
Chapter 210 The shocking gods! Collective silence!


Another layer.

As the entire True God Trial Tower shook more violently, the suffocating terrifying aura was getting closer and closer to the center of the tower.

All the true gods held their breath and watched nervously at the coming "disaster".



The first floor was also broken open by huge hands.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuan Cheng fell to the center of the tower like a shooting star.

At this time, the illusory big face just glanced at Jushou and Zhancheng indifferently, and then gently shook his spiritual sense.

In an instant, a vast spiritual power surrounded the entire tower.

At this moment, the giant hand laughed loudly, and no longer had a trace of scruples, and slammed towards Zhuancheng in a completely crazy manner.

All the true gods opened their eyes wide, watching this terrifying scene, the corners of their eyes kept twitching, and they were shocked and speechless.

They don't know what happened to Zhuan Cheng and this giant hand.

But it is also clear that the aura coming from Zhuan Cheng's body at this time is the aura that was mottled and terrifying like the Lord God before.

And Gedo, Angela and the others glared at the giant hand.

If it weren't for the aura of the giant hand being so vast that they couldn't move at all at this time, they would have wanted to immediately go up and shred this giant hand that was rude to their gods.

And the illusory big face above the sky in the pagoda seemed to feel the anger in the hearts of Geduo, and couldn't help but glance at them.

in the tower.

The Blue Star players held their breaths and watched the shocking scene with wide eyes.

Although they were stunned by the aura of this giant hand and unable to move, they had the highest rules and gave Blue Star a unique way of communicating with you.

world channel.

Although it is said that since more and more players have been promoted to demigods, or even true gods, in order to protect their secrets and the kingdom of God.

So that the World Channel is becoming more and more pot-assisted, and it is becoming less and less used.

But now, it is the best choice for them to communicate.

"f**k, if we feel right, earning God is already the main god, right? 99

"Didn't you say that the Lord God can't participate in the True God Trial Tower?""?"

A true god player, said in the world channel.

At this moment.

In order to reach the true God, the Blue Star players saw a message like a hook on the world channel that had been silent for a long time, which completely exploded the pot.

"What? Earning God has become the main god?

"No way?"

A demigod player quickly asked.

"The police listened to his nonsense. If he becomes the main god, Fantong will definitely announce it, but the current aura of Zhuan is indeed similar to that of the main god. It should be said that it is a half-step main god to be more accurate.

There is another true god player inside, said in the world channel.

"Hi....Has it been a half-step Lord God? So terrifying?"

A rank eight player who was still absorbing believers in the Eternal Continent replied with a shocked expression.

"Hey, did the Half-step Lord God make you look like this?"

"I really want to know, what did you guys look like when you heard the news?"

A True God sneered and replied on the World Channel.

"What news? Could it be that Zhuan Chengyou did something earth-shattering?"

A player quickly asked.

"Except for two levels that used 3S, all other levels, earning gods, were passed with 1S."

"f**k! So strong?"

Many players who were still on the Eternal Continent opened their mouths directly into an O shape, which made the believers who had just recovered suddenly felt a little hesitant in their hearts.

Even many believers were muttering in their hearts at this time, could it be that their newly surrendered deity was a fool?

"dammit, it's not over yet."

"Among all the true gods, we are still fighting on the first and second floors, and only the two who earn God have passed from God to the third floor. 99

"Then do you know how many levels of earning gods have been reached?

This True God player replied on the World Channel with a frenzy on his face.

"The eighth floor?"

"People! 99

"The fifteenth floor!

"Do you know what the concept is?"

"In this era, all the true gods who participated in the True God Trial Tower have already entered the top 50 by clearing the 14th floor on the leaderboard."

"And how difficult is it to rank, and even the ten thousand or so are the famous Lord Gods, do you know? 93

"By the way, the number one in the entire ranking has only passed the sixteenth level!

After the true god player finished speaking in one breath, all the world channels completely quieted down.

After a long time, a True God player made a sound with a wry smile again.

"I guess, Zhuoshen will soon break the record of No. 1, and even pass the eighteenth gap directly. 93

Whoever said this is really a chess winner who is known for his wisdom.


At this time, a weak voice appeared in the World Channel.

"Because, Zhuan Shen and a pair of unknown giants fought."

"These giant hands are several times bigger than my kingdom of God, and the two of them have pierced through the entire True God Trial Tower. 99

"At this time, all our true gods have been moved to the center of the tower hall by the guards of the true god trial tower, quietly waiting for the end of this battle."

Qi Sheng said with a wry smile.

"Then who wins?

Someone on the channel asked.

"No one wins, those giant hands are making money with one-sided beating. 93

"But what I see in Yunlai, this is not a simple slap, but a forging God-devourer, making him stronger. 99

"At least, from the breath of earning a divine body, I can be sure."

Qi Sheng first muttered to himself, then his tone became firmer.

On the World Channel, when they heard Qi Sheng's analysis, everyone fell silent again.

Deep in the chaotic void.

The main gods are also full of shock, you look at me, I look at you.

Some of them have not broken into the fifteenth floor, and have not been baptized by this level.

But when they were promoted to the main god and learned the secrets about the true god's trial tower, they also knew the origin of these giant hands and his responsibilities in this pass.

They even watched the giant hands beat the God of Ice Flame with their own eyes.

But not in this way.

Not even the chains that bound him were broken.

As for the main gods who had passed through the fifteenth floor, their faces were full of slaps, as if those giant hands had slapped half of their gods' bodies again.

"I remember that when I reached the fifteenth level, I was slapped three times after being slapped three times.

"Furthermore, these three strokes were completed by the giant hand constantly releasing the recovery power.

"Can Riston hold up like the giant hand is now?"

The Lord God of Disaster, who rarely speaks, said slowly at this time.

This made all the Lord God's eyes flash with surprise again.

The Lord God of Disaster has not spoken for nearly a million years.

"It should be, I have never seen a giant hand so crazy.

"However, since he has no angler, then presumably Christon is not in danger. 99

The Wind Lord God hesitated for a moment, then said slowly.

"A big crisis is accompanied by a big opportunity. As long as Christon can survive, his future height will be the pool we look up to.

At this moment, the beautiful eyes of the Meteor Goddess flashed a strange light and said,