Chapter 8: A Little Bit About Yumi Akido

(General POV)

Nothing happened at the ridge. The only interesting part was feeling another way of dying (falling to your death) and she had to share her dream egg with that fat guy so Gom didn't have to (which was a form of torture in itself). But skipping all of that (because author-san is lazy) we are now on the ship.

"I will now introduce myself to the remaining forty-two applicants. I am Netero. (This makes Yumi chuckle as she remembers an I AM HERE meme) the chairman of the selection committee for this year's hunter exam. It is a pleasure to meet all of you"

"And I'm his secretary Beans!" 

"I had originally planned to make my appearance during the exams finale phase but, well, seeing how I'm already here. I have to admit there is nothing I love more than this feeling of tension in the air. So I think I'll stick around for the remainder of the trip!" Beans then takes it from there.

"We are scheduled to arrive at our destination tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock a.m. exactly. You'll find dinner waiting for you in the dining hall. You're also welcome to get some rest of course. You're free to do as you please before we contact you. The evening is yours. "

Killua then turns to me and Gon with a huge smile. "Hey come on Yumi! Gon! Let's go and explore the airship!"

"Yeah," Gon shouts after him.

"That does sound fun" Yumi adds only joining them after making sure to glare at Tonpa daring him to make a move against Kurapika and Leorio. 

Tonpa feeling a chill up his spine looks back to see Yumi glaring at him. He quickly looks back sweat trickling down his spine as all he wants to do is to crawl under a rock and never come out.

------(Time Skip after being kicked out of the Kitchen)------

The three kids were laughing and walking through the hall together eating their pilfered meat. Suddenly Killua runs to the window and yells calling the other's attention.

"Gon, Yumi look!"

"What is it?" Yumi asks as she and Gon join Killua at the window.

"Wow! It's like it's covered in jewels!" Gon yells which makes Yumi snicker.

"I've seen jewels and they don't look as pretty as this. It's more like little colourful stars" Yumi says reminiscing about the night views from her penthouse in her last life.

As they were looking out the window for a while Gon popped a question he was curious about.

"Hey, so I was wondering?"

"Gon if you wanna ask us something just say it," Yumi says a bit irritated that they weren't close enough for him to at least do that.

"You two's parents. I mean, we're are they?"

"Do you mean if they're dead or not?" Yumi says.

"Well, mine are alive. Probably, " Killua says as if we were talking about the weather.

"What do they do?" Gon questions.

"They're assassins" 

"Both of them?" Gon says confused.

"That's so cool!" Yumi shouts smiling her creepy smile. "Do you know any stories? Like about their most prominent targets!"

Killua is stunned for a second looking from happy Yumi to astonished Gon and can't help but burst out in laughter.

"That's your response! You guys really are a riot aren't ya!"

They soon sit down turning this question into a full-on conversation.

"You guys aren't the first people I've told about my parents but you're the first one to take me seriously!"

"But it's true isn't it?" Gon says confused.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Yumi questions knowing that it is very true.

"Why are you too so sure?" Killua says getting serious.

'He looks so hot!' Yumi yells internally not being able to give a response as she is 'distracted'.

"It's just a hunch" Gon says speaking for the both of them.

"Weird," Killua says as he is honestly confused at the behaviour of his new two friends.

"Most of the time people only like me because they couldn't tell if I was being serious or not."

"Really" Yumi asks as if she didn't know. 'That's not one of the reasons I fell in love with you Killua! You always made me smile even when the rest of the four didn't!'

"I'm from a family of assassins. So yeah, they're all in the business of murder. And my entire family" Killua begins to smile wryly. "They've got real high hopes for me. But you know I can't stand it. Who wants their whole life mapped out for them?"

He turns to Yumi and Gon on his left evident anger on his face.

"When I told them that I wanted to decide my own future, they all flipped out it was crazy! My mom had tears just streaming down her face and she kept screaming at me about how I had the potential to be a top assassin" Gon laughed a bit at this part and his laughter was contagious so Yumi laughed as well.

"Horrible parents right? No wonder I turned out rotten! Then we started fighting so I slashed my mom in the face, stabbed my brother in the side and ran away from home"

"I wish I could've done that!" Yumi shouts through laughter.

"It was so freeing!" Killua shouts back "You really should try it! I'm certain they're out for blood now! If they all come after me I'll kill 'em"

"Don't forget to tell me! I'll definitely help!" Yumi adds leaving Gon to just laugh awkwardly. Suddenly a simmering background envelops the three as Kilua looks blissfully into the distance his voice echoed.

"When I get my license. I'll hunt 'em down till the last one! I'm willing to bet they have pretty high bounties on their heads!"

As Killua was still fantasizing Gon soon turned to Yumi on his left and asked her about her parents. Now Yumi didn't know which life's parents she should talk about but also didn't feel like lying and the atmosphere felt like they would never judge so she decided to tell them the whole truth and hoped they had enough time till Netero came.

"Would you two believe me if I said I've lived two times? One in this world and one in another." This surprises the two boys as they try to comprehend what Yumi just said well Killua did Gon just started being Gon.

"I think that'd be so cool! Living two lives means that you can do everything you never got to do before right!" 

Now Yumi knew how Killua felt when talking to Gon as she couldn't help but laugh at this cute child.

"I guess so. We'll In my last life it didn't start so well. I wasn't lying when I said darkness was all I knew as for about 12 years of my life I was locked in the basement and experimented on. You see my 'dad' (Yumi adds the air quotes) was a sort of mad scientist when my mom died giving birth to me. At first, he thought I was a normal child I cared for me I guess. But that was before he found out about my disorder when reading me a bedtime story and things just went downhill from there. He kept on yapping about how his wife gave him one last experiment and whatnot. He put me through every kind of torture imaginable in that basement ever since I was one to when I was 13. It was crazy. Apparently, he started releasing a bunch of papers about his findings and he made a few breakthroughs but soon the po po caught up to him buying illegal substances to test on me and rushed him only to find a child in the basement. I tell you it was the first time in years I felt light on my skin and by then I already had a screw loose."

"Well, I got adopted by my rich uncle who was my mom's brother who kinda hated me for taking his sister from him. So he just gave me money and made me leave him alone. I think I only saw him three times in the five or six years I lived with him. Well, fast forward bit he dies because of grief and stuff he didn't tell me about and because he never got married or fooled around he left everything to me. With me being able to read emotions and all, I do quite well in business even running my own to sell merch and even a branch that deals with anime. It was a dream come true and I had everything I wanted by 31. I even purchased the names of my four favourite characters from this one show I liked. I became a serial killer on the side as with all my money I could pay off pretty much everyone and killed everyone who hurt me in any way. Even if it was just a loose comment during a bad day. Then one day someone said I should just go kill myself on the internet so I did as I realized I had nothing left to live for now that the show was over and then I came here. This life was a little less interesting as I was a poor orphan who had to run away from the orphanage because of the rampant sexual abuse. Then on the street one day when I was forced to try to steal to live I met Ging." I say this part turning away from the window and into Gon's eyes. 

"He kinda saved me as I thought I'd never get away from the darkness again and that this time it would consume me. I was drawn to his light from his smile when he bought me some stuff and taught me a bit about how to survive." This time I look down at my hands contemplating.

"It's kind of weird though me being so drawn to the light when it's obvious that the darkness I've tried desperately to run from will catch up to me someday. And I'm not sure what I'll be able to do if that happens. If I lose myself."

"I'll help you!" Gon quickly cries out. I looked up to see him smiling at me and it made me feel a little guilty but I shoved it down.

"Really," I said cockily. "I'd like to see you try"

"I really will" Gon says semi pouting. "You'll see! I'll help you get away from whatever darkness you're talking about for good!" I smile at him knowing that his light is so pure that it is a form of darkness in itself before I see the complicated expression on Killuas face.

'I guess he'd kinda understand what I'm talking about more than Gon as he grew up in a type of darkness as well and he knows it's not that easy to run from it.' But against Yumi's predictions, Killua burst out in laughter.

"I can't believe I met another person other than myself that I don't know if they're lying or not! You really are a hoot Yumi!" He then stares at me right in the eyes. 

"You can't run from it Yumi. You can only fight it. But you have to be strong enough for that unless you lose or something" 

Now Yumi cries. She's not a Mary Sue and neither will she be a sob sob character that gets her trauma healed by the main cast. But she is really glad she has friends like them in this life. And she will never let them go even if they want desperately for her too. Even if it means her death she'll grab onto the edge of their shirts as she rolls in her grave.

'Because you guys are all mine. And Yumi is going to protect you at all costs.' 


Hi everyone! I had a great time writing this chapter. You guys got to learn a bit of an overview about Yumi's past told from her perspective. Don't worry in the future you'll get the whole story as Yumi did leave a few of the more interesting parts out but hey do you blame her? Anyway a small RIP to the main four as Yumis OLD is almost in complete effect so she'll start becoming more and more controlling as she integrates further into the main cast. Soon she won't even call them the main four anymore but her friends. And let's just say from then there will be no going back. If you thought it was already entertaining wait the games have just begun 🙃.