Precautions 1/2

Mia sat on a chair in the master bedroom drinking a glass of wine when Tim walked into the room. It was clear that she had taken a shower as her hair was wet over her bathrobe. Tim walked up to her from behind and leaned down to kiss her head. Mia startled slightly having been deep in thought.

"How did it go?" Mia asked Tim with a small smile.

Tim shrugged non-commitally. "I guess we'll find out."

"Was he screaming at you when you left the room?" Mia questioned further.

"No, he was quiet." Her husband responded sitting down on the ottoman in front of Mia.

Mia nodded. "That is good then he is considering your words instead of simply discounting them as lies. You must have done well. If you had lied at any point or told a half-truth, he would have been screaming. He has always been great at reading people."

Tim chuckled then rose. "Who knew dealing with a four-year-old could be such a challenge."

"He is definitely not the average kindergartener." Mia smirked, extremely proud of her son's intelligence.

"What were you thinking about so hard when I came in, Mia?" Tim asked.

Mia finished her drink and put the glass on a side table before walking over to the balcony door and stepping out into the night. Tim followed her concerned. Mia leaned against the railing and looked down at city lights some forty stories below.

"I think we missed a trick Tim, and I can't figure out what to do about it." Mia said finally glancing toward the man.

"What do you mean?" Timothy was unsure where Mia was going with her statement.

Mia looked away. "I hate to do it, but I think I need to pull Sage from school for the next few weeks."

"What? Why? He has only started getting used to regular life." Tim walked over to his wife, placing his hand on her back.

"Asher, Tim. I can't send him to school with Asher." Mia said simply.

"Asher is a child. Plus, the twins have bodyguards." Tim replied with disbelief.

"Luna is certainly no child and her knowing about Sage scares me. There is a reason that Sage has been hidden all these years." Mia snapped.

"Damnit, how did I not consider this?" Tim remarked, feeling uncomfortably powerless. He wanted to protect his child but allow him to live as a regular child should. If Luna felt her claim to Barrett Group dissolving especially before the Heir Documents were in place, there would be no telling what she might do.

Mia turned around to face Tim who came to stand in front of her. "Mia, I don't want to pull him from school, but it isn't safe to send him, you're right."

"How do we know that Luna didn't get Asher enrolled there just to tell the little monster to hurt Ginger?" Mia's worry was spiraling.

Tim pulled his wife to him and wrapped his arms around her. He could see how scared she was for their children. "Can we enroll them in a different school?"

Mia considered his question but there weren't a lot of schools for extraordinarily gifted children. She told Tim as much.

"Would it be possible to have a teacher come to them for a couple of weeks until things are in place? Tim suggested.

"It is not about that Tim; I want to know that Sage and Ginger are having a normal childhood." Mia said, her voice despairing.

"It won't be long and none of this will matter Mia" Timothy told her.

"Luna's insanity will always be an issue." Mia went to pull away from Tim, but he didn't let go.

"In two weeks if she tries something she'll go to prison for life or be put to death." Timothy leaned in and kissed Mia softly.

"What happens if she hurts our child in the process?" Mia asked.

"Then she would not live long enough to make it to prison. If she wasn't protected by the mayor this would be a moot issue." Timothy replied.

"We will keep the children out of school until the Heir Documents are published. Most people will not risk the death penalty to harm a claimed heir." Tim said.

Mia sighed, "no we will send the children with double the guard and instructions that Asher have no contact with them. I can't bear to upend their world any more than we must. They deserve a normal life."

"Baby, are you sure?" Tim asked concern written on his face.

"I am not willing to spend my whole life hiding. The children and I have been doing it long enough." Mia stood up a bit straighter.

"All right." Tim said. "I am going to take a shower before bed. I'll be back in a minute."

Mia walked back inside and grabbed her wine glass. She headed back to the kitchen for a refill and found Caleb in the kitchen with the same plan. Caleb emptied the bottle and opened another. He filled Mia's glass then finished pouring his own. Mia thanked Caleb and said goodnight before returning to her seat in the bedroom, closing the door to the bedroom on her way.

Mia set her wine glass down and walked to the closet. Settling on a long white gauzy nightgown Mia changed for bed and hung the bathrobe over her vanity chair. Mia took her wine back onto the balcony enjoying the feel of the evening breeze on her bare arms. She glanced at her husband when he joined her on the balcony. He wore a pair of sleeping pants with nothing else. His hair was still wet and combed back on his head.

"Sweetheart, you are underdressed to be outside." Timothy said coming to stand behind her with his hands on her arms. It was true, there were other tall buildings around where people might see her, but she didn't really care.

Mia shook her head. "I am covered enough husband." Tim turned her around, so she faced him and looked her up and down with an appraising eye.

A slow smile spread over Tim's handsome face. "Barely wife, just barely."

Tim stepped closer to Mia until there was no space remaining between them. Mia finished the wine in her glass and Tim took the glass from her and set it down on a deck table. Tim's hands went to the sides of Mia face curling into her hair which he realized was dry now.

Timothy leaned in capturing Mia's lips with his own. The desire that he'd kept at a low simmer all day flamed brightly as she responded to his kiss and brought her arms up to circle his neck. Mia ran her tongue along his bottom lip enticing him to deepen the kiss. As his tongue met hers, he let one hand wander to her waist brushing across her breast on the way down.

Tim pulled Mia's hips against his own wanting her to feel his need for her. Mia moaned as he brushed against her through the thin material of her nightgown. Her moan drove him crazy and without thinking he spun Mia back around and pressed her against the rail thankful it was chest height. Tim pushed her legs apart with his foot while his mouth, tongue, and teeth went to her neck.

Mia gasped at the sensations running through her as Tim pushed against her. A spot he licked on her neck sent shock waves through her body. Timothy gathered the back of her gown with his hand holding it at the small of Mia's back before pulling his pants down just enough to free himself. Braced against her he ran his fingers along her core and feeling the wetness there he smiled. With one swift motion Tim sheathed himself in her heat, a strangled curse falling from his mouth as he did.

Timothy wrapped one arm across Mia's chest and the other on her hip and lost himself in the feel of thrusting into her over and over. She dropped her head back onto his shoulder until he found her mouth with his own. A desperate kiss as they feverishly worked toward their peaks. Her moans were loud in the quiet night and neither of them cared. Timothy moved a hand under her nightgown and began stroking her swollen nub. He couldn't hold on much longer but refused to go without her.

A moment later Mia cried out as her orgasm ripped through her so strong she felt like she would black out. Tim's body convulsed as her muscles clamped down around him and pulled him over the edge. He moaned against her neck as he came hard. This time was fast but intense.

They were breathing raggedly as shock waves rocked through them both. Mia sagged against him as he pulled from her and fixed his pants. He picked Mia up in his arms and took her inside. Mia asked for the bathroom, so he sat her down inside stepping out to give her privacy.

Mia came out of the bathroom and crawled into the bed with Timothy who opened his arms and pulled her to him.

"Do you think someone saw us, Tim?" Mia asked, looking at him.

Tim sighed he felt bad about disrespecting his wife in such a way, but he had lost control completely. "I doubt it but Mia, I am so sorry. I needed you so badly. I lost my head, and I lost control."

"I am not complaining." Mia laughed, "Do you think anyone heard us? I think I was loud."

Mia had been loud, Tim thought. "Possibly. I am deeply sorry for being so disrespectful of you."

Mia glared at her husband and smacked him on the chest. "Stop! I could have said no but I didn't because I couldn't care less. I wanted you just as badly. Don't apologize, I'm certainly not going to."

Tim looked at his wife searching for any sign that she was upset with him, but she seemed fine. He leaned over and gave her a gentle kiss. He hadn't been gentle at all outside he realized as he saw the light bruising on her neck.

Timothy had never been aware of how fierce lovemaking could be. How easy it was to get carried away in the pursuit of it. Tim had gone his whole life never bothered by that pull and tonight he had taken his perfect wife on a balcony in full view of the world like a common mistress. Timothy felt ashamed, even if she hadn't minded, Mia deserved better than that.

"Baby, it's fine. Let's get some sleep. We need to be up early." Mia slid down and turned over pulling Tim's arm around her. He tucked himself against her.

"Goodnight, sweetheart." Timothy said quietly. He pulled the blankets up around them and lay breathing slowly hoping it would soothe her to sleep.

It took a few minutes, but Mia fell asleep and rolled onto her stomach. Tim climbed out of bed sighing heavily. He was too mad at himself to sleep. Tim walked out into the quiet hotel suite and searched for his bottle of bourbon.

Finally, he checked the office and found what he was looking for. He poured himself a full glass and looked around for his briefcase. Finding it under the desk he found his contraband and headed out onto the office balcony. Only to find Caleb passed out in a chair.

Tim lit his cigarette and greedily drank half the bourbon he had poured before kicking Caleb's foot. Caleb came awake with a start.

Tim looked at Caleb as his friend tiredly rubbed his face with a hand. "You should get to bed. The chair sleeping doesn't exactly look comfortable."

Caleb nodded absently before really looking at Tim. "Why aren't you in bed? I would've thought you would be out by now."

"Being a husband is hard." Tim complained sulkily.

"It doesn't sound that hard." Caleb joked laughing. "I'm pretty sure the people on the next six floors would agree."

Timothy put his arm on the railing and leaned his head against it. "I messed up and did something stupid. I feel like a real ass about it."

"Is Mia mad at you? Is that why you're here instead of sound asleep next to your wife?" Caleb asked.

Tim groaned. "Mia isn't even mad at me and that is the worst part."

"What exactly is it you think you did wrong that Mia isn't upset about but you are?" Caleb questioned his friend.

"I disrespected Mia. I lost control of my... urges and was intimate with her on the balcony in front of the whole city. It's made worse because she doesn't realize how despicable my actions were." Tim hissed at Caleb.

"Wow, that explains why I heard her outside but not inside. At least it sounded like you did an excellent job." Caleb offered unsure of what to say.

Tim scowled at Caleb darkly. "That is neither funny nor appropriate."

"Hell, man if I can't speak the truth to you who can? There is no rule book for marriage. It is about finding what you both are comfortable with. Within those parameters anything goes." Caleb took a breath.

"If Mia isn't uncomfortable with what happened then it's not a problem. If you are uncomfortable with it, then don't do it again. It is that simple. Why the hell are you out here when you have a beautiful woman that wants you with her? That's the definition of madness Tim." Caleb shook his head.

Tim stared at his friend absorbing his words. "You don't think I treated her like she had no worth?"

Caleb sighed patting Timothy on the back. "I think you desire your wife and that isn't criminal. No one will fault you for making love your wife, my friend, no one."

Caleb stopped as he had turned away. "Actually, it is probably better that you were outside because she was loud and would have definitely woken the children." Caleb laughed and headed into the office. "I'm going to bed, goodnight."

"Goodnight and thank you again." Tim finished his drink and his cigarette.

"Man should have been a therapist." Tim muttered as he went back to the bedroom. He stopped looking at the other guestroom wondering if he should sleep in there but couldn't bring himself to do it. He would sleep with his wife.

Timothy went back into the master bedroom shutting the door behind him. He went to the bathroom and washed his hands before he walked back to the bed. Mia was sleeping halfway between her side and stomach with a pillow to her chest. Her hair was fanned out around her in a wild tangle. Timothy crawled into bed behind her and let his hand curl over her waist.

Tim thought about Caleb's words. If it made him uncomfortable then don't do it again. Tim had enjoyed being with Mia tonight thoroughly. However, the thought that someone could have seen not only made him uncomfortable it made him jealous. No one was allowed to know what he knew about his wife. It was private and just for the two of them.

It was one thing if Caleb heard because he would trust Caleb with Mia and the twin's lives. What if one of the bodyguards heard, commented, and shamed his wife? He would not abide that. So, in this instance it made him uncomfortable.

Maybe on a secluded island someday they could revisit that desire out in the open again. Marriage is what they made of it or so it would seem. Timothy slowly stroked Mia's hair, the soothing action finally lulling him to sleep.