Chapter 4:Unusual Dream

Ashiro woke up due to a continuous knock outside his door. He sat up in bed and groped around for his eyeglasses.

It had been a while since he'd had that dream, from what happened more than half a decade ago. He never imagined that the events between Devon and him during that rainy night would continue to haunt him.

The door opened slightly.

"Sir, Mrs. De Villa, your wife, requests your presence downstairs," the servant said. The servant didn't wait for his response and closed the door again.

Ashiro left his unusual dream behind; he didn't want to remember those moments anymore. However, a part of his heart knew that what had happened six years ago wasn't a mistake for him.

He prepared himself, as he had been doing for years, before going downstairs: taking a quick shower, then wearing the clothes his wife had prepared for him, and finally putting on his eyeglasses. Before leaving the closet, he stared at himself in the mirror one last time, checking if his necktie was in place.

"I think I'll be home late today, Dane. Don't wait up for me," he said while pulling out the chair at the center of the table to join his wife for breakfast.

"Mom— I mean, your mother called yesterday."

He paused for a moment, swallowed his food, and then drank the coffee beside the table. He sensed that something unnecessary might happen. "What did she say?" He put down his coffee cup and looked directly at his wife.

"She wants you to attend this year's wedding anniversary. You're aware about it, Ash, that you've already missed our first, second, and third wedding anniversaries," his wife commented calmly, yet he could sense her nervousness in her voice.

"Diana, you know my schedule is packed every day," he replied seriously.

He had married Diana four years ago, the Diana, who is the ex girlfriend of Devon. It was a complicated story; as you may not know, Diana broke up with Devon after finishing her degree. As for Ashiro, after returning from abroad, he married Diana as it was supposed to be.

"So what excuse should I make this time? I know it's hard for you to adjust your schedule, but your mother said you can't skip it this time because she's going to publicly announce that you married me."

"Never thought she had something up her sleeve again, huh?" Ashiro said sarcastically.

They had kept their marriage a secret for four years. It was difficult for Ashiro to avoid public attention because he was an influential person, but he never allowed himself or Diana to be featured in any media platform. It was a deal between him and his parents. Since taking over their family business, Ashiro had never exposed his face to the media.

It was a pain in the ass for Ashiro to avoid the paparazzi on his first day visiting the company. Reporters and photographers were eagerly waiting outside the company's gates to interview and catch a glimpse of the new president, the son of the previous president who had steered the company through a bankruptcy crisis. It was a hot topic of gossip at the time. However, Ashiro was prepared for this scenario. He disguised himself as a normal employee who had been hired as the new personal assistant to the president. Even the company's employees didn't recognize him or see his true face as he made his way to the president's office.

From then on, he always assumed the persona of a personal assistant when entering the company. If he was already in the office, he would change his appearance again. During meetings with the board of directors, shareholders, and clients, he would meticulously alter his appearance to fit his role. He even decided where and how to meet with clients.

During company gatherings, such as anniversary celebrations, Ashiro always organized masquerade themes so that occasionally he wouldn't need to disguise himself.

"But Ash—"

"Let it be, Dane," Ashiro cut her off, trying to avoid that conversation.

"If you're not going to attend later, you know what's going to happen, right?" Diana seemed worried.

"Then don't attend. You know that celebration is just a waste of time."

"What? What about Alex? You know he's—" Diana's words were cut off by Ashiro.

"Dr. Santillan," Ashiro blurted out suddenly, then continued eating the food on his plate.

"What are you trying to say, Ashiro? We're in a serious con—"

"I'm sure you know what I'm trying to say, Diana. Cut the crap," Ashiro interrupted her this time.

Ashiro could see Diana trying to hold her composure, but he could sense her nervousness.

"Dr. Louie M. Santillan," Ashiro said, his voice deepening. He could see how Diana's facial expression changed instantly.

He didn't continue eating his meal. Ashiro signaled to the houseworkers to leave. He needed to have a serious talk with his wife. It was time to stop acting foolishly in front of the fool.

"I think I made a mistake leaving you alone for these past three years, Darling," a smirk spread across his face as he tapped his fingers on the table. "I think I have to put you in the right place this time, you've been quite naughty for these pass years,"

Ashiro stood and took a step toward Diana. He placed his right hand on the table and his left hand on the backrest of Diana's chair.

Leaning forward, he looked straight into Diana's eyes. "I've got my eyes all over you, Diana," Ashiro smiled devilishly, making Diana feel threatened. "Don't play dirty games with me." His devilish smile faded instantly, returning to a poker face.

Ashiro stepped back as if nothing had happened when he saw Diana freeze like a statue. He knew Diana couldn't think straight anymore because of what he had done.

Ashiro growled, snapping Diana out of her daze. Diana's hand shook as she held the coffee cup to her lips. Setting the cup back down on the table, she straightened her back and faced Ashiro. She seems back to her right state of mind.

Diana was about to speak when a sudden shout from upstairs interrupted their conversation.