. No one wants to be a star, right?"

Tessai Tsukabishi almost burst into tears from laughing.

As a century-old friend, what he most likes to see is Kisuke Urahara suffering.


Kisuke Urahara not only ignored his yin and yang aura but looked at the upper right corner of the screen with an extremely serious expression.

This unusual behavior.

Immediately, Tessai Tsukabishi realized that something seemed to be wrong.

"Store manager, what's going on? Why are you so serious? This is not your usual behavior" Tessai Tsukabishi patted Kisuke Urahara on the shoulder, unaccustomed to the latter's silence.

"Tessai, look carefully, there's still a figure in the upper right corner of the screen" Kisuke Urahara extended his finger, and at the position where his fingertip stopped, a vaguely rough black figure could be seen.

"What do you mean?"

"Firstly, I didn't film it. I have no impression of the video's content"


"There seems to be a tyrannical aura in the crimson explosion flash from now, don't you think it's very similar to the fluctuation of Cero?" After carefully explaining, Kisuke Urahara continued to express his internal doubts.

"No way? You mean... the person who attacked you from behind was a Menos Grande?" Tessai Tsukabishi immediately understood and said with a surprised look, after all, his old companion for many years.


"I have to say, this light screen is incredible. Just through the screen, the audience can truly feel the intensity and breath of Reiatsu fluctuations, it's amazing" Kisuke Urahara's words were full of amazement, said from the heart with emotion.

At this moment.

At the moment the crimson flash exploded, he had the feeling of being there, as if the explosion had really occurred right in front of him.

What surprised Kisuke Urahara the most.

Was the wild aura burning everywhere in the red flash.

This is clearly the unique fluctuation of Menos Grande.

"Manager, what's happening here?" Tessai Tsukabishi was completely confused.

For a moment, he suspected that Kisuke Urahara was acting.

All this is nothing but newly developed black technology by the latter.


Kisuke Urahara's reaction, as well as what he just said, were impeccable.

Tessai Tsukabishi recalled carefully.

The store manager was right.

The red flash in the image is indeed very similar to the Reiatsu of Menos Grande.

Could it be...

Kisuke Urahara once fought against Menos Grande and was recorded by coincidence.


[On the other side]

Fifth Division, underground base.

Like in the Urahara shop, the atmosphere here is also eerie.

"Captain Aizen..."

"That just now was a false bullet, right? Could it be that the Espadas have invaded the world unauthorized?" Gin suppressed his sly smile, changed his previous hypocrisy, and his words were full of confusion.

It shouldn't be like this.

As the general manager of Hueco Mundo, he often deals with the Arrancar.

These guys who like to kill, although usually defiant, even they themselves do not pay attention to themselves, but do not dare to disobey Aizen's orders.

Before Aizen gave the order to attack.

It is absolutely impossible for Arrancar and Espada to invade the world unauthorized, let alone for Kisuke Urahara.

So here comes the problem.

What happened with the video image and the appearance of Kisuke Urahara?

"It seems we wrongly blamed Mayuri Kurotsuchi, he is not the instigator behind this." The corner of Aizen's mouth lifted in a meaningful arc, and his eyes became brighter as a result.

Kisuke Urahara.

Although his whereabouts have long been closed.

But the active appearance of the store manager still surprised Aizen.

"If I'm not mistaken, this light screen should be his latest black technology, right? But with his wisdom and mind, he shouldn't take the initiative to provoke us." Aizen calmly analyzed, trying to decipher Kisuke Urahara's idea.

"Not to mention..."

"The Arrancar have never left Hollow World even half a step, there's no doubt about that"

There was certainty in Aizen's words.

He was accustomed to having control and did not believe the Arrancar would dare to go against his will.

At that moment the image changed again.

"Huh, ha, ha, ha..."

"Shinigami, let me tell you, the move just now is called Destruction Blaze or Cero, which causes a large-scale explosion by condensing Reiatsu, and the speed is twenty times that of Cero"

Yammy Llargo in a long white dress.

Smiling broadly, the surface of his huge fist glowed with a crimson halo.

Punch after punch.

Yammy waved his fists, firing false bullets one after another, instantly sweeping the place where Kisuke Urahara fell to the ground.


"This is... Yammy?"

"What's going on. The Espada-level Arrancar is taking the lead in invading the world" Kaname Tōsen, who didn't say a word, couldn't contain the anger in his heart and placed his palm on his Zanpakutō openly.

Against Aizen's orders.

Intrusion into Karakura Town.

In his view, this is a capital crime.

"and many more..."

"Yes, do not draw conclusions hastily. Didn't you realize? Besides Yammy, Luppi Antenor and Wonderweiss Margela were also there"

Aizen interrupted coldly.

He stood with his hands behind his back and his gaze fixed on the left side of the screen, another Arrancar with yellow hair.

Wonderweiss Margela.

Flame Extinguisher Prince, capable of absorbing flames.

The importance in the Arrancar Legion is only surpassed by Espada and is an Arrancar specially created by Aizen to deal with the captain.

All the time.

Aizen gives him a lot of importance. Not long ago, he used the semi-finished Hōgyoku to complete the Arrancarization of Wonderweiss Margela and ordered him to stay in the Palace of Las Noches.

Serves as the greatest nemesis of Ryūjin Jakka.

With Aizen's prudence, Wonderweiss will never be easily exposed in advance until the critical moment of the fight against the elder.

That the appearance of Yammy.

Instead, Aizen cared more about why Wonderweiss was there?


Just when Aizen was puzzled, Gin's slight snort quickly pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Look. Urahara Kisuke is alive"

On the screen.

Just when Yammy was getting carried away, Kisuke Urahara suddenly appeared behind him, not only unscathed but also counterattacked openly.

Hozuri greeted with the Zanpakutō.

A sound similar to that of a bird was heard and Yammy's body exploded.

At first, he was arrogant.

The skin of his entire body was burned, and his body was covered with charred black marks, and his arrogance collapsed, forming a stark contrast to before.


[Hollow World]

The sky is blue, and white clouds float.

In the largest palace of the Palace of Las Noches, Yammy's desperate roar was heard.

"Damn it. Why isn't that bastard dead?"

"Besides... I can't be that weak"

Seeing his wounded and desperate appearance on the giant light screen, Yammy angrily punched the wall beside him.

If you don't manage to fill the cup, you'll be killed.

Such a result made him feel shame.


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