Time, Truths, and First Nights

The next two weeks flew by for Nicholas. The first week was spent finding a rhythm and order to their days. In the morning, they would have breakfast in the nook then pursuit an activity together. They would watch movies in the cinema, explore the house, and Ana even pool-sharked him at billiards. When he asked her how she had done that? She just grinned and said brothers before clamming up again.

The pair would grab a snack for lunch and then stroll the property and gardens at length. They went everywhere together talking and joking the whole time. Then in the afternoon Nicholas would transcribe patient files and do consultations assigning patients to the correct doctor via email while Ana quietly read in the corner.

In the evenings they would have dinner on the veranda, the living room floor, in the kitchen or breakfast nook but never in the dining room. Then they would relax in the living room watching TV or playing board games until Ana got too tired and had to go to sleep. The few times he had to leave to go to the hospital he felt like he was missing vital portions of his day.

Nicholas was genuinely happy for the first time in his life for as long as he could remember. Ana was everything that was good and right in a woman. She was perfect for him in every way, and he wanted to be with her. He just didn't know how to accomplish his desires.

Nick looked up at Ana now as she was engrossed in a book. "Ana, are you of the world?" He asked and waited. She held up one finger and read for another thirty seconds.

Smiling Ana said. "I am now. What's up?"

Nick scratched the back of his neck. "There is a small restaurant not far from here that has a private room. They don't cater to high society. I have a bit of cabin fever will you please go to dinner with me tonight? Please?" He drug out the last word pitifully.

"Nick, what if we're seen?" Ana asked worriedly.

"No one knows we are here it is very unlikely anyone will see us at the restaurant with a private room. Come on, you know you want to go out. When was the last time you went out to dinner?" Nicholas urged.

Ana shook her head at him smirking. "All right. We'll go if I have something to wear." She laughed at his childish fist bump to the sky.

Three hours later they were seated in the limousine. She was wearing a long-sleeved rust-colored dress with a square bodice and empire waist that ended a few inches above her knees and black stilettos with an ankle strap. Nicholas was wearing dark grey slacks; a white dress shirt and his suit jacket was on the seat next to him. Together they looked nice though Ana noticed that her dress was barely hiding her pregnancy.

The pair was going to Colony One, which was a nice but non-high-society restaurant only a few minutes from Nick's estate. When they arrived, Nick carried his Jacket in case the concierge wanted him to put it on, but the man simply took them straight to their private room.

Nicholas helped Ana to sit and then took a seat on her right closer than most would consider appropriate but since they had been living together every day for weeks he didn't mind. Drinks were brought. Wine for Nick and decaf iced tea for Ana. Soon their meals were ordered, and they began to relax and be their normal selves.

Nicholas reached out and took Ana's hand squeezing it gently. "Thank you for coming out with me tonight." He told her fervently. She noticed that he didn't let go of her hand until the server came in with dinner. It was nice holding his hand, but she didn't want to lead him on. She had told him that she wasn't available.

When they were done eating and dessert was finished Nicholas stood and stepped up to her to pull her up. When she stood, instead of stepping back, he pulled her into him, her hands landing on his chest. It was a smooth move. Before she could protest, he ran his fingers along her jaw and into her hair at the back of her neck. Nick's thumb was brushing across her cheek and jaw.

In one motion he tipped Ana's head back and brought his mouth to hers. His lips were soft against hers kissing insistently demanding she let him deepen the kiss. As a flood of desire flowed through her she gasped and Nicholas took full advantage, deepening the kiss his tongue moving with hers. Passion flowed between them like wildfire and soon she had her hands in his hair holding him against her.

His other arm began to try to pull her against him and that is when Ana remembered who she was and her circumstances. She staggered away from him. She was gasping for air and desire burned like an inferno inside her making it hard to think. Damn it, Ana realized that she wanted Nicholas badly. He was affected as well, panting and trying to catch his breath while holding onto the chair like a lifeline. Ana finally realized he wasn't moving because he was trying to get a hold over his reaction to their kiss.

After another minute Nick stepped away from the chair and picked up his suit jacket. He put it on and buttoned it. Ana walked over to stand beside him, and he gave her his arm and walked them outside to wait for the car. Nic stood with his hand on her back automatically.

Nick had grown used to touching her the last couple of weeks. At one point he touched her cheek gently looking her in the eyes and then he lifted the back of her hand to his lips and kissed her hand. Ana had sighed and he wasn't sure what that meant. The car finally came, and he helped Ana inside quickly wanting to be alone with her.


Keith's text read 'Photo's incoming' Scott was in his office working when he received the text. Then a group of photos came through to him. Ana on Stanton's arm. Stanton with his hand on her back. Stanton touching Ana cheek, Stanton kissing her hand. Then finally a series of photos showing them getting into a car together. The final set showed them going into Stanton's estate together. 'How long ago did she go in the house?' Scott Devon texted Keith. 'About two hours, the only light on is upstairs. Never mind, it just went out. I think she is staying.'

So did Scott and he was not happy about it at all. But he wasn't sure what to do about it. Should he just cancel the divorce and drag her back here? Should he attempt to be a real husband, so his life wasn't so unfair to her. If she didn't want his money, then why had she been with him? Could he let Nicholas Stanton of all people have his wife? Scott didn't think so.


As soon as they were in the car Nick slid over to sit right beside Ana and put his arms around her shoulders. "I apologize, that was the wrong place for us to share that kind of kiss."

Ana looked up at Nicholas. "Nick, I am not going to deny that I desired you back there because that would be foolish, but we can't do this. We must put a stop to it right now." She tried to break free, but his arms were like steel bands, and he did not release her.

"What do you mean we can't do this? You were kissing me just as passionately as I kissed you." What can't we do? Nick asked, his voice very deep.

"I can't be with you in any way," Ana informed him.

"Why the hell not?" Nicholas growled leaning back to look at her.

Ana crossed her arms over her chest. "I have a good reason that you really don't need to worry about. I will be gone two weeks anyway."

Nicholas looked at Ana stunned. He thought they had been building something, but she was just passing time. Nick started to get angry but then he wondered what she was hiding.

"Tell me what is in the way. I want to know." Nick said darkly.

"I can't..." Ana started.

"Tell me or I'll always assume you are the worst sort of person. The kind that draws people in just to discard them when they are no longer useful." Nicholas's voice was hollow.

"That's not it at all. I'm..." Ana started but couldn't finish. Nicholas had dropped his arms and turned away from her.

Ana sighed heavily. "Nick, I'm pregnant." Nicholas head whipped around, and he looked at her perusing her body with a doctor's assessing eyes. He ran his hands over her stomach, his eyes going wide.

"How far Ana?" Nick asked briskly. When she didn't answer right away. He looked her directly in the face. "How far along are you?"

"Eighteen weeks." Ana whispered suddenly tired.

Nicholas let out a string of curses before rubbing his eyes. Fifteen weeks was the cutoff for termination in this country. She knew that was what he was thinking.

"So, your plan is to go out into the city alone and heavily pregnant with nothing and no way to survive?" Nicholas asked her incredulously.

"I have a little bit of money not nothing." Ana said annoyed.

"Is it enough to take care of yourself until the baby even arrives? Nick asked. Wanting to understand why this woman was so set on getting herself killed. There was no way he was sending a heavily pregnant woman onto the streets, especially Ana.

"No, I don't but I figured it out at fourteen; I can do it again now. I can't stay with you and be labeled a mistress and my child as illegitimate. If you knew who I was you would know that can't happen." Ana said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Suddenly, Nicholas tipped Ana's head to the side and brushed her hair out of the way quickly. Realizing what he was looking for she tried to turn her head away, but it was too late. He had already seen it.

Ana had a small crown with a number one in it laser tattooed behind her left ear at the hairline. She was given the mark as a child. The one inside the crown meant she was first tier nobility and the crown meant she was of royal bloodline. She would be referred to in some circles as a crown-one. So, what the hell was she doing out here near penniless and without even her name?

Nicholas tried calming her down, but it wasn't working, and he was growing concerned. "My mark is the same as yours." Nick finally said conversationally.

"What?" Ana sniffled.

"We have the same mark. A crown-one." Nicholas affirmed trying to soothe her. "There is only a handful of those out there."

Nicholas recalled a memory of his eighteenth birthday when he had been presented with his betrothed. She had been a small girl of about nine with eyes the color of the sea and honey-blond hair. Nicholas was supposed to marry her on the girl's eighteenth birthday, but she had disappeared years before. What was her name? Lady Leana Coulter was supposedly a perfect match for Lord Nicholas Stanton. Nicholas looked at Ana in awe, realizing he had accidentally found his long-lost bride.

They arrived at the house and Nick ushered Ana into the house. If she had never legally been married to Scott Devon, he shouldn't be an impediment. She was, however, carrying Scott's child and he doubted Ana would give the child up. They would need to marry quickly and tell people the child was born early. A couple of months they could get away with, but this was four and a half already.

"Ana, why is your husband not caring for you and your child?" Nick asked once they were behind the closed doors of his study.

"He didn't want children yet. He told me if I got pregnant to abort but when I found out, I couldn't do it. It's not like we had a normal marriage. We were only together twice in all that time." Ana whispered.

How the hell had Devon looked at this beautiful woman every day and shown her nothing but indifference? Nick was still on fire from earlier and her slightly round stomach was seeming like less of an obstacle by the moment. He had a mind to pick her up and take her to his bed right now. Would she resist him? She already belonged to him. He had held her marriage contract since he was eighteen.

Nicholas stepped up to Ana. "We will figure this all out tomorrow," he told her softly. Nick brushed his hand across her cheek before winding it into her hair. He leaned down kissing her firmly until her hands moved to his chest and her lips parted slightly. Heat traveled though his body and straight to his core as his tongue swept across and into her mouth. The kiss became feverish as quickly as the first time.

Desire ignited in him stronger than any he had ever known, and he wanted to possess her so she could never leave. His mouth broke from hers working its way down her throat and along her collarbone. Ana was making small noises somewhere between a moan and a whimper. Nick kissed her again fiercely.

Ana finally found her voice. "Nick what are you doing?" She gasped out as his mouth sucked on a sensitive spot on the back of her neck.

Nick reached down and picked Ana up to cradle her in his arms. He took a moment to kiss her fully before moving out of the office and striding up the stairs. He booted open the door to his bedroom. Setting Ana down in the middle of a huge king-size bed.

"Do you carry a boy or girl? Do you know?" Nick asked in a concerned tone.

"A boy." Ana answered quietly.

Nicholas couldn't marry her quickly and brush this under the rug. That child was Devon's heir, and Devon's son couldn't be heir to the Stanton empire. Nicholas would have to wait for the child to be born to Ana and Scott Devon. He would raise the child as his stepson so that someday his own child would inherit his titles, there was more at stake in his situation than money.

Ana was still his, however, and there was no reason to wait to be with her. She had been legally his from the day she turned eighteen. They were intended and those contracts were never broken. If she was willing, he would discover why he burned like fire for her. It was unlike anything he had experienced before. Nicholas climbed onto the bed and quickly undid Ana's heels and tossed them on the floor.

"Relax love, you are in control here. I promise." Ana nodded at him and let him slowly massage the muscles in her legs. He worked his way up to her hips as she lay back on the bed. This woman looked so good in his bed.

He couldn't resist and leaned down, beginning to kiss her passionately. Every time he brought his mouth to hers his insides went molten, and he became painfully hard. It's like his blood knew she was his. His hands began exploring brushing across her generous breasts before he slid his hand to her hip then her thigh. Nicholas pulled Ana's dress up until he could reach the inside of her thigh while he continued to kiss her.

Then Nicholas lightly felt her lace underwear and slipped his hand underneath to run his finger along her slit. She was soaked from her desire, and he easily began to circle her clit. Hearing her soft moans, he pushed a touch harder. Her moan was instantaneous. Nick loved how responsive Ana was to him. Nicholas pushed a finger inside her gently and realized that she was extremely tight. This would play hell on his control. Nick continued to work her up until she was pushing back into his hand.

Time for less clothes. He managed to get undressed and pull Ana's underwear off, but she balked at the dress coming off. Nick grabbed a plain black V-neck tee from a drawer and helped her change clothes. Nick could understand her being self-conscious about the pregnancy, but he was a doctor, and she would be his regardless of her pregnancy. Tonight wasn't the night to sort it out though.

Once they were comfortable, Nick brought his mouth to Ana's and kissed her with every bit of desire he felt for her until she was gasping for breath as he moved on to her neck and shoulders. His hands caressed her body one moving between her legs as he stroked her until she was once again moaning as she rocked into his hand. Nick moved between her legs. He was painfully hard in his palm.

Nick had never been this hard or this turned on before. He felt like if she stopped him now, he might die. He has always been able to walk away without a problem. Women had held no power over him. He had never wanted a woman like this before. Then he was pushing into her slowly. Hell, but Ana was tight. Take it easy, Nicholas told himself gritting his teeth and clamping his jaw tight. When he was fully in, he breathed a sigh of relief checking on Ana.

Ana's eyes were clamped tightly shut. Nick tried to kiss her, but her mouth didn't move. "Ana look at me." Nick said. Her eyes popped open.

"Are you alright? Tell me what is wrong." Nick asked.

"It kind of hurts." Ana whispered.

"I want you to do something. Take in a deep breath and let it out and keep doing that until you relax." Nick explained to her, and she did as he asked. Nick reached between them and started to stroke her. He could feel the second she started relaxing and the desire began to return. He let himself rock into her just a little and then again until he was able to move normally. If she wasn't currently pregnant, he would have questioned if she still held her virginity. Her tightness around him was right on the edge of pain.

Nick moved slowly moaning with a pleasure so intense it was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. He groaned as he thrust into her, and she moaned with each of his movements arching into him. He was somewhere between pleasure and pain as he tried to hold himself off and wait for her. Nick started to circle her clit faster knowing from how erratic he was becoming that he was going to lose the battle soon.

Nicholas was losing his mind from the insane pleasure that was making love to Ana. Just then Ana began to clamp down on him internally and he moaned throatily as her body jerked and arched against him and she cried out as her whole body shuddered. Then Nicholas was coming undone inside her his orgasm was pulled from him as he echoed her with a low throaty moan of his own.

They lay there panting together as they adjusted to what they had just experienced together. Nicholas moved to the side pulling Ana onto her side as well. He didn't want to squish her. Nick brushed her hair out of her face so he could see her. Ana looked embarrassed.

"What is the matter, love?" Nicholas asked.

"I think I behaved a bit wantonly." Ana said guiltily.

"Don't be ridiculous. You were completely perfect in every way." Nick praised her and she was perfect. His mind was officially blown.

"I don't know what that was at the end, but I wasn't expecting it and I felt like my mind got electrocuted. Does that happen every time?" Ana asked.

Nicholas chuckled. "It happens every time if you're lucky. It is called an orgasm. I had one too." How innocent was his girl?

"I guess I better go back to my room and let you sleep." Ana said and Nick could hear the old hurt she was trying to hide.

Nick reached out and grabbed Ana tucking her against him. "The only place you are going is to sleep. You are mine Ana. You will sleep in my arms in our bed, every night. Do you understand me?"

Ana nodded, hiding a secret smile. "I understand." He smiled his mouth against her neck. After a few minutes Nick could feel her drifting off to sleep in his arms which allowed him to fall asleep too.