A Wedding 2/3

Timothy felt his chest seize up, his body tried to go on the defensive, but he also knew that this was the question that would make or break the rest of his life.

"Yes Mia, I have strong feelings for you." Timothy whispered only a few inches from her mouth. The moment the words left his mouth he felt such relief. Tim could just be with Mia now with no need to keep things hidden from each other.

"Then let's get married." She said simply before she raised herself up and kissed him. Tim wrapped Mia tightly in his arms and continued the kiss for a minute before he pulled away with a sigh.

"As much as I would like to keep kissing you. You need to get ready for our day. We have an appointment in about three hours so get moving." Timothy told her as he walked out of the room. Tim walked over to the pile of newspapers and scoffed after reading several of them. Peyton handed him the prenuptial agreement silently. Tim wasn't sure how much was too much information for Peyton to have so he simply thanked the man and walked out of the suite.

Mia climbed into the shower where she washed and rinsed herself enjoying the feel of the water on her skin. When she climbed out, she donned the terrycloth robe and went to work blow drying her hair. Once her hair was dry Mia went to see what was in the dress bag that Tim had left on her bed.

Mia opened the bag and was surprised by what she found. Inside was a sundress in the softest blue with a fitted bodice, a wide intricately embroidered waistband and a skirt that fell just past the knees in a flowy material. The straps on the dress were about an inch wide and tied in small bows at the shoulders. The shoebox held a pair of four-inch nude heels. The man had exquisite taste.

Mia closed her bedroom door and got dressed. Fastening the ankle straps on the heels, Mia walked to the vanity and put the earrings Tim had picked out on. Mia selected a simple nude bag and put a couple of necessities into it. Mia put a small amount of ChapStick on her lips and checked her reflection. She started to head out but stopped, turning around she put the ring from Nicholas in a zippered pocket in her bag.

Mia walked out of the room and noticed Peyton as he worked on his laptop at the dining room table. The newspaper articles still sat beside him.

"Can you make sure those articles go into the garbage somewhere else? I don't want to risk the twins seeing them." Mia said.

"Of course, Mia." Peyton responded.

"I will be out most of the day and I don't expect to need you much if at all today, Peyton." Mia told her assistant.

"Is there something I should know about?" Peyton inquired concerned, "I saw the prenuptial agreement."

"That is something we are ironing out in case I decide to accept his proposal in the future." Mia explained hoping to calm Peyton's anxiety.

"I off to run some errands. Enjoy the day off." Mia said cheerfully.


Mia knocked on Tim's hotel suite door. Caleb answered a moment later and let her in.

"You look lovely, as always Mia," Caleb told her kindly as they walked into the sitting room. Tim came out a few moments later dressed in a full suit. He looked handsome but a little too serious considering her sundress.

Mia walked up to Timothy thinking he looked uncomfortable. She reached him and unbuttoned his jacket before pulling his tie off completely. She unbuttoned the top button of his dress shirt as he watched her. Mia stepped back a pace and looked him over.

"Now you'll do," Mia told him with a smile. Tim took her hand and pulled her in front of a mirror with him. They were semi-formal which was perfect.

"You're right this is better than before. I just didn't want to be underdressed at my own wedding." Tim laughed. Mia turned to him and gave him a quick kiss.

"As long as you are conscious, we will be in better shape than last time." Mia said cheekily. Caleb snorted loudly. Timothy just shook his head in mock ruefulness.

"You look beautiful, Mia." Tim said, turning her slowly in a circle.

Turning to Caleb, Tim asked, "Do you have the paperwork and everything else that is needed?"

"Yes, I have everything." Caleb patted his pockets and leafed through a couple of files inside a slim briefcase.

"The plan is that when we get to the courthouse, you and Caleb will go in and wait in the waiting room. I will come in about ten minutes to join you so that no one sees us together. When we leave, we will do the same thing, only you will get into my car and wait for me, and Caleb will be heading off to do other things. Caleb don't forget to fax your promotional documents to HR so you will be on the books in your position by Monday. Use my fax number so they know it is from me." Timothy explained.

"I am very frustrated that I cannot take you out after we are married Mia, but I did arrange for Caleb to set something up so that we can have a private meal and evening together." Tim said irritation plain in his tone.

"It will be done by the time you are ready." Caleb replied.

"You confirmed who will be at Lane Law today? I am loath to miss that appointment." Timothy told his friend.

"Only Jason and Nathan will be there, and they know to expect both of you." Caleb supplied.

"Why are we going to Jason's law firm. Is it about the prenup?" Mia asked, confused.

"No, we have been working on something else. I am meeting with my new attorney Margaret Rommel. She isn't affiliated with Lane Law so she can help me with the Heir Apparent Documents so that Sage doesn't have to be a secret anymore." Timothy told Mia hoping she wouldn't get upset.

"Why didn't you talk to me about this?" Mia asked.

"I only just spoke to Jason about finding a trustworthy attorney. I planned to speak to you but not until I had something concrete to say. I wasn't hiding anything I promise." Tim implored Mia; he was suddenly afraid he had done something to make her change her mind.

Deciding to trust Timothy, "Alright, but in the future please discuss things about the children with me first." Mia requested seriously.

"I will." Tim vowed. Timothy checked his watch and, seeing the time, told Mia and Caleb they needed to go.

When they got to the lobby, Mia and Caleb went out and got into the car which had been hired for Caleb as part of his position in Barrett Group. The car pulled out and headed for the courthouse. Once the duo was on their way Timothy got into his own car and followed a few minutes behind them.

Mia and Caleb were already in the courthouse when he got there but Tim still had his driver go to the side entrance and wait five minutes before he went in. Tim didn't want anything to get in the way of their marriage now. Tim walked into the courthouse and made his way to the anteroom on level two of the building.

Mia was seated prettily in a chair while Caleb leaned against a wall. Timothy was trading a fine piece of art to Judge Morrel for his help in making this marriage happen today. The judge was an art collector and Timothy had outbid him for a specific piece of art which was now coming in very handy.

The judge was waving the marriage stipulations, and the fourteen days hold that was required in Norde City. The paperwork would be predated, and everyone could leave happy. Tim texted the judge and let him know they had arrived. Timothy moved to Mia's side and sat next to her, taking her hand. He could tell she was a little nervous.

The door opened to the judge's private office a moment later and the three of them were ushered inside.

"Do you have the paperwork Mr. Barrett?" The judge asked from behind his desk looking at them through wire rim glasses.

"Of course, and we have an extra that needs three signatures." Tim said as Caleb handed over all the paperwork. The judge looked the documents over. "You didn't tell me that your bride was Ms. Lane, though." The judge typed something into his phone when Tim buzzed, he turned around and checked the text. 'What we agreed on isn't enough to tangle with the Lane's.' Tim simply told the judge to name his price.

"We are ready to move forward now." Judge Morrel said.

Timothy smirked; this was going to be expensive but worth it. They each signed the prenuptial agreement and then the judge signed it after remarking that Barrett might get the shaft if things didn't work out.

Next it was time to say their vows. They promised to honor and cherish, to be faithful and obey, for richer or poorer, through sickness and health for as long as they both lived. They each said I do, and they slid beautiful gold bands on each other's hands. Their rings were yellow gold and diamond eternity bands with a line of weaving vines over the top.

"I now pronounce you man and wife; you may kiss your bride." The judge said. Timothy's smile was radiant as he pulled Mia into his arms and kissed her feverishly for a few moments. Mia was laughing as he pulled away. Looking at his wife Timothy vowed that as soon as he could, Tim would give her the wedding she deserved.

"Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Barrett may you have a long and happy life together. Please come sign your marriage certificate." The judge called to them. They went and signed the required forms and Barrett said he would get the documents they needed and meet Mia in the car. Tim knew he needed to pay up with the Judge.

"Well Mrs. Barrett," Caleb said cheekily holding his arm out for her, "shall we take a walk?"

"Absolutely, Mr. Winters." Together they walked out of the courthouse to a few curious onlookers but one that was more sinister.

Chuck Nolan stared after Mia thinking he wouldn't even be at the courthouse today if it wasn't for her. He would show her though, when he married into the Barrett family, he would make her pay. It had taken half his inheritance to finally make that woman that pressed charges against him walk away but he had made her pay in the end. Just as Mia Lane would pay too.

Caleb held the door for Mia and helped her into the car before walking away to his own car and leaving promptly. Mia sat in the car for about fifteen minutes before the door opened and Timothy slid in, sliding his thin briefcase onto the seat beside him and moving over to pull Mia against him.