In a world where ancient powers awaken, india becomes the epicenter of an unprecedented crisis. Yohan, a young martial artist, finds himself thrust into a battle against supernatural beings endowed with the legendary Ashta Siddhis-eight divine powers capable of defying the very laws of nature.
When a mysterious creature emerges from the ocean, defying gravity and causing chaos, Yohan and his friends steps up to protect the innocent.their bravery captures the world's attention, but it also puts them in the crosshairs of global governments desperate to understand and contain the threat
it is good to read indian story .........
I’m excited to share that I’m creating a Cinematic Storyverse and hope you’ll all support me on this journey! So far, I’ve released The Eight Supernatural Powers and Dr. Sin. I’ll be honest—I’m not the best at writing, and English isn’t my first language, so I know I might not get everything perfect. But me and my buddies have worked really hard on this concept, and I’m pouring my heart into these stories. Your feedback and encouragement mean everything, so thank you for being here with me. Stay tuned for more epic stories!
I hope you like this story and it's my first story
intresting story.i hope you will add some new elements.