The Morning After

Ana woke the next morning to find Scott still beside her in bed, an arm wrapped possessively around her. When she tried to move Scott groaned but only pulled her closer. They had stayed awake late into the night last night. They had eaten dinner, talked for a long time, and fallen asleep while watching a movie. 

It was well past the time they normally rose, and breakfast would be arriving any time. They were likely to be caught still in bed if they didn't get up soon. It was too bad because she was very comfortable tucked up against Scott. Ana heard voices outside the bedroom door then it was pulled wide. Two curious but respectful faces were on the other side, Melissa and Lucas glanced in but did not enter. Ana pretended to be asleep as Nicholas strode in. 

"Are you still in bed? Scott, damn it, we had a meeting this morning fifteen minutes ago." Nicholas said walking over to the side of the bed that Scott was on.