"The sense of oppression"

The same thing.

It happened in every corner of the Shinigami world.

A team, a team affairs room.

Inside the old house there is a dignified atmosphere.

Facing the transparent light curtain, Chōjirō sweated profusely. With amazement and concern in his eyes, he looked at the silent captain in front of the wooden box.

Since the video screen reappeared.

Yamamoto's face turned as dark as a stagnant puddle.

"Kisuke Urahara..."

"Isshin Shiba..."

"And Yoruichi Shihouin..."

When each name is mentioned separately.

Yamamoto's attitude obviously isn't very friendly.

Among them, apart from a touch of hostility, there is more disappointment and regret.

after all...

The trio in the picture.

At first, without exception, they were his promising talents.

It's a pity that in the end they all turned out to be traitors to the Soul Society.

The white eyebrows fell like wicker.

Yamamoto looked up and asked meticulously and seriously. "Chojiro, do you think the image presented by the light curtain from now on is real?"

First, Kisuke Urahara fights alone against Arrancar.

Now it's the trio joining forces to face an unknown and powerful enemy together.

Taking stock of the video images, strangeness is revealed everywhere.

"Well... it's hard to say"

Chōjirō shook his head and said hesitantly. "Although subconsciously I believe the video images are all edited and fabricated."


"Reiatsu perception cannot lie. Especially the sense of immersion, it's hard to fake. There are indications that all these battle scenes should be real"

Chōjirō was sweating profusely.

Every syllable reveals deep anxiety.

In the inventory video, when the screen changes twice, the background is all tall buildings without exception.

This means that the place where the battle takes place is likely in this world.


Chōjirō never remembers this.

In recent years, there have been Menos Grande invasions in this world, not to mention the Adjuchas level Menos Grande, and also a rare Arrancar.

Step back.

In case the entire inventory video is really a masterpiece of Kisuke Urahara.

Then what is the purpose of meticulously editing the video?

And the true Reiatsu perception appeared in the picture.

That realistic Reiatsu oppression.

How to explain it?

for a moment.

There are too many doubts in the old man's mind.

My head is almost a mess.

Rubbing his chin, the captain nodded slowly, agreeing. "Chojiro, you're right, the old man's first reaction is similar to your thoughts..."

"Sight, hearing, and touch can be deceived."

"Only Reiatsu perception, there's no falsehood"

The captain's gaze, like a torch, was firmly fixed on the top of the light curtain and said with a deep voice, "It seems that Kisuke Urahara and the others seem to have encountered a strong enemy before, and the battle in the picture should also be real"

"Captain, what should we do now?"

Asked Chōjirō incredulously.

This was the first time he encountered such a strange situation and for a while he didn't know how to deal with it.

"Let's continue watching while we contact the Research and Development Department"

Yamamoto replied without hesitation.

If we say that initially he scoffed at the call ranking of the strong, and even planned to break the light curtain at some point.

And now...

The old man's curiosity was completely aroused.

On one hand, he wanted to find out the origin of the inventory video.

And on the other hand.

What worries the captain the most is the enemy Kisuke Urahara and the others are facing. that strong and unknown man who exudes powerful oppression, who is he?

"Yes, I will contact Captain Mayuri immediately"

Chōjirō responded.

He hurriedly left the team room.

Leave Yamamoto alone to watch the inventory video alone.

The atmosphere in the house.

It also became tense.


The screen changes.

Inside the inner hall Palace of the Nights.

"What's going on? Is it the end of the battle? It's so annoying that there's no beginning or end" Grimmjow sat astride the steps, a sad expression on his face.

Act one screen.

The battle between Yammy and Kisuke Urahara is finally set to explode with sword pressure.

The Espadas thought there was a follow-up.

Unexpectedly, it changed directly to another scene.

"Watch out, this Shinigami with a bucket hat has appeared again" Seventh-ranked Espada Zommari Rureaux deliberately recalled.

"It should be Kisuke Urahara, right?" said Nnoitra, the fifth-ranked child, coldly and disdainfully. "How can a weak chicken like him be among the top fifteen?"

The Holy Weeping Mantis is very upset.

Look at Kisuke Urahara from the bottom of my heart.


Nnoitra's character is megalomaniacal.

From the bottom of my heart, I believe I am the strongest of the Espadas.

Although in the previous scene, Kisuke Urahara strongly suppressed Yammy, but in Nnoitra's opinion, this is not enough to demonstrate the store manager's strength, it's simply because Yammy is too good.

"I think so too..." Grimmjow repeated. "Shinigami, they're a bunch of trash. Even if they manage to get on the list, then I should be in the top ten, right?"

Grimmjow smiled fiercely.

A confident smile appeared.

As battle-crazy, compared to Nnoitra, his arrogance is even worse.

Grimmjow firmly believes that.

I can definitely rank among the top ten in the inventory list.

Only then.

The video screen is playing again.


The sword opened the way.

In front of the trio of store managers.

That unknown enemy exuding powerful Reiatsu.

Finally, slowly emerged from the thick mist in the air.

The white bony skin tightly envelops the whole body, it looks like a cicada pupa in the cradle, leaving only a pair of sky blue eyes.

This strange form that is neither human nor ghost.

Immediately all the present Arrancar glanced at him.


Looking at the mysterious person like a cicada pupa.

Espada, who had always been rebellious, was unusually calm at the same time.

I don't know why.

Staring at the pair of slits of eyes exuding sky blue light.

The powerful Espada, almost at the same time, felt the urge to worship.

"What's going on?! Who is this guy?"

After a brief silence.

There was an uproar.

The faces of Espada and the subordinate officers changed again and again.

The longer the gaze, the stronger the feeling of worship.

This is coercion that originates from the soul, even from the level of life!

"It's scary. I feel like my blood is about to stagnate" Tier Harribel's subordinate officer.

Sun Sun trembled all over, curled up like a ball, her face bloodless.

"What a terrifying oppression. Has this monster's strength surpassed Vasto Lorde?" another trembling subordinate officer said.


There are currently four Vasto Lordes in the cella, that is, the top four Espadas.


The aura emanating from them, even all the power behind the sword, will only make people feel suffocated at best, and will not produce the feeling that the soul is about to be shattered.

But now?

The cicada pupa that appeared in the video.

Just standing there.

It doesn't move at all.

Then it emitted a terrifying coercion that crushed the sky.

Its Reiatsu intensity seems to be entering another dimension.

In the crowd.

To the amazement of the subordinate officers.

Even Baraggan, the most arrogant Skeleton Emperor, has a worried expression at this moment.

He squinted.

Baraggan looked serious.

Not to mention the subordinate officers.

Stronger than him, at that moment, they also felt the fatal oppression.

This feeling.

It was as if facing a powerful enemy that was impossible to defeat.

Full of despair and helplessness.


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