Maternity Clothes and New Spaces

Ten minutes into the drive Scott had finally managed to pull the scowl from his face and find his inner calm. Clearly, he had his work cut out for him, but his wife was in the car with him and that was a good place to start.

Scott sat forward and looked at his wife across from him. "Ana, I noticed yesterday that you are not wearing maternity clothes. You must be uncomfortable. We are going shopping right now."

"I don't need you to..." Ana started but was stopped when Scott held up a hand.

"You are my wife, and you are carrying my child. I will provide what you need, and you need this." Scott told her.

Ana wanted to continue to argue on the basis that she did not want anything from him but then acquiesced because her pants were creating uncomfortable red marks on her stomach right now. Ana assumed that she would be going on her own, but Scott was with her as they left the car in front of a boutique.

"Don't you have to go to work?" Ana asked.

"I took the month off. I can't exactly show you that things have changed if I am always working." Scott told Ana quietly as he held the door for her to enter the store.

Ana bought a couple of things there or Scott did, but the items weren't really her style, so they headed to the next store. They spent the better part of the day shopping. Scott did remember that she needed to eat, and they went to a small cafe at lunchtime. In the end Scott insisted she buy way too much stuff.

Ana now had a couple dozen outfits plus comfortable shoes. Scott has bought her four cocktail dresses and two formal gowns that worked for maternity wear. At the last shop she changed into a comfortable dress and threw her workout pants in the garbage. The woman at the counter smiled knowingly at her but didn't comment.

When they left the store Scott looked her over. "Ana you actually look pregnant now," he smiled pleased.

"Alright? I am most definitely pregnant. My baby was kicking like crazy last night." Ana huffed.

"Is he kicking now?" Scott asked curiously.

"No, he likes to move around when I am trying to sleep." Ana said in an amused tone. Scott watched her round stomach for another minute before walking them back to the car. Once they were inside Scott felt he needed to bring up a touchy subject. He had noticed the engagement ring on Ana's hand and that couldn't be allowed.

"Ana, I would like you to wear your wedding rings for the next thirty days. It is only proper." Ana sighed because she knew this was coming. She tried to decide if this would be the mountain she would stand on but, in the end, put her engagement ring in the coin purse of her wallet and held her hand out for her wedding rings. Scott climbed across to her and put her wedding ring and engagement ring back on her finger then he kissed the back of her hand. Ana raised an eyebrow at him but let it go. She kept thinking about picking and choosing her battles with Scott, carefully.

"I hope we can give our marriage an honest try for the next month, Ana. For the sake of our child, we owe him that much." Scott said imploringly.

Ana scoffed crossing her arms over her chest. "What the hell are you playing at, Scott?"

"That is what I am trying to tell you. I am trying to be the husband I should have been the whole time. I am trying to save our marriage. I know it's a long shot. I'm just asking that you don't impede me unnecessarily. That you try to remember that you are in fact still my wife."

"We are over. You chose that when you asked for a divorce." Ana told him her tone belligerent.

"I didn't really want a divorce. Why didn't you fight back?" Scott asked angrily.

"I was trying to keep my baby safe from you. I was terrified of you. You are the meanest person I know." Ana yelled. Scott sat back abruptly his face pensive.

After a minute he spoke. "I am sorry. I know I was a real bastard to you there at the end."

They pulled into the driveway of the Devon estate. Keith was standing near the door of the car and pulled it open. Scott stepped out and reached a hand in for Ana. She took his hand and climbed out. Keith's eyes traveled to her stomach as she stood but snapped back to her face at a look from Scott.

"Mrs. Devon you look lovely as always." Keith complimented her politely. Scott told the driver and two new bodyguards at the door to take the bags to the master bedroom then have one of the housekeepers put things away. Ana was back in the world of too many staff. She sighed at the thought.

Ana had once told Scott it was unhealthy to have so many people to do everything for them, but he said he learned it from his stepfather and liked his habits fine. Now that she knew that stepfather was a King it made more sense, but it still made her uncomfortable.

Scott led them back into the house and Ana wandered to the kitchen and greeted the chef and her assistant. Chef Katherine looked at Ana realizing that Mrs. Devon was clearly very pregnant, and a huge smile covered her face.

"It is so good to see you Mrs. Devon. We have missed you around here." The chef told her.

Scott walked into the room. "Dinner at six in the dining room, chef?" The chef answered in the affirmative.

"Scott, can we eat somewhere else? I hate the dining room." Ana asked.

Scott paused. "Like where?"

"Outside would be nice," Ana offered.

"I prefer not to have bugs in my food, Ana." Scott said simply.

Ana thought for a moment. "In the living room on the coffee table. We can sit on the floor."

"You want to sit on the floor?" Scott asked doubt clouding his features. Ana nodded. "Very well. We will sit on the floor."

Scott grabbed Ana's hand pulling her after him and into his study. The last time she had been in there was to sign divorce papers. Scott leaned against his desk, and he directed Ana to a chair.

"Will you tell me why you hate the dining room? We have eaten there hundreds of times." Scott crossed his arms across his chest.

"The room is dark, the table is too big for just the two of us, and whenever we go in there we just sit in silence. It makes me miserable. Every time I sat in there with you, I would lose more hope. I never want to go in there again." Ana explained feeling that old dread that she used to feel every night.

"Wow, you hate that room. Noted, but we will figure out someplace better to have meals than the floor, Ana." Scott sighed and looked around his office, unlike Nicholas's it wasn't suited to spend time in for anyone but him.

"Walk around the estate with me." Scott held his arm out to his wife. He needed to find some place in this house where they could create a shared neutral space. Ana gave him a strange look but took his arm.

A little while later they found a long wide hallway that was meant to be a sunroom, but had just been left empty. Scott watched as Ana walked to the window and smiled at the sun hitting her face. This would work. They could take meals in here. Put some comfortable furniture to relax in. Add some books for Ana and a desk for him. They could have a space that was theirs.

Scott could add a few plants to give her the outside appeal that she had wanted. There were even double doors onto the veranda in case she wanted to go outside. He would add some deck furniture and it would be their perfect spot. Ana had said the dining room was too dark so he would keep this space light but warm it up here and there.

If he worked on this a good deal tonight, then he might have it done tomorrow. Money wasn't an issue so whatever it cost to expedite the process he would pay. Maybe even by the time they got back from their outing. Scott held his arm out to Ana and with a wistful look outside they walked back to the main area of the house. Scott told Ana to go up and check that everything was arranged to her taste. He had a few projects that needed overseen, but he would see her for dinner.

In reality, Scott grabbed Keith and the two men set to purchasing everything for Ana's new room. They were having in delivered the next day while he and Ana were on their excursion Scott had planned. Scott roughly sketched out the room indicating where he wanted everything to go.

Keith promised that with the help of two of Ana's four new bodyguards, they would get it done before Scott and Ana got back. Then all Scott would have to do was check the room and set up any last-minute details. Then he could present it to Ana.

Feeling like he had accomplished something worthwhile Scott headed upstairs to check on his wife. He heard voices from the bedroom, so he stopped to listen.

"You sound like you've been drinking." Ana said quietly.

"That is because I have been. It's not a big deal, don't worry about me. What did you do today?" Nicholas asked her while trying to reassure her.

"Scott took me shopping for maternity clothes. I couldn't really argue. I needed them." Ana admitted.

"I was going to suggest it myself yesterday, but it was so hectic. I noticed the red marks on your stomach from where your pants were cutting in. I'm glad you are more comfortable but Ana you have my card. You don't have to wait for anyone to do anything for you. If you need something buy it." Nicholas sighed, seeming frustrated.

"What is it?" Ana asked.

There was a pause for a moment then Nicholas spoke. "I hate that he is doing anything for you. It just makes him think he has rights to you when he doesn't."

"I suppose being married to her doesn't count?" Scott questioned walking into the room.

Ana frowned at Scott before looking down at the screen. "I should go."

Nick nodded at her "I miss you already, my love." Ana smiled at Nick before ending the call.

"Do you really think it is helpful to talk to him? We are supposed to be trying to save our marriage?" Scott asked Ana in an angry tone.

"Are you going to forbid me to speak to him too on top of forcing me back here?" There was a challenging tone in her voice.

Scott had been about to retort that he might, but her tone and posture made him wary. So, he had found her line. If he tried to forbid it he guessed that she would walk out. Even being sent to jail likely would not sway her. Scott knew that Ana had been picking and choosing her battles all day. He had just stumbled onto one of her battlegrounds.

Scott sighed after a minute reigning in his temper. "No Ana, I am not going to do that." He watched as she visibly relaxed. "I just want to know that you are going to give me a fair shot. I worry that you can't do that while he is having such an impact on our daily life. I have thirty days to convince you that we can be happy together. That is not a lot of time. I hope that he doesn't undo any good I have done with his words. All right?"

Ana looked at him nodding and considering his words. "I will consider what you said because you communicated with me instead of ordering me to your will. I can't just pretend right now that I think we have a chance because I don't. I think this is a waste of both of our time. However, I won't shut you out. I will let you try to change my mind to the best of my ability, but I will only do so if you continue to be reasonable." Ana gave him a small smile as a truce gesture. Scott took it as such.

Scott walked over to look at the new clothes in the closet. Scott had moved the evening gowns Ana had pretty much never worn to a guest closet to make room for her new clothes.

Scott pulled out an aqua empire waist sundress with a ruched bodice and straps that were tied in bows and a lightweight white sweater and hung it on her ready rack and put a pair of white canvas sneakers with it.

"Will you go on an outing with me tomorrow, Ana? The open-air market will be set up and I would like us to go." Scott turned to her with a smile.

Ana looked at the outfit he had picked and nodded with approval. "Sure. When are we going?"

"After breakfast, around ten probably. We will be there several hours because there is so much to do." Scott answered.

Ana chuckled thinking about Scott at the market. She could not imagine it. "We are going to eat elephant ears."

"We are eating what?" Scott asked alarmed.

Ana laughed, "You'll see."

Scott frowned so hard his eyebrows drew together into a V-shape. "Speaking of questionable dining habits, it is time for us to eat on the floor." Ana laughed at his appalled expression.