Chapter 5: The Dance of the Red Grim Reaper

(Yumi POV)

"So Gon how close are we?" I ask running close behind him.

"About 2 mins away at our running speed" he responds.

"Okay, I'll be up in the trees for backup, I'll be right behind you," I say as I jump up into a nearby tree.

As I jump from branch to branch I think about all the different ways I can slit the clown's throat. I had little to no prep time so I have to think of the most effective strategy with the skills I have right now.

'It would've been much easier if I knew how to suppress my nen but I'll have to learn that. My best shot is to catch him off guard and then try to survive in close combat while the others take shots at him in a hit-and-run style. It won't be completely effective as Hisoka has good reflexes but if I can take up enough of his attention it might work.'

With this plan in mind, Yumi lies in wait as like in a cannon Gon hits Hisoka on the temple with his fishing rod stopping him from what possibly could have been a killing blow to Leorio.

"Did I make it??" Gon says catching his breath.

"Hmm," Hisoka says turning his head towards Gon. "Not bad, little boy. Is that a fishing pole?" he says observing Gon's weapon.

"How original." He says as he begins walking towards Gon, I as quietly as possible begin to unfurl my scythe.

"I'd like to see it, do you mi-"

I jump towards Hisoka quickly releasing the killing intent I had previously locked up in some sort of attempt to shock him. Holding my scythe in my right hand with a reverse grip I swing it right horizontally aiming for his neck. 

As expected I slice through a cloud of smoke anticipating him to be behind me like the pedophile he was I gave my swing more momentum turning the Cresent moon swing into a full moon swing.

This causes Hisoka to be slightly surprised but mostly impressed as he doges that is not before he gets a cut along his cheek.

As if understanding my idea Gon then jumps Hisoka from behind with his fishing rod. But like a ninja that clone also turns into a puff of smoke surprising Gon.

Leorio seeing Hisoka next to him also attempts to hit him but fails like in a cannon and just ends up getting suckered punched.

Now I was really angry not giving him a chance to open his dirty mouth I attempted an upwards vertical strick that could easily slice a person in two. Hisoka does a backflip to avoid this.

Gon sees an opening appear behind Hisoka and tries to swing his fishing rod baseball-style through his head but of course that just ends up being smoke again!

Hisoka appears behind Gon practically breathing down his neck.

"Did you come here to help your friend?" He asks.

Gon jumps backwards while I try another horizontal slash to no avail.

"You came as well, such good children you two," he says behind me.

"Shut up you f*cking clown," I say irritated again trying to cut him up but it comes up as smoke again.

"Hmm, those looks are so different yet so similar. I adore them" Hisoka says appearing in between me and Gon. We both nod at each other as we attack at the same time. Me going in close range with my scythe this time with fluid movements that form a deadly kind of dance. Like a dignified reaper.

Gon was attacking from afar with his fishing pole taking shots at Hisoka when he looked vulnerable to my attacks. Well, he was slightly overwhelmed with the both of us attacking but it didn't make much of a difference other than a few extra bruises and scrapes.

"Very well done you too!" He says as he continues to parry both of our attacks getting more used to our advances.

"This is so exciting!" He says as he interrupts the flow of my dance and punches me in the gut.

This knocked the wind out of me as I caught my breath on the floor.

'That bastard is going easy on me' I think as I calculate the pain of the punch compared to the one he gave to Leorio.

"Ha, ha, ha!" I say laughing wildly on the ground impervious to the pain.

Gon tries the same move he did in anime using the end of the fishing line to kick up some dirt to distract Hisoka while he attacks from behind.

It almost ends as it did in cannon with Gon getting choked that is before I throw my kitchen knife from my right pocket at Hisokas hand causing Gon to fall to the floor safely.

"Don't you even try to hurt MY GON!" Yumi yells at the top of her lungs as she picks up her scythe again this time her dance uses much more violent attacks. Less civilized. More vicious. Odd combinations of downward strikes, ruining the ground and sharp changes in directions in such a short amount of time leaving no time for a breath. This time it was like an angry reaper. 

To me, all that was in the world right now was Hisoka and he needed to die. He needed to experience death and a long one where he bleeds out and gets eaten alive by animals being mocked throughout the entire process. He needed to die! He needed to die now!

That was until my thought process was stopped as I was grabbed by the neck and raised similar to Gon in the anime. As I'm running out of air I laugh slightly thrilled by the familiar feeling that's now more real than ever.

Gon is outraged seeing me in his grip and tries to attack Hisoka without hurting me but instead gets kicked in the gut.

Seeing this I stop enjoying the sensation and soon send Hisoka a murderous look not being able to speak due to lack of oxygen I use my remaining strength to squeeze Hisokas wrist as tight as I can leaving a light red mark on his pale skin. He soon throws me away rubbing the mark on his skin with a smile on his face.

"You're both so delightful" his creepy voice coated with pleasure. He soon smiles broadly.

"You," he says pointing at me as I recover on the ground about 20 meters away 

"Your looks of enjoyment at this situation you found yourself in as well as your anger when I touched your toy. It filled me with a sense of kinship."

'Gon is not my toy but my friend! A friend I'll protect till the end of my days!' I scream internally as my throat is still recovering from being choked.

"And you," he says looking at Gon groveling at his feet. "Don't worry so much I didn't kill either of your friends. You see that's simply because they both passed" he says his smile somehow getting wider as he squats down to Gon's level. He lets out a giggle.

"Oh and you pass as well," he says delightedly. "Now you all go and become great hunters," he says as a small ring comes from his pocket. 

He brings out the object revealing it as a walkie-talkie thing that informs him that he must return to wherever the crowd is as they are almost reaching the second phase.

"Okay be right there" he responds slightly disheartened.

"It's good to have friends isn't it?" He asks rhetorically getting up while picking up Leorio.

"Can you two find your way back?" he asks turning his head. Gon nods in silence answering for both of us.

"Good, boy" Hisoka praises as he walks ahead the fog shortly consuming him.

I soon catch my breath and get up despite any residual pain I may have felt making my way toward Gon who was breathing deeply.

"Gon! Yumi! Are you both alright!" Kurapika calls out running towards the both of us.

Gon replied in an affirmative as I still couldn't speak without coming up hoarse.

"How are we going to get to the site for stage two now?" Kurapika asks distressed.

"I can get there by tracking Leorio's sent," Gon says offering a solution.

"Please explain what happened and how Leorio even got to the test site on the way there as we don't have any time to lose. Please lead the way!"

Gon responds with a nod as he starts running we both run after him as he concentrates on Leorio's sent as well as explains what happened to Kurapika.

'It seems that mastery over the scythe doesn't automatically translate to battle instinct and comfortability that I lacked in the last battle. It was like I learned all the moves but I don't know what sequence combo would be the best in any given situation and I am just spamming random keys which is not good for battle efficiency. It looks like I might just need a training arc' Yumi ponders to herself as the group of three make their way to the second phase.


Was the fight scene good? Please tell me in the comments because I have no one to review what I write other than myself. Anyway did you like it Yumi?

Yumi: I think it was okay I just learned that the god scammed me and that Hisoka might think we are siblings. 

Seekeroflight: So you don't like it. 🫣


Seekeroflight: *Cough* *Cough* Simp

Yumi: Well not anymore! They called me their friend now!

Seekeroflight: *eye roll*