
Chapter 201 The gods are shocked! Earn a sincere card!

With the opening of the True God Trial Tower.

The true gods of the entire Eternal Continent were restless.

Blue Star has not yet reached the true god level or above to play with you, and it seems that he has been stimulated, and he has started to practice frantically.

Destroy the kingdom of God.

Gedo, Angela, and Sophia, who have just been promoted to the primary level of the median true god, are also ready to follow Zhuan Cheng to the true god trial tower.

And Domira, Mondon, Kem, Anna, the believers who have achieved the lower true gods, are also eager to try.

Seeing this scene, Zhan Cheng only thought for a moment, and then he made up his mind to go to the True God Trial Tower with these True God believers under his command.

After all, it is different from other Blue Stars who are excited and don't know the crisis is coming.

Earning Cheng is facing the impending crisis and keep it in mind.

Three years!

Zhuan Cheng remembered very clearly that just three years later, Blue Star suffered a wanton invasion by the gods of different time and space.

And the three years of Blue Star are the three hundred years of the Endless God Realm.

Although, after experiencing the tombs of the gods for a week, Ying Cheng vaguely felt that Blue Star was invaded by the gods of different time and space, and maybe there was some connection with the void creatures.

But the feeling is just feeling, he has not grasped the exact information yet.

But he believed that as long as he passed the True God Trial Tower, everything would be revealed.

He will know all the secrets he wants to know.

Thinking like this, the sense of urgency in Zhuangcheng's heart became stronger.

In the same way, that kind of love for the Blue Star's parent star made him protect the Blue Star without hesitation to start the most important mission.

"As long as I can become the Invincible Lord God within these three hundred years, I should be able to ensure that Blue Star is safe.

"Even if it is my own strength, it is still slightly insufficient by 477, but with the help of Xingyun Pavilion's power, it is definitely enough."

Earning Cheng thought secretly in his heart, and with a big wave of his hand, he led Gedo, Angela and other believers to break through the void towards the direction of the True God Trial Tower and quickly shuttle away.

At this time, near the chaotic void above the sky of the Endless God Realm, an illusory tower that towers into the sky and covers the sky, stands in the void like this.

The tower vaguely exudes aura, full of ominous ambiguity.

But what is in harmony with the ominous atmosphere of the tower is the lively scene around.

Countless true gods surround the tower, there are upper true gods, and there are middle true gods.

There is even a lower true god.

Among them, tens of thousands of Blue Star players stood together, carefully observing the various True Gods that kept coming.

"Why hasn't Zhuo Shen come yet?"

A low-ranking True God beginner player, glanced around and asked carefully.

The aboriginal gods of the Endless God Realm around them, as well as those old-fashioned true gods, are much stronger than Blue Star's.

Just the true gods who exude the domineering breath of the upper true gods, almost made him not dare to breathe.

"What's the hurry, earning God will definitely come."

"Have you seen those upper true gods? None of them dared to enter the true god trial tower first. Guess why they didn't enter?"

A low-ranking True God mid-level player asked with a playful expression.


The other one played with astonishment and asked.

"I guess they are waiting for the god to be eaten."

(daff) "If you don't make money, who would dare to enter?"

"To earn a god, with one enemy ten, he killed more than a dozen high-ranking true god peaks.

"Afterwards, he went to trouble with the Divination True God, and even beat more than a dozen high-ranking True God peaks.

"You said, True God Invincible didn't even enter, which one of them would dare to enter?"

The low-ranking True God mid-level player replied with a proud face.

"Yuan Shen has killed more than a dozen high-ranking true god peaks in a row, I know it, and I have even seen it.

"However, you said that he killed the true god of divination again, and there are more than a dozen high-ranking true god peaks, how did you know?"

Another low-level beginner asked.

"Hey, look there, do you see that guy standing out like a hill?

The low-ranking true god intermediate player pointed to a low-ranking true god early-ranking god who was tall and brown rice in the distance and said.

"Well, I see, that is the god of giants, I know.

Several players around nodded.

"I know that guy, and I got this news from the god of giants.

"That guy, since he was recognized by the gods, he has eaten shit, and he has gradually become famous in the endless gods. 99

"Other true gods thought that he had something to do with earning gods, and they didn't dare to do it. They don't know how moisturizing their lives are now.

This low-ranking True God mid-level player flashed a trace of disdain and envy in his eyes.

Looking at the surrounding players not only wanted to laugh.

"Look, God Eater is coming!"

Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted.

In an instant, the noise was as empty as a vegetable market and suddenly quieted down.

All the true gods cast their eyes on the tearing void, pulled by thirteen giant dragons, full of golden brilliance, as well as vast divine power, the extravagant chariot of the king of gods, and there was a hint of shock on their faces. .

"what is this?"

The Giant True God opened his eyes wide, looking at the exaggerated shape of the God King's chariot made of gold and white jade, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

What shocked him even more was the golden dragon pulling the chariot of the God King in front.

It's just a giant dragon pulling, and its aura is much higher than his.

This made him feel a little bitter.

"Has Christon gone that far? 99

However, his bitterness was not over yet.

Immediately afterwards, the Earth Titan Monton, who had been promoted to the median of the lower true gods, and the Thunder Titan Kemu, who had been promoted to the primary level of the lower true gods, were like two mountains on the left and the right, guarding the left and right of the chariot of the god king. .

"Hoo! Hoo!

at this time.

Zhuan Cheng lightly pulled the chains of his soul, and suddenly the thirteen giant dragons roared in the sky and stopped.

"As expected of earning a god, to continue the trial of a true god in this way, I really don't deserve it."

Among the Blue Star players, Qi Sheng muttered to himself, his eyes twinkling.

And the main gods watching here, saw the chariot of the god king that Zhuo Cheng was riding, their pupils shrank, revealing a hint of horror.

This kind of shock is different from the shock of the true gods, and it is also different from the envy of the players.

Obviously, they seem to know the origin of this god-king chariot.

"It turned out to be rhythmic too,... It seems that the era of change is coming soon."

A sigh, inquired from the distance of the chaotic void.

The main gods who heard this sigh were shaken again in their hearts.

After that, all the main gods kept their eyes and mouths closed, as if they had not heard this sigh.

Earning Cheng didn't know what happened in the depths of the chaotic void.

At this time, he was just a little puzzled. The True God Trial Tower had already been opened, but he did not feel the fluctuation of the demigod trial tower, where a demigod broke into and started the trial.

"Are they waiting for me?

"Zuancheng thought to himself, opened the door of the God King's chariot, and stepped down from the void.

at this time.

The chariot of the God King once again shines brightly, and the roars, roars, and wars continue to sound in the void.

Xiaguang, lightning, and holy light are also constantly changing.

As if to say goodbye to his master.

"Your Majesty Christon, Denas has been waiting for you for a long time. 3

With a smile on her face, the goddess of the moon, Denas, stepped forward quickly and said softly.

"Your Majesty Zhao Liston, Eluna has been waiting for you for a long time.

Eluna also nodded towards Zhancheng to show awe.

"They are?"

"Zuancheng nodded and glanced at it. The true gods who were densely surrounded by the True God Trial Tower, but did not enter, asked Denas and Eluna.

"They are waiting for you.

"wait for me?"

Zhuan Cheng's heart skipped a beat, his brows furrowed slightly.

"Yes, your divine might has already spread to every corner of the circle of true gods in the Endless God Realm, and there is no true god who doesn't know your mighty power.

"They are all spontaneously waiting for you.

Denas sighed and said sincerely.

"Yes, earn God, the two goddesses are right, we are all waiting for you voluntarily."

"You didn't enter the True God Trial Tower, how can we enter?

-The famous voice is as loud as the bell tolls the Blue Star player, said loudly.

Other players, including the veteran true gods of Endless God Realm, also nodded and agreed.

No one is not in awe and admiration for Zhuan Cheng.

With one enemy against ten, the gods who directly and powerfully killed more than a dozen high-ranking true gods with illustrious reputations are not just casual words.

Not to mention the scene where the world-shattering many main gods are drawn together, which has completely made all the true gods regard Ying Cheng as a main god-like existence.

"You guys are really welcome.

"Since everyone has been waiting for a long time, they must be impatient.

"So, let's go in."

Earning Cheng Shenyin majestic, said with a smile.

Then he pointed lightly.

The entire illusory towering tower opened its gate like a huge hill with an "Oops" sound.

"I'll go first!"

Earning Cheng glanced around and still stood there, waiting for the True Gods who entered first, nodded, and stepped into the True God Trial Tower.