Thnder dance

After coming out of Jiraiya's home, Kakashi returned to his home. He didn't expect that from this trip, he got a Ninjutsu, and it was a very practical defense Ninjutsu.

Kakashi was somewhat unprepared for Jiraiya's generosity, but for Kakashi, this is a good sign. In this case, if he wants to learn Senjutsu from Jiraiya or toad sages in the future, maybe Jiraiya will agree, so that he can save a lot of trouble from this.

But for now, Kakashi will temporarily put aside Senjutsu, because right now, his Chakra reserve is a problem. Even if it is free from the limitations of Sharingan, Kakashi's Chakra reserve still does not meet the criteria to practice Senjutsu.

According to Kakashi's judgment, the requirement to learn Senjutsu is at least needs his chakra reserve to be above Kage level, and the current Kakashi is still below Kage level.

Putting Senjutsu aside, Kakashi took out the Scroll about seals from Kushina. Regarding the seal, Kakashi is still not able to fully grasp it through his memory of past help a lot in understanding the concept. He still needs to understand the content little by little. He must slowly learn about it.

Kakashi's purpose is to completely master the seal, and so that he's able to control the Sharingan perfectly. So when he use or stop using the Sharingan, it will be sealed again. So that he can use it like Uchiha clan's member.

However for this thing, he requires a very good control of the Chakra, and he also need an absolute mastery of the seal.

No matter which is it, this is not a problem that can be completed in a short time.

But the other thing that made Kakashi on the guard is the defection of Orochimaru. Right now, he thought that it won't be long before Orochimaru's caught doing experiment. At this time, Sandaime is already having suspicion about Orochimaru.

After Orochimaru defected, Jiraiya will also leave, Konoha will enter its dark time. And when the Uchiha clan massacres happen, Konoha will be the at its lowest point ever.

In other words, Konoha is really terrifying even when it is the lowest point, their strength is still the same as other Great Shinobi Villages. If its Strength is not this much, the other village must have attack Konoha.

For Orochimaru, Kakashi thinks that he is not that bad. Through Orochimaru is a evil scientist but after the fourth great ninja war he has contributed in the field of otsosuki.

It is just that Orochimaru's scientific experiment is touching the bottom line of Konoha's morality. So naturally it is impossible to survive in Konoha's light, but it is very suitable for the Root.

Unfortunately, Danzo won't help Orochimaru as he is Sandaime's disciple. Even if Orochimaru and Sandaime's relationship is kind of bad right now as Orochimaru is slowly slipping out of Hiruzen hands, they are still master and disciple. Therefore, Orochimaru must leave Konoha, because he won't get help from Danzo atleast inside the village but may have dealings outside.

Orochimaru also doesn't want to continue staying in Konoha. Because the world is big, and when he is at Konoha, will have a lot of restrictions. He can go anywhere he wants, so he doesn't want to stay at Konoha.

If there is anything that can bound him at Konoha, it's probably just his relationship with Jiraiya and Tsunade. But how can someone like Orochimaru bounded by this kind of thing?

Therefore, in Kakashi's view, the defection is only a matter of time now.

After getting home, Kakashi silently looked at Scroll in his room. Kakashi didn't even think about trying to kill Orochimaru.

After all, in this world, there is no one as tricky to kill than Orochimaru. Kakashi has no interest in fighting against such people, not to mention that right now, Kakashi is still not an opponent of Orochimaru.

However, Kakashi's idea is not the same as reality.

The next night, Kakashi received emergency call from Sandaime.

Outside the Hokage office, a large number of Anbu shinobi waited here, and Kakashi was no exception. At this time, Kakashi wore his Anbu clothes with a dog mask that looked very strange.

Sandaime wearing the Hokage robe came out and said, "Everyone, Orochimaru has defected to Konoha and is now officially listed as a S-rank rebel. Your mission is to bringing Orochimaru back! Orochimaru holds many of Konoha's secrets. If he successfully escape, there will be a very serious loss for Konoha. Do you understand?"

When they heard that Orochimaru defected, Anbu's shinobi was really surprised. He is one of Konoha's pillar. They didn't expect to him defect. But everyone didn't think too much about it. After all, they are shinobi. And shinobi must execute their mission.All Anbu then says: "Yes. Sandaime-sama."

New Quest!

Mission - Encounter Orochimaru !

Mission - Impress Orochimaru and Jiraiya!

Time limit- 3 days

Reward - 51% exp / chakra reserves bottle

After that, all Anbu disappeared from this place, trying to chase Orochimaru.

Kakashi keeps jumping in the woods, but there is something troubling him. Sandaime let these Anbu to go after Orochimaru, but it looks like he is sending cannon fodder. Sandaime should have known about Orochimaru's Strength.

In the entire Konoha, the one is who is qualified to fight against Orochimaru are just Danzo, Sandaime, Jiraiya and Tsunade. Danzo and Sandaime did not try to chase him. And right now Tsunade was outside of the village. Only Jiraiya would chase Orochimaru.

But knowing Jiraiya's personality, he's definitely not going to use his full power when dealing with Orochimaru, just like Naruto vs. Sasuke. Without using his full power, how could Jiraiya become Orochimaru's opponents?

At this time, Sandaime seems to send Anbu to pursue Orochimaru, but in fact it is just the looks like he wants to catch Orochimaru.

Otherwise, when they were in the laboratory, Sandaime can just kills Orochimaru easily but he didn't which means catching him is not main priority. Hiruzen wants his to successfully leave the village will maintaining his farfetch.

Kakashi then start trying to slack off so he won't find Orochimaru. Orochimaru is a troublesome opponent.

"Kakashi-senpai." At this time, someone call him from behind.

Kakashi looked back and see purple hair, with a mask, it was one of Anbu's members.

"Yugao? What happened?"

"Kakashi-senpai, I heard that Orochimaru-sama has defected, so I came along and try to pursue him."

"You?" Kakashi looked up and down at Yugao, he did not expect this little girl to have such enthusiasm.

"Kakashi-senpai, you shouldn't look down on me, after all I am very powerful."

Hearing Kakashi's tone, Uzuki Yugao thought that Kakashi was looking down on her and she was not happy at that.

"Okay, I understand. Let's go together then." Kakashi said without thinking.

"Okay, Kakashi-senpai." Yugao couldn't help but feeling happy after hearing this, now she can perform mission togheter with the famous Kakashi of the Sharingan. She knows that right now she can get some experience from him.

Kakashi didn't speak and accelerated instantly. Since someone followed him, his idea to slack off can't be done. Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain to Sandaime.

"Please wait Kakashi-senpai." Said Yugao as she also accelerates, trying to keep up with Kakashi's speed.

"Kakashi-senpai, do you know where Orochimaru's right now?" Yugao asked curiously.

Kakashi shook his head and said, "I don't know, I can only go in this direction thought the given clues, and with our Strength, there is no way we can deal with Orochimaru. If we encounter him, we can just hope for the best."

Seeing that Kakashi is not motivated, Yugao feels somewhat boring. But thinking about Orochimaru, she knows that Kakashi is right.

However, Uzuki Yugao is also a genius. Although the reputation of Orochimaru's strength is great, she feels that her strength is not that much worse than him. The newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger, so she will dare to rush out at this time.

"Kakashi-senpai, although Orochimaru is famous, but you're not bad yourself, even if your strength can't is not as strong as him, I believe the gap is not that great."

Kakashi looked at Yugao and smiled with surprise, not knowing where she had such great confidence in him.

"Yugao, you really overestimate me." Kakashi said with a bitter smile.

With Kakashi's strength right now, he is still doesn't have half of Orochimaru's Strength. How could he is compared to Orochimaru?

"No, Kakashi-senpai, I believe you can win against him." Yugao seems to have some very terrifying confidence in Kakashi. Looking at this, Kakashi feels somewhat shameful.

Suddenly, Kakashi feels something wrong. He stop and said said, "Stop!"

Yugao was confused but she still listen to him.

"What's wrong Kakashi-senpai?" Yugao ask curiously.

Kakashi smiled and said, "I think we should be prepared to escape anytime now."


Kakashi didn't try to answer the question of Yugao. Then someone came out of the grass in front of him. The one who's coming out is Orochimaru, their target!

"Oh? There are two little kid here." Orochimaru showed a smile, like a snake that's looking at his prey, his aura feels gloomy and cold.

Yugao then start getting ready and unsheathed her sword at Orochimaru.

The one in front of her is one of the legendary Sannin. He is called the genius of his generation. After meeting him, Yugao finally feels the gap between their powers!

Orochimaru didn't seem to be going to kill the two shinobi in front of him, but he look the two of them playfully. But still, his golden eyes exclude oppressive scary aura.

Kakashi and Yugao can feels cold sweat at their back. This is killing intent!

Kakashi is getting tense, and his Chakra from within body explodes in a flash! Kakashi feels the killing intent removed and he can now move his body normally.

"Oh? You actually broke free? Interesting." Orochimaru was obviously a little surprised, probably didn't think that this little anbu could break through from his killing intent.

"Orochimaru!" Kakashi panted and stared at Orochimaru.

"Silver-white hair, it seems that you are Kakashi, but I did not expect that Sakumo's son is already this big. Haha, it's really interesting, let's see how much of thing you have learn from your father."

Orochimaru said as he feeling the eagerness to test Kakashi's strength.

For some time, the imposing manner on Orochimaru was really great! Kakashi feels that he is not facing a person, but a fierce snake. He seems to be the prey of this snake, and he will be swallowed into his belly at any time if he's not careful.

Kakashi unsheathed his Millenium sword with his right hand and held it in front of him. The only remaining right eye was now looking at Orochimaru. As for Yugao, she has been stunned and unable to move. Kakashi doesn't have time to take care of her.

Furthermore, Orochimaru is now more interested in Kakashi and he won't touch Yugao.

"Not bad, your stance of holding the sword is very good."

Orochimaru seems to be getting more and more excited, and looking at Kakashi with eyes full of expectation.

Kakashi clenched the Millennium in his hand, and his Chakra start to move rapidly inside his body. Kakashi knew that he only got one chance to try to attack Orochimaru. He got no second chance at all.

This is the only chance Orochimaru give Kakashi show his sword skill. And for him to complete system mission to achieve the reward.

Right now, Kakashi's life is in the hand of Orochimaru. He can't make any mistake.

His chakra start to condense in his right palm, and there is sound of thunder from the Millennium, and there is also arc of blue aura that start to pulsate on the sword.

"Is this?" Orochimaru has some doubts, but he starts looking amazed, as if this is an incredible move that shouldn't have appeared again in this World.

"Thunder Dance!"

Kakashi is lightly said as the Millennium sword that is in his hand moving like a thunder dragon in an instant, wrapped in thousands of lightnings, and it seems to be really imposing!

Seeing the scene in front of him, Orochimaru's eyes are excluding scary light, and he feels more excited!

And Yugao is completely shocked by this scene. Is this Kakashi-senpai's strength? Is this Kakashi-senpai's most powerful move?

What happened to his sword? The aura that came from Kakashi's sword make Yugao feels scared.

Too dangerous!

This is the only feeling in Yugao's heart, she can clearly perceive that if she is attacked by this move, she won't be able to fight back or dodge at all. She will dead at the instant this move is used!

Without paying attention to the complex emotions of these two people, Kakashi is moving his body like a shadow, the man and the sword seemed to be integrated, and with the formidable thunder, Kakashi waved the Millenium sword in his hand.

Thunder Dance! It is one of the modified secret art in the Hatake clan sword technique. It requires the Chakra and his sword skill to be powerful enough, and then he injects lighting attribute chakra into the long sword, and with the movement of the sword, the Thunder Dragon start to move into Orochimaru's location.

Facing this sword skill, Orochimaru did not choose to hide, but chose a frontal confrontation.

If they look closely, they will find that even Orochimaru's golden pupil looks cold, it seems to reveal a sense of excitement. Orochimaru feels that his cool blood start to boil at this moment.

This feeling, it's strange. Why is he getting this kind of feeling? When he's with Sakumo, he already sees this technique countless of time. This is the technique Sakumo that Kakashi modified uses to kill countless strong enemies?

That sword, that figure, he can't help but some remember it after seeing this scene.

But even when remembering his memory, the terrifying instinct that was trained on the battlefield allowed Orochimaru to respond without trouble!

Kakashi sees Orochimaru biting the left hand, and start making hand seals and said.

"Summoning: Triple Rashōmon!"

In an instant, the three Metal gates that looks like it came from Hell appear in front of Kakashi.

Kakashi pupils shrank, then he secretly thought: "I didn't expect Orochimaru to use this skill!"