
The home of Mifune is a very common Japanese/ Chinese style house, and there is nothing surprising. If there is anything different, it is probably that there are many different swords hanging here.

"Young man, please sit down." said Mifune.

Kakashi sat on the futon and said, "Thank you."

"Young man, are you a shinobi from Konoha?" said Mifune.

"Yes. But how do you know?" Kakashi had some doubts. At this time, he did not wear Konoha's uniform and did not wear his headband either. His Sharingan is covered with white cloth. Kakashi did not know how he was exposed.

"Haha, the land of snow is closest to the village of Konoha, and Konoha's reputation is also the best, so naturally Sosetsu finds Konoha for help." Mifune explained.

"So it's like that."

"It seems that Sosetsu knows that he's gonna be dead, so he ask Konoha for help." Mifune sighed and said.

Kakashi stay silent, because as shinobi, he should not make any comment on the employer.

And Koyuki who's on the side of Kakashi is silent too, obviously the situation made him remember his own father.

A moment later, Kakashi got up and said, "Mifune-san, now I have finally bring Koyuki to you, so my mission is finished. I should take my leave now."

"Kakashi nii-san, are you leaving? Don't leave me alone." Koyuki after hearing this, said with tearful look at Kakashi. Kakashi is somewhat helpless.

At this time, Koyuki has not developed her nasty character like in the movie plot. She still is a very cute girl. So Kakashi is feeling a little helpless about this.

"Koyuki, you follow Mifune-san, when you have time to go to Konoha Village, you should find me to play? Ok!!" Kakashi said while patting Koyuki's head.

"But…but Kakashi nii-san, I don't want to leave you."

After getting along for three days, Koyuki has already relying on Kakashi, but Kakashi know that it is absolutely impossible to bring her back to Konoha not in current situation.

She is too special. Konoha is a period of weakness, so they can't afford to constantly protect her.

"Sorry Koyuki, I really can't take you there," Kakashi said.

"Sniff… Sniff..." Koyuki got tears on her eyes after hearing this.

Mifune looking at this said: "Young man, it seems that Koyuki is reluctant to leave you."

Kakashi said helplessly: "Mifune-san, you should know that if she is follows me, she will end up in some kind of danger."

Mifune, of course understand that Kakashi really can't take care of Koyuki. Not to mention that this is his friend, Sosetsu who entrust her entrusted to him so he can't let others take her.

"I understand, I'm gonna take care of Koyuki from now on." said Mifune.

"Thank you very much." Kakashi said, then he turned his body and left.

Unexpectedly, at this time Mifune pupils shrank, and suddenly said: "Wait a minute!"

Kakashi hearing this stop and said, "What's wrong Mifune-san?"

"Little boy, is the white sword behind you the sword of white fang, 正義 Masayoshi?" Mifune said with trembling voice.

Kakashi felt tense for a moment. White fang has a lot of enemies in this world. If Mifune is one of his enemies, he's afraid that he needs to run away as fast as possible

Tension between them soon became more visible with the ongoing silence

After seeing Kakashi looking at him tensely, Mifune said: "You don't have to worry, I am not an enemy of Sakumo, if anything I am his friend."

Kakashi hearing this finally relax. Sakumo is the name of Kakashi's father, Konoha white fang.

"Yes, it is my father's sword, Masayoshi, but now it is broken." Kakashi said as he pulls out the white sword.

Mifune is looking at the now half of the white sword. There is a trace of memory in his eyes, he reached out and said: "It really is the sword of white fang."

"Mifune-san, do you know my father?" Kakashi said curiously.

Mifune nodded and said: "Yes, when I was still young, I have a chance to duel Sakumo. Unfortunately, I lost at that time, but he didn't try to finish me off. Then I became friend with Sakumo. I don't know how long has it been. Now his son is already this big."

Mifune said when remembering his past. After all, it was already more than a decade ago.

Kakashi stay silent, he does not know what to say, but he didn't expect that Mifune and his father are friends as it was never mentioned in manga. But it is not a strange thing for them to know each other as both of them are renowned figures.

"You father died young, have you learned his sword technique from him?" Mifune then asked.

"Actually I'm still learning the basic." Kakashi said shyly.

"Then, can you show it to me?" said Mifune.

Kakashi did not refuse after hearing this. After all, Mifune is a renowned sword masters, and in manga, he even defeat Hanzo of the salamander during Fourth Great Shinobi War.

If he can get some guidance from Mifune, his sword skill will inevitably advance and he would definitely not die till he receives his system. In the absence of Chakra, the sword skill is another way to improve one's Strength.

Kakashi then walked into the courtyard and start to move his sword slowly under the cherry blossoms. The Hatake sword technique is perfected by Sakumo, he just need to train these step by step because it's a profound technique. Right now Kakashi is clearly still far away from mastering it.

A few minutes later, Kakashi performed a complete set of Hatake sword technique and quietly waited Mifune to evaluate it.

Mifune thought for a while and said: "Kakashi, your sword move like Sakumo's, but you don't get the meaning of Sakumo's move itself, although it is already good for your age. But you have to remember that you need to believe in your sword, moving your sword without believing will make it blunt!"

Kakashi thought about what Mifune said and asked: "What do you mean believe in your sword?"

Mifune then said with a smile: "When you understand why you are slashing, you wil understand what is to believe in your sword. Your Talent is outstanding, as long as you work hard, I believe that you will surpass Sakumo"

Kakashi then sheath his sword and said, "Thank you very much for the pointer Mifune-san."

"It's okay, Sakumo is my friend, of course I need to help pointing his son the way. It is nothing. That's right, I see that your white sword is broken, are you intending to re-create it?"

"That's the plan. I am planning to build a sword that suits me," Kakashi said.

"I just met an excellent blacksmith in this land of craftsmen. Let me take you to find him so he can create you the sword. My samurai sword and my armor are also built there. I believe that you will be satisfied." Mifune said as he touched the black handle on his waist.

"Really? That's really helpful." Kakashi joyfully said.

Kakashi is unfamiliar with the land of craftsmen. It is not easy to find a master who is willing to build a sword for him.

If Mifune help, it will definitely save him a lot of effort.

In the land of craftsmen, at a blacksmith shop, an old blacksmith is constantly swinging his hammer.

Kakashi followed Mifune, and Koyuki also follow them.

Mifune said: "Tsukasa, I come for some business."

The old blacksmith raised his head, looked at Mifune, and then look at Kakashi. He then said, "Is it for this boy?"

Kakashi hearing this came up and said: "Yes sir, I wanna aks for your help to make me a sword?"

"I can do it, but you need to find the materials yourself" said the old blacksmith.

"This…" Kakashi took out the white sword and said: "Sir, right now I only have this broken sword. Can you give me some time to gather more material to create it? Of course I will pay for it."

The old blacksmith took Kakashi's white sword and measured it. He said: "This sword is made from Chakra Rare Metal, but it has been broken. Only with such a point, I am afraid that I can't help you. As for Other materials, I don't have Chakra rare metal here."

Kakashi is feeling helpless. He originally thought that the blacksmith would have this kind of Metal. He didn't expect this old blacksmith don't have it.

At this time, Mifune pulled out a strange ore from his bag and said, "This should be enough right?"

After the old blacksmith saw the ore, his eyes brighten, and quickly said: "Yes, this is a good thing, where did you get it from?"

"Haha, I got it by chance." Mifune said with a smile.

"Mifune-san, this…" Kakashi said unsurely.

"It's okay, I already have black sword, and it's already made from Chakra's rare metal. I don't this stuff anymore so it's useless"

"This…Thank you very much."

"That's alright, what I want is for you to inherit white fang legend and carry it forward."

"Please be assured, I will do it!" Kakashi said awkwardly.

"Tsukasa, how long will it take to make this sword?" asked Mifune.

"Three days is enough with my skill."

"It's good, otherwise I won't be finding you just now."

"Then come over and take it after three days, I won't sent you off." The old blacksmith finished talking and then took the ore and begin to refine it.

"This guy is still the same." Mifune shook their shook head with a wry smile and turned to Kakashi and said, "Kakashi, you can lived in my house for three days."

"Okay, thank you very much Mifune-san."

"You're welcome. Koyuki also wants to spend more time with you." Mifune said and looked at Koyuki.

Koyuki looked innocently at the two and smile cutely.

Cherry Blossoms tree, at the courtyard, Kakashi is moving a long sword, he is practicing the Hatake sword technique. Mifune looking at him, and he nodded from time to time.

This long sword is not the one that Kakashi wants to make, but Mifune lend it for Kakashi to practice.

Seeing Kakashi training, Mifune said: "Kakashi, your sword skill movement is good, but you still need to believe in your sword."

Kakashi sheathed his sword and said, "Thank you for the pointer Mifune-san."

"Haha, It's okay Kakashi. I want to practice some movement, you can see it if you want." said Mifune.

"Okay." Kakashi with his eyes shined answered. And it was at this moment Kakashi see Mifune's sword.

Mifune pulled out his own black sword and start moving under the Cherry Blossoms. The sword was fierce, but it looked calm. It feels really strange.

The pace of Mifune's movement is even stranger, his speed is very fast which makes Kakashi a bit stunned.

He subconscious wants to open his Sharingan to see it, but he hold it back. After all, this movement may be the secret technique of Mifune, and to copy it, he needs consent from Mifune.

If he is an enemy, then there is no problem, but Mifune isn't an enemy, he's a friend of Kakashi's father.

Mifune sheathed his sword and said: "Kakashi, what did you see?"

"Mifune-san's sword movement is really fascinating, and it seems that there is a some amount of Spiritual Force attached to your sword," Kakashi said.

Mifune after hearing this laugh loudly and say: "You really are Sakumo's son, just by seeing it once you get it. Very good, I believe that you will be very strong in the future."

"Thank you for your praise Mifune-san."

"In addition to these, what do else you see?" asked Mifune.

"This… Mifune-san's footwork seems to be somewhat unusual. It looks very strange and quick. It looks slow at first, but it can be fast at an instant."

"You really can see it. Yes, this footwork is somewhat similar to the Shunshin no jutsu, but you don't need Chakra at all. Do you know who invented this footwork?"

"I don't know," Kakashi shook head said.

"You are very familiar with this person."

Kakashi's pupils shrank and said: "Is it… my father?"

"Yes, it is Sakumo. At the beginning, Sakumo reinvented the footwork that applied to the swordsman, and taught it to me. Didn't your father teach you?" Mifune seemed to have some doubts.

Kakashi shook his head and said with a wry smile, "No, my father died before he can teach me those skills. My current Hatake sword technique is just based on the records from my family scroll."

"It turns out to be like that. Then I will teach you this skill, its name is Shunpo. After all, it is the move created by your father. If you don't learn it, it will be really strange," said Mifune.

"Thank you very much Mifune-san."

"Then let us start now" Mifune said as he demonstrated the footwork once again. Kakashi did not open his Sharingan, and use his own eye to see it.

Mifune is moving slowly so that Kakashi can understand it, and at the same time he's also talking about Shunpo's movement.

After the demonstration, Mifune then asked: "How about it Kakashi?"

Kakashi didn't answer right away, but closed his eye and he seemed to be thinking about something.

A moment later, Kakashi opened his eyes and with a smile he says: "Mifune-san, I think I understand."

"Oh? Then can you try it?" said Mifune in surprise.

Just by watching it again, is Kakashi really able to do it?

Kakashi then stand with the tip of his toes and he disappears from his place. The next second he appears five meters away.

"This…" Mifune is stunned, he can already do it? Although it is only basic, but it is indeed Shunpo. His talent is really terrifying!

"You really are Sakumo's son." This is the only thing Mifune can says.

"Mifune-san thank you very much," Kakashi said gratefully.

Mifune waved his hands and said: "You're welcome, this is the skill of your father. I only help teaching you in his place."

Shunpo, which is a kind of Taijutsu will become more terrifying as long as his own fitness continues to increase. Today's Kakashi is still at the basic. Even Mifune is far from mastering it.

How terrifying is the real Shunpo? Is it comparable to the Shunshin of Shisui? But today's Shisui is probably just a seven- or eight-year-old kid. It will be long before he can be that fast.

Three days later, Kakashi looks at the long sword in his hand, it's about one meter long, with a single-sided edge and a broad curve silver-white blade.

Kakashi try to swing it, and a smile of satisfaction appeared on his face.

The old blacksmith said: "This sword used the metal from your broken sword and Mifune's ore. It took me three days to make it. It is considered to be best work I have ever created."

"Thank you very much sir" Kakashi said as he inserting the long sword into the sheath.

"No, this is my job. I only hope that you will make the name of this sword resound in the future. Right, you need to give this sword a name." Said Tsukasa.

"I will name it Millennium." Kakashi said after thinking for a while.

"Well, after creating this sword, I'm really satisfied in this life." Tsukasa said.

"Tsukasa, you shouldn't said that. After all, we should always thrive to be better." said Mifune.

"Hahaha, you are right." Tsukasa smiled.

"Mifune-san, I have been here for a few days now, it is time for me to go back to the village," Kakashi said.

"Okay, you should take care. I have to leave here in a few days, to go back to the land of iron. If you have time, you should visit me and Koyuki. After all, she will miss you" said Mifune.

Today, Koyuki did not come along, but stayed in Mifune's home, probably feeling sad to part with him, so she can't bear to come here.

"Okay, if I go to the land of iron in the future, I will visit you."

Kakashi then turned and left. It has been half a month from the start of this mission, and it was time for him to return to Konoha Village. But this time he got big harvest. First, He fights against the powerful Jōnin from Yukigakure, and he got experience from this fight. Later he learned the Shunpo from Mifune. Finally, he got his new sword, Millennium.

Kakashi is very satisfied with this harvest. He also needs to sort out what he has learned in this week. He now has complete understanding of the Four Symbols Seal, with this, the problem of Sharingan can be solved. .

However, Kakashi intends find an unsealing method after the implementation of the seal Sharingan, otherwise, he can't use a Sharingan during a fight.

After all, a large part of Kakashi's Strength now depends on Sharingan, not to mention that Sharingan is a strong dojutsu. He is able to copy almost every justu. This is very useful as he fight against unknown enemy.

In this way, Kakashi is not in a hurry.

His sword skill has reached a bottleneck, but there is already ways to breakthrough as he need to increase his understanding of the sword. With his long sword, Kakashi is now being able use for his Hatake clan sword technique.

Three days later, Kakashi finally returned to Konoha village.

Hokage Office.

"Sandaime-sama, the mission of the land of Snow has been completed." Kakashi said. The mission summary is written on the Scroll that was handed over to Sandaime Hokage.

Sandaime Hokage took and looked at it and said, "Well done Kakashi, this mission is completed. You should go to rest first, and I will give you a new mission in a week."

"Yes, Sandaime-sama." Kakashi said as he left.

"Kakashi, he is really doing a good job at this mission, and he feels like a different person. Without the sense of lifelessness from before, did he already out of darkness?" Sandaime Hokage couldn't help but feel complicated.

What Sandaime doesn't know is that the current Kakashi is no longer the original Kakashi. Although he got the original memory, he still becomes another person.

Kakashi returned home, remove his equipment and lay on the bed. After getting back, even Kakashi is feeling tired.

The exhaustion has make Kakashi sleep. When he wake up again, it is already time for the moon to rise.

Kakashi groaned with rumbling belly and climbed out of bed lazily. No one's in this house half a month, so naturally there will be no food. Kakashi changes his clothes and go out to find something eat.

There was a big change after Kakashi left. It has been more than 20 days after the attack of Kyuubi. Many houses in the village have been rebuilt.

After all, there is shinobi, and their efficiency of doing things is much higher than normal person.

Kakashi looked around to see which restaurant was open. Soon, Kakashi's gaze was attracted by a small shop.

Ichiraku Ramen, the netizen from his previous life dubbed it as Konoha's best food.

Kakashi's mask showed a smile underneath, and he didn't hesitate at the moment. Since he has reborn in this world, he needs to taste the ramen.

"Welcome." Wearing a white chef's suit, Teuchi smiled and said hello.

Now Teuchi looks a lot younger, and Ayame is just a 7-year-old girl, who is standing behind his father.

"Hello, I want to order 1 miso soup ramen" Kakashi said.

"Okay, wait a moment," said Teuchi.

After he finishes cooking the ramen, Teuchi put Kakashi's order in front of him.

Kakashi was sitting on a chair. At this time, there was no other costumer in here. The meal time had already passed, so it is empty now.

"Well, it's hot so you should eat it slowly" said Teuchi.

"Thank you, then I should start." Kakashi said as he tastes the soup first, and it was delicious.

"It's delicious," Kakashi said.

"Haha, of course it is. This soup is a recipe that I have studied for a long time, and it tastes wonderful. This noodle is also made by my unique technique. It is very flexible." Teuchi said as he was happy that someone praised his work.

"Teuchi-san, you are really a great chef." Kakashi said with a sense of respect.

This is not the conclusion of Kakashi because of this bowl of noodles.

At the beginning of the plot, among the ordinary villagers, Teuchi is the only one who had no intention of abandoning Naruto, and Naruto was often given ramen for free. Kakashi appreciates his mentality who tries to help Naruto.

Naruto likes to eat a ramen noodles, it is not only because this ramen is delicious, but more importantly, the thing Teuchi has done to him make Naruto very touched.

"Haha, thanks for your compliment. I remember you, you seem to be the Disciple of Yondaime-sama right?" Teuchi suddenly thought of this.

At the beginning, Minato had brought Kakashi and his team to eat ramen here, but unfortunately now that Minato and Rin are dead, Obito has also broke into the darkness, and now Kakashi is the only one left.

"Yeah, I really miss those days" Kakashi said with sad emotion.

Realizing something was wrong, Teuchi quickly apologized: "Sorry, I mentioned your sadness."

"It's okay. This is really delicious. I should leave now. Thank you Teuchi-san."

Kakashi finished the last bite in the bowl, put the money on the table, and turned away.

"Father, who is the big brother that's wearing a mask?" asked the Ayame curiously.

"Haha, Ayame, that big brother is just a poor little broken man" Teuchi said as he pick Ayame up.

Inside his house, Kakashi sits on the ground, all around him there is strange symbol, if seal masters look at this they would know that is the Four Symbols Seal!

Kakashi closed his eyes and start doing the preparation to use the seals.

Kakashi suddenly opened the both of his eyes, a normal eye, and a Sharingan. After looking around, Kakashi muttered: "The preparations are all done, now it's time to seal the Sharingan, Obito, I am sorry for doing this."

Then he makes hand seals and softly said: "Four Symbols Seal!"

In an instant, a strange symbol move and suppress Kakashi's Sharingan. Kakashi can feel the Chakra that is originally injected into Sharingan, is rapidly withdrawing, and little by little coming back to his body.

Double! Triple! Four Times! Until Sharingan was completely suppressed by the four symbols seal and completely sealed. Kakashi felt that his Spirit was kind of refreshed, and the sense of oppression in his mind disappeared completely.

The seal is complete!

Kakashi feels really good, and once he feels Chakra within the body, Kakashi is ecstatic! His Chakra has actually increased by ten times!

For a moment, Kakashi felt that his body was full of the strength, and this feeling has made Kakashi almost lost himself in a moment.

"Is this the feeling of Chakra? Is this the amount of Chakra I should have? Sure enough, it is worthy of the called a genius, this is his actual Chakra reserve. After feeling this he feels that he won't have a problem even if he uses chidori for 20 times."

Kakashi at this point understand how much the Sharingan consumes its own Chakra.

Sharingan takes too much of his Spirit energy. If the Uchiha clan spends some Chakra to use it, then Kakashi need 10 times the Chakra to use Sharingan!

This gap is simply terrifying! What is more terrifying is the fact that Kakashi's Sharingan can't be closed, which has caused his to be consumed without stopping. The original Kakashi tries to cover his Sharingan with his headband. Even if he covers it, the Chakra consumption is only decreased by a small amount.

At this point after Kakashi completely sealed his Sharingan, he feels that his Chakra reserve has grown to such an extent. This amount of chakra reserve, even it doesn't reach Kage-Level at this age, it almost got to be there.

"If my Chakra reserve can continue to grow, I will also be able to train in Senjutsu!" Kakashi thought as he smiles happily.

The basic condition of Senjutsu practice is to have huge Chakra reserve, and this is precisely the shortcoming of original Kakashi. But now that his Sharingan has been sealed, his Chakra which was originally used to support Sharingan was now completely liberated and Kakashi Chakra reserve was also released increase by a huge amount.

And right now, Kakashi is only fourteen years old, his chakra reserve will continue to grow, and it is growing rapidly.

Kakashi has clenched his fist and couldn't help but smiles when thinking about the future.

Touching the already sealed Sharingan, Kakashi pulled down his headband to cover it. One of the reasons is to hide the fact that he sealed his Sharingan. Another reason is because his sealed Sharingan can't see anything, so it's useless for now.

Although his Sharingan has been sealed, it does not mean that Kakashi gave up on Sharingan. Sharingan is important, especially the Kamui skill from his Mangekyō Sharingan, which involves Space Ninjutsu. It is a very powerful skill so Kakashi can't give up on it.

It's just that now, Sharingan is going to give more harm than good for Kakashi. Kakashi is also thinking about how to reduce the consumption of Sharingan to the point where it can be used normally, but he got no clue about it.

It is to say that in consumption of Sharingan, the original Kakashi has not been able to significantly improve it even in 17 years, so obviously, he needs to do something.

Therefore, Kakashi can only think of other methods.

At present, there is no way. But that does not mean that there is no way in the future. Kakashi believes that everything has a solution, it is just that he has not found it.

In fact, it can't be said that there is no such thing. At least Hashirama's cell is a way to fix that, but Kakashi refuse to do that kind of thing, and if he is discovered, Konoha won't stay put about that, so Kakashi need to find another way.

After temporarily putting this kind of thought aside. Kakashi was in a good mood because he success sealing his Sharingan. He takes out his millennium sword on the bed, and get out and start practicing his sword skill in the courtyard!

Right now Kakashi can feel his body Strength getting stronger than before, which is caused by the surge of Chakra. Now he seems to be able to open the mountains and rivers with each stroke of his sword.

Kakashi knows that this is just an illusion because of his increasing strength and he knows that he has not reached that kind of level.

Then he is slashing over and over again, the sweat start to drop from Kakashi's face. After a few hundred times, Kakashi finally stopped and sigh.

His body now still hasn't feels tired. Is it because there is no Sharingan? Is this the true power of Kakashi, the son of white fang?

His Millenium sword in his right hand exudes a dazzling thunder light and Kakashi said softly: "Chidori!"

The Millenium sword was instantly covered by the formidable lighting chakra, and the original one-meter blade became more than five meters, at the same time it's mixed with the sound of chidori!

Kakashi was indifferent to this, and then he quietly looked at the sword that turned into a long-blade sword. Under the light of his sword, Kakashi's face looked mysterious.

At this moment, he is not Sharingan Kakashi, he is Hatake Kakashi who belongs to the Hatake clan!

After fifteen minutes, the Thunder on the Millennium sword disappeared without a trace, and Kakashi was half-squatting on the ground. The continued consumption of Chakra made Kakashi unable to stand up, he almost faint because of chakra exhaustion.

Even when he is half-squatting on the ground, Kakashi has no sense of tiredness, but rather he feels excited. It is a kind of eagerness to try thing. From today, he is Hatake Kakashi? Just then a Green tangible screen showed up,

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