Chapter 1: Under the moonlight

In a secluded forest, where surrounded by a serene silence of nature , a young boy named Ashiro found himself entangled with a peculiar fellow named Devon. Ashiro couldn't help but ponder, "Why of all the people I could be stuck with, did it have to be this guy?" he mused inwardly.

Devon, it seemed, was the epitome of perfection within their university. He was a jack-of-all-trades, effortlessly juggling various pursuits with aplomb. Devon's academic prowess was unparalleled, consistently racking up A+ grades on his report card. No matter what gender, people were inexplicably drawn to his charismatic aura. Even his self was drawn to this guy aura of perfection. However, Ashiro was acutely aware that it was highly unlikely for Devon to return his affections, given their vastly different personalities and gender. And also, Ashiro won't ever confess his feelings on him.

Moreover, Ashiro discovered that Devon was already in a relationship with a captivating young woman. Ashiro knew that Devon's relationship won't last long with his girlfriend. Only him and Devon's girlfriend knew the reason for that.

The reason Ashiro found himself stuck with Devon in a small forest shelter was due to an unexpected heavy rain while they were enjoying the view near the lake.

Ashiro was wandering around the forest, appreciating nature's beauty, after their professor divided the rooms where they would spend the night. Unfortunately, he was paired with Devon. Their professor seemingly randomly assigned rooms to ensure fairness in room assignments. Girls were paired girls, and boys were paired with boys.

Ashiro wanted some peace before going to bed, so he decided to leave the room. Actually when he visited the room earlier there were no one inside, the soul of his roommate was nowhere to be found.

While walking into the forest, Ashiro didn't realize he had strayed away from the villa. However, he is a stubborn and brave person who loves adventure, so he continued walking away from the villa and arrived at a destination with a beautiful lake.

"This looks like a dream," Ashiro murmured.

He decided to sit near the lake and removed his shoes to dip his feet in the water. Watching the moonlight reflect off the clear lake water brought him a sense of relief.

If he had brought his art supplies with him, he would have definitely painted the view right now. Although Ashiro isn't an art major, he dreams of becoming a painter in the future. However, his family doesn't want him to pursue a career in art because painters don't earn much money. That's why he is a business major and is in the same class as Devon. However art is something he can't let go that's why doing art is his hobby.

While wondering into his deep thoughts, Ashiro heard foot steps coming from behind. Yet he's still unfezed and enjoying the moment. After a while the footsteps stips beside him.

As the moon rose above them, casting its gentle glow on the serene night, the guy behind him couldn't help but remark, "The moon is truly beautiful, isn't it?"

Ashiro, feeling a sense of familiarity, turned around to face him. It was Devon, gazing at the moon with a tranquil expression. Ashiro's heart fluttered as he met the guy's eyes, his gaze filled with a deep sense of longing.

For a moment, Ashiro remained silent, taking in the peacefulness of the night. Then, he broke his gaze with Devon and stared back into the water, his mind racing with the potential consequences of his actions.

"May I join you?" Devon asked softly, his voice filled with kindness.

Ashiro didn't notice that Devon had spoken again and sat down beside him. They were mere inches apart, and Ashiro felt a surge of fear. "Please, don't come any closer," he whispered to himself, trying to maintain his composure.

Taking a deep breath, Ashiro exhaled slowly, attempting to calm his nerves.

"Don't worry, I won't harm you," Devon whispered reassuringly, his breath tickling Ashiro's ear. A jolt of electricity ran through Ashiro's body as he turned to face Devon, his eyes locking onto the guy's face.

Ashiro felt a tempting sensation while staring into the man's eyes. "Oh! How I longed for this moment to happen," his thoughts were getting fuzzled.

Devon, on the other hand, barely held his breath while maintaining his composure. "How can a guy be this pretty under the moonlight?" he wondered inside his thoughts.

Feeling a heat inside his body, Devon couldn't hold himself anymore. He slowly leaned closer until their faces were just an inch apart. One wrong move, and their lips would surely touch.