No Good Choices

The car ride back to the Devon estate was uncomfortably silent. Scott sat across from Ana and stared at her pensively. When they arrived at the house Scott helped Ana from the car and escorted her into the house. Once inside he told her he needed to do some work and retreated to his study. She went upstairs and showered and put on a clean nightgown. Ana climbed into bed wondering where Scott was. She lay there for a long time waiting for him, but he never came to bed.

When Ana woke the next morning the still made bed on his side made it clear that she had slept alone. Ana tried going through her normal routine that first day, but it became clear that she would be doing it alone. Whatever it was that Scott was thinking, he wasn't willing to share it with her. Ana had breakfast in the sunroom and noticed that there were pillows on the sofa and a blanket over the back. She guessed that Scott had slept in here last night, but why?