
Ana walked into the kitchen a few minutes later to find Scott sitting at the breakfast bar. She had expected that he would be in the dining room but found it endearing that he chose to remain in the kitchen where she would be more comfortable.

"Ana, you look beautiful, showing off your pregnancy suits you." Scott told her honestly and it did. She looked like the epitome of the glowing expectant mother. Ana was an incredibly beautiful woman, and the pregnancy softened her and made her even more appealing. He hadn't thought that possible.

Ana smiled but looked uncomfortable at his words. "I don't know how I feel about flaunting this pregnancy so openly, Scott." Ana sat at the breakfast bar and put several breakfast items on her plate. She requested decaf tea from the chef.

Scott sighed, reaching out and squeezing Ana's hand. "There is no reason to hide your pregnancy. You are my wife, and it is perfectly natural for you to carry my child. It is not healthy for you to feel like you need yourself and our child to be a secret, Ana."

Ana scoffed. "If that is true, why did you hide me here for our entire marriage?"

"I did not hide you. I wasn't socializing so it may have seemed like it, but you were never a secret." Scott replied. Ana raised an eyebrow at him but let the topic go.

They ate in silence for several minutes. Scott weighed his words carefully before speaking. "So how is Nicholas this morning?" He had caught snippets of her conversation when she was in the bathroom.

Ana looked at him sharply but then answered him. "Agitated," she said simply.

Scott snorted. "Then we share the sentiment. That is exactly how I felt when I found out you were with him at his house. How exactly do you know my stepbrother?"

Ana took a bite of a muffin. "I didn't. He picked me up five miles from here. It was dark and pouring rain and he had his driver stop. Nick offered me a ride to the city but couldn't bring himself to drop me off at a random corner. He took me to his estate because Mrs. Burns could take care of me. I took him up on it because life was going to get difficult for me in a hurry. Life on the street is hard and being pregnant only compounds the issue." Ana explained without censoring her words.

Scott looked up at the staff. "Leave us," he snapped in a commanding tone. The staff left the kitchen quickly.

Scott gave Ana a quizzical look. "Ana why do you sound like you know what being on the street is like?"

Ana finished her banana and pushed her plate aside. "I have been on the run for a long time, Scott. Since I was fourteen and had to figure out how to survive with nothing. I went from pampered nobility to homeless street urchin overnight. I spent two years on the street before I could even go to a shelter, so I had a clue what I was facing when I walked out of here that day." Ana glanced at Scott, expecting him to be outraged but he looked like he was in shock.

"Why have you been hiding from your family Ana?" Scott asked after a few moments' pause.

Ana sighed crossing her arms across her chest. She wasn't sure she wanted Scott to know this about her. She scowled mightily.

Scott squeezed her hand. "I think I need to know what is behind all this secrecy and how you have had such a difficult life."

Ana dropped her arms, placing her hands on the counter and standing. "When I was nine, I started to be abused. It continued for five years. On my fourteenth birthday my abuser decided I was old enough for real fun. He proceeded to try to rape me. I fought back and escaped, fleeing into the night. I have been hiding ever since." Ana looked at Scott and realized his face was a mask of cold fury. She was startled but then realized it wasn't directed at her.

"Who was abusing you, Ana?" Scott asked quietly.

Ana sighed. "My father."

Scott cursed low almost under his breath before taking several calming breaths with his eyes closed. Unexpectedly he walked over to Ana and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. Ana felt stiff but relaxed after a moment letting him hold her and soothe them both.

"Now that I have been scanned, I assume he will be coming for me. There are some secrets that men like him can't allow to be told." Ana said softly.

Scott brushed her hair from her face. "He won't get near you Ana. I won't allow it." Ana looked at Scott feeling herself being pulled in by his charm. She shook herself loose from the mental sway and stepped away from him.

Scott offered her his arm instead. "It is time to go. The car is waiting out front for us." Ana took his arm and walked outside with him. She was only slightly surprised to find two bodyguards already in the car when they climbed inside.


As soon as Nicholas got off the call with Ana, he dragged himself upstairs and into the shower. He was incredibly dizzy and realized it was highly likely he was still half drunk. Nick missed her terribly. He missed her face, her smile, her smell, her voice. He missed her mouth on his and her body wrapped around him, and this was only the first day. How in the hell was he going to survive a month without her knowing she slept next to Devon every night.

These were the kinds of situations that caused reasonable men to crack under the strain. He could feel it coming and couldn't do anything about it. Nicholas had not expected to fall so deeply in love with his charge. It had taken her no time at all to become like air to him. Nick needed her here with him and nothing else but that would help him.

Nicholas got out of the shower and dried quickly. He strode into the walk-in closet and grabbed a pair of jeans and a white button-down shirt, dressing quickly. He laced up his boots before returning to the bathroom and combing his hair back. He needed a haircut, but the feeling of Ana's fingers curled into his hair kept him from considering it.

Nicholas called for his car to be brought around and went to the kitchen to get a latte to go. He had the cook add extra espresso because he needed to sober up. Nick had decided to attend the open-air market where he could observe Ana's outing with Scott.

Nicholas felt a little obsessive, but he couldn't think of anyone that wouldn't be in this situation. He thought about reaching out to any of his friends to help him work through the situation, but it was so delicate he wasn't sure he trusted any of them enough to fill them in.

Mrs. Burns stopped him in the foyer. "Nicholas are you alright?"

"Not really but I must endure it. I don't have a choice. I just want her home with me, nothing else matters." Nicholas told his oldest companion.

Mrs. Burns nodded a crease forming above her brow. "Be careful. Scott is a formidable opponent. Choose your words and actions carefully. Try not to overburden Ana with your fears, it will hurt your standing in the long run. She needs to know you are standing beside her with strength. Don't let him beat you by creating a rift between you two of your own making."

Nicholas nodded slowly. He understood what she was telling him. He could not repeat his actions of last night. Nicholas could badger Ana with his fear and jealousy as it would only push her away.

Nick would give himself that one night of panic but from now on he would bear the weight of this no matter how heavy it got. Even if she was intimate with Devon he could understand. It was this forced situation and trying to get through it without it being extended. He hated every bit of it, but they would be together on the other side.

Nick vowed that he would never touch another woman again. All he wanted was Ana and no one else had ever come close to what he felt for her. He would not trade mediocre sex with some random woman for Ana ever.

Nicholas got into his car and gave the driver directions to the market. Once he arrived Nicholas strolled through the long strip of vendors spotting a bench overlooking the whole area in the park and went over to take a seat. He should be able to see everything from here. He would not interfere, only observe. Nick needed to know that Devon was treating Ana well and that she was all right. He took a sip of his coffee and waited.