Goodbye for Now

Nicholas looked at the final page and the judge's name. It was Judge Ridger, Devon used the man often when things got a little tricky for him. The idea that a judge would completely discount a marriage contract signed by a King based on a love-match story and a pregnancy floored him. Should he call his father to straighten it out? Given the circumstances the King might not find in his favor.

Nicholas's father had officially adopted Devon when he had married Elise, making Devon a Prince of Cambria and a royal by marriage. To the King, Ana would still be technically married to one of his sons. Would he care which one?

Ana looked at Nicholas and saw the turmoil on his face. "Nicholas, I can do this. It is only thirty days then I can come back free to be with you."

Nick brushed Ana's cheek with his thumb. "Baby, I hate this. I don't want him near you. If I thought we could run from this I would take you away from here, but I don't think we can."

"It will be fine. Like I went on vacation." Ana tried to calm his worries and ignored her own, she tried to smile lightheartedly but didn't quite manage it.

"Are you trying to ease the burden of this for me even though you are the one that must spend thirty days with that monster, Ana?" Nicholas asked her softly.

"I am used to dealing with Scott but for you this must be horrible." Ana replied. "Let's just try to enjoy the time we have together. I don't want tonight to be about us being sad." Ana leaned forward and kissed him, her lips soft against his. Nicholas gasped softly against her mouth before pulling her tightly to him. He felt like he was losing her, and he had only just found her.

Their kiss turned frantic and feverish quickly. Minutes later they had stripped them of their clothes and Nick pulled Ana's naked body against his, only slightly hindered by her rounded stomach. They were moving too quickly for Ana to have time to be self-conscious. Nick moved Ana to straddle him in the chair and guided himself slowly into her heat.

By the time he was inside her they both panted from the intensity of the sensations they were experiencing. Nick wrapped one hand around Ana's jaw, his thumb stroking across her cheekbone. The other he wrapped around her hip and under her ass as he showed her how to move. Ana caught on quickly and Nicholas leaned back enjoying the feel of her riding him. He pulled her mouth to his kissing her hungrily as their desire became an inferno; he let it consume him.

Nicholas was struggling to stay in control as his peak was closing in and within a few minutes both were moaning and lost to their passion. Ana's rocking hips became erratic as she got close to the edge. Nick was barely hanging on to his sanity and moved his fingers to her core brushing his rough thumb across her repeatedly.

Moments later she came undone in his arms and he marveled at how beautiful she looked like this. Nick let himself fall off the edge after her. He buried his face in her hair as white-hot pleasure pulled a deep moan from him and his arms tightened around Ana as he shuddered inside her. Ana's hips continued to rock as she rode out the shockwaves of her orgasm.

Nicholas held Ana in his arms unwilling to let her go. It had never been like this before with anyone. Not even close. He knew they were destined to be together. He already loved Ana and could not give her up. There wasn't any possibility that he would survive without her. So how was he supposed to turn her over to Devon tomorrow? The thought of that man touching her made him murderously angry and his arms tightened again.

Ana leaned back to look at him, making Nick realize he was holding her too tight. He avoided her eyes. "Talk to me. What is going on in that head of yours?" Ana asked him, frowning.

"I can't bear the thought of you and him like this." Nicholas said through gritted teeth.

Ana kissed the angry look off Nick's face. "They can't order me to sleep with him Nicholas only go to his house. Scott won't force me. He is opposed to rape.

Nicholas took a deep breath and then another trying to calm his panicked jealousy. "This entire situation makes me angry. I can't give you up, Ana. Tell me you will come back to me?"

"Ana smiled at him giving him reassurance. I will come back to you. I want to be with you Nick, not Scott. We are meant to be together whereas my marriage to Scott was an error in judgement on my part. I only need to give him one month, but you will have the rest of my days after that." Ana finished speaking touching Nicholas's face with the back of her hand.

Nicholas tried to gather that survivor spirit for himself from her words. He struggled because he knew all too well that Devon would be playing a different tune than what she had left behind. Scott would pull out all the tricks to try to keep her including taking Ana to bed. Why else would he bother?

Nicholas kissed Ana slowly and forced himself to give her a smile. She did not need his worries on top of her own. He would have to manage his own issues without adding to her stress.

"As long as you will come back to me everything else will be fine." Nicholas finally told the woman he loved and planned to marry.

The pair eventually used the bathroom in the study to take care of their needs and redressed. Nicholas let Mrs. Burns know that they would have dinner on the veranda tonight and to make it a bit more romantic.

A short while later Ana and Nicholas walked hand in hand onto the veranda for dinner. The table was set elaborately and surrounded by candlelight. Nicholas thought the setting was perfect for what he had in mind. Nicholas helped Ana get seated before sitting down himself. For the next hour they sat and ate, managing to laugh and have a good time. Nicholas kept the conversation wanting good memories only in this moment. Before dessert could come out Nick rose and walked around the table.

Ana turned sideways in her seat preparing to stand but Nick dropped to one knee in front of her. "I cannot live without you, Leana. Will you honor me by becoming my wife?" Nicholas said his eyes fierce in the candlelight.

Ana gazed at this perfect man that she wanted to stay with. "Yes," she said simply.

Nicholas pulled a ring box out of his pocket. "This was my great-grandmother's engagement ring and I think she would like for you to have it." Nick slid the ring onto Ana's finger, it fit her perfectly, adding credence to his claim. Ana stared at the ring. It was beautiful and special to Nick. Nick stood and Ana followed him up, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to kiss her. He smiled against her mouth. Soon she would be his wife, and nothing would come between them ever again.

After dessert, the couple took a night stroll around the garden enjoying each other's company. There was a quiet peace between them but they both knew it couldn't last forever.

Ana broke the silence first. "We can video chat every day on the phone. I think it would be helpful for me to see you."

"All right, I agree. Verifying with my own eyes that you are fine will help." Nicholas agreed. His guts were still churning with jealousy at the thought of Ana and Devon together. Ana had said it wouldn't happen and he would need to accept her words. What if she was wrong? What if she caved and was intimate with her current husband? Could he accept that? He was new on the scene. Did he have the right to take issue with them being together?

Nicholas wondered if he would take her back regardless of whatever would happen between Devon and his Ana. He knew the answer. She was his and he would have her regardless of whatever happened between them. This knowledge allowed him to breathe a little easier and think beyond the upcoming separation. All he wanted was to be with her, everything else would work itself out.

They tried watching a movie, wanting the evening to be as normal as possible but neither could concentrate on the film. After forty-five minutes they gave up and went upstairs. Nicholas stripped off Ana's clothes and shushed her when she became self-conscious. He then took his clothes off and climbed into bed holding the covers up for her to climb in beside him. Ana lay with her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat while he played with her hair. They stayed like that for a long time, not speaking, just existing together.

It was the middle of the night when Nicholas's need overtook them. Both had stayed awake afraid of the night ending. Nick's touches began to wander and become more purposeful. After a minute he rolled over, so he was above Ana. Nick stared into her eyes for a long time before lowering his head to hers in a desperate hungry kiss. The kind of kiss that said he didn't want to say goodbye.

They took their time going slowly. They kissed for a long time savoring this time together. Their hands were everywhere. They were both on fire with desire for each other, but they delayed because they didn't want this time together to end. Nicholas kissed every inch of Ana's body, feeling her smooth skin on his mouth. His fingers explored driving her insane but refusing to touch the place she wanted him to the most. Finally, he moved his fingers to her, stroking her to her peak just to back off, then do it again.

Nicholas was in so much pain, but this slow lovemaking felt so good. There was so much desire between them it was becoming a force of its own. When he could bear it no longer, he settled himself between her legs and kissed her passionately as he sheathed himself inside her. Ana was so tight it was hard to move, and he was already on the brink. Ana moaned arching into him, and he nearly came undone.

Nick took several steadying breaths and started moving slow and deep. Ana came after just a minute, but he kept going. He was lost in the feeling of her, the intense pleasure he had only ever felt with Ana. She was moaning throatily as he continued thrusting as deep as he could go with slow rocking motions. He could feel it coming on powerfully and couldn't help his own deep groans.

Ana suddenly went rigid as she moaned loudly arching into him, her nails dug into his shoulders. She spasmed around him as he thrust two more times. His vision whited out and pleasure stole his breath. Nick cried out in shock at the intensity as he came harder than ever had before in his life. It was all he could do to keep from collapsing onto Ana as his whole body became weak.

Nick lay down beside Ana his fingers tangling in her hair as he leaned over and kissed her still out of breath. Ana was breathing rapidly, her heart rate fast. Nick lay back down trying to wrap his mind around the way they were together. Just when he thought an experience couldn't be topped, they would come together with explosive force. How was he going to watch her leave him in the morning?

"That was amazing, love. Each time we are together I am amazed by how good we are together." Nick told Ana earnestly.

"That was unexpectedly good." Ana agreed.

Nick's arm snaked across Ana's body, and he felt her stomach by accident. He became curious. He was a doctor, he understood pregnancy, but he had never felt pregnancy. She would be his wife and this child would be his to care for. Nick cautiously ran his hand over her stomach feeling Ana's breath still. After a moment he let his hand rest on the curve, getting used to the feel of it. He leaned forward and kissed her shoulder trying to let her know it was alright. Then something bopped his hand lightly.

Nicholas was startled then went very still wanting to feel it again. It took a full minute of patience, but the baby kicked again and hit his hand. Nicholas grinned. There was a little person in there and he was saying hello. Ana watched Nick's face and relaxed when he smiled.

"The baby is saying hello to me Ana." Nicholas was pleased.

"I felt that." Ana said quietly.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" Nicholas asked, feeling another tiny tap near his fingers and marveling at the fact that there was a tiny life in Ana's stomach.

"I am fine. It just feels a little strange that you are taking an interest in the baby. Why are you?" Ana said carefully.

Nick reached up and brushed Ana's hair away from her face. "This life is inside you for one. I will be responsible for the care of this baby too. I am interested in what you feel like pregnant and feeling the baby kick is quite enjoyable. It is hard to believe there is a tiny person in there. Everything about you matters to me, love."

Ana smiled at Nicholas. His words made her incredibly happy. He had always been accepting of her but now he was accepting her baby as well. She had no reason not to come back to him now. If he could accept her child, then they were meant to be together. Ana wished she could just stay with him now but that wasn't an option. Ana turned to her side to face Nicholas shifting so she was closer to him and kissed him for a long moment.

When she pulled away, he was looking at her questioningly. "I am coming back to you." Ana told Nick with conviction. He kissed gently before helping her turn over and get comfortable for sleep. Nick wrapped his arm around his fiancé and held her close as they drifted off too tired to fight it anymore.