The Trouble with Family 1/4

A short while later a text came in from Nathan. 'Dominic is back, and he is furious. He has multiple cars watching access to Norde City and has teams to follow any chauffeured car trying to enter. Figure out another way back or he will catch you.' Mia responded with her thanks before showing the text to Timothy.

Timothy called Caleb and began to give him instructions, but Mia stopped him and asked for the phone, changing some key details. She thanked Caleb and said they would see him in the morning.

Mia felt exhausted from the day's stress and simply wanted to shower and climb into bed. Seeing the fatigue in his wife clearly, Tim sought to care for her. He climbed into the shower with Mia and helped her wash her hair and body. Mia turned to her husband and began to return the favor running soapy hands across his chest until Tim's hand came under her jaw turning her face to his.

Mia looked up at her husband, seeing his dark eyes as he gazed at her intensely. She could feel the evidence of his desire against her abdomen, but he was holding himself back. Mia raised her hand and ran it along Tim's jaw before curling her hand around the nape of his neck. She pulled his lips to hers. Need causing her breathing to quicken as she parted her lips and pushed her tongue against his.

With a groan Timothy pushed her into the wall and lifted Mia with an arm under her hips. His other hand tangled in her hair as her legs wrapped around his waist. Timothy lifted her higher and one smooth motion sheathed himself inside his wife's heat. He moaned at the sensation and Mia gasped, her head falling back. Tim moved his mouth to her throat.

Their movements were feverish as they sought the release, they both needed. Mia moaned each time Timothy moved the angle hitting a pleasure point deep inside her. Tim buried his face in her shoulder, the pleasure so intense that he could barely stay standing.

Timothy struggled to hold himself back as he felt his wife begin to convulse around him and then Mia cried out arching into him. With one more deep thrust he came inside her shuddering violently with a deep moan.

They were stuck like this for several minutes as the shock waves of pleasure coursed through them. Timothy pulled Mia's lips to his in a long kiss. He didn't know how to deal with the intense passion that existed between them. It consumed him in ways he could never have been prepared for. It was a terrifying and solemn prospect. Tim knew that he could never again live the way he had before. He was fundamentally changed.

Tim carefully set Mia on her feet in the shower. Kissing her softly before releasing her he turned the water so she could rinse while he finished soaping up. When she was done, he rinsed quickly before stepping out of the shower and handing a towel to Mia as she climbed out. Tim dried himself with a towel as Mia began to dry her hair.

Tim walked into the bedroom lying down in bed but feeling restless. Waiting for Mia he tried to clear his mind. Mia walked into the room and climbed into the bed. When Mia curled into Timothy's embrace, naked in the sheets, all she cared about was being close to her husband. Mia wasn't going to let anyone tear them apart now. She gave Tim a gentle kiss but was so exhausted sleep found her within minutes.

When Tim felt Mia's breathing even out, he climbed gingerly from the bed and pulled his jeans on. Tim walked into the kitchen and found the bottle of bourbon he had requested with their supplies. He poured himself three fingers and rifled through his briefcase until he found his cigarettes and a lighter. He took his glass and contraband outside and lit a cigarette. Tim stood on the beach, the moonlight washing across the surf and listened to waves crash against the shore.

Tim sighed. Mia had been worming her way into his mind for years. He had fought against it for so long unwilling to accept that some small woman could upend his perfectly controlled world. Until finally he couldn't escape it and she became the focus of his existence.

His mind, his soul, and now even his body was consumed by her. She had all the power and he had none. With just a word Mia could destroy him. Timothy would be destroyed, desolate, and devoid of the will to carry on. She had run from him and wouldn't promise not to do it again.

How was he supposed to feel anything but hopeless in the uncertainty of their life? Timothy had her but what would make her stay? With Dominic determined to separate them how could he keep her safe and with him?

Tim was not a man accustomed to hiding from his enemies, but terror seized him as he thought of being separated from Mia and his children. It would be all for nought if she ran. Tim couldn't fight the world and his wife, too. What would make her stay with him?

Tim threw back the rest of his drink and walked inside. He put the cigarettes away, washed his glass, and washed his hands before walking into the bedroom. Perhaps the liquor would help him sleep.

Tim stripped out of his jeans and sat on the edge of the bed. Mia was on her stomach and clearly dreaming. She was restless and he went to soothe her, but she started to mumble. Timothy stopped, listening, he wondered what she might say with a smirk.

"Timothy..." the word was a whisper of sound.

"I'm here." Tim whispered gently, reaching for her again. Mia dreamed of him.

Mia's leg moved, and her hand brushed the sheet, "love you..." The words were barely audible.

Timothy froze for a second shock evident in his features. Then he lay down in the bed pulling Mia to him and pulling the covers over them both. Could it be that this beautiful woman loved him despite everything? Is that why she was here with him now? Timothy buried his face in her hair letting the sweet scent of hers soothe him until finally he slept.

Timothy and Mia were drinking coffee and eating bagels when a knock sounded at the door the next morning. Tim walked to the door quietly and checked the peephole before throwing the door wide. Caleb stood on the other side in jeans, a tee, and a light jacket. Mia had never seen him so casual, but it was a good look for the man taking several years off his appearance. Tim waved Caleb in and closed the door before greeting him.

"Caleb, I trust you had no issues getting here?" Tim said clapping his friend on the shoulder.

Caleb shook his head. "No issues other than your wife's crazy instructions," he laughed. "Morning Mia."

"My instructions weren't crazy they were brilliant." Mia chided Caleb.

Last night when Tim had talked to Caleb his intention had been to send the driver back to Norde City where he would drop off the car in the storage car park and would pick up a new SUV and return to pick them up.

Mia knew instantly that the instructions wouldn't work. Dominic would catch on too quickly. He would likely have the driver followed back in the new car. Mia had come up with an elaborate plan to keep them all in the clear indefinitely.

First, she told the men to have the car go back to Norde City using the two-hundred-mile circuit. Then come into town from the opposite direction where he would then put the car in the same storage park as the Rolls Royce. The driver would rent a room at the nearest hotel where they would be available as needed.

Mia also sent her car and driver with the same stipulations. Next Mia told Caleb to buy three vehicles an extra-large SUV, a medium size SUV, and regular sedan.

The vehicles needed to be light neutral colors and could not be the same color, could not be luxury brands, and must be at least five years old. The next step would be not to change their habits. When Tim went to the twin's school, he would take one of their sneak cars to the car park and then have the driver take him about his normal routine.

When they had to go out publicly, they would get one of the chauffeured cars from the car park. They would switch which sneak car they took to the car park each time.

The only problem with the plan stemmed from the fact that the twins would now be inconvenienced as well. However, it was only for a few weeks. Mia knew doing so made it much more likely that they would not be discovered.

The last problem was that the hotel had been registered in their names. Late last night Peyton, Angela, and Caleb had relocated the twins to a new hotel with a five-bedroom penthouse suite and the floor below it registered to Jasmine Shelbert.

Jasmine had been more than happy to help Mia in any way she needed and looked forward to getting together soon. They laughed as they spoke about needing some friendly female companionship. Caleb's esteem for the woman grew as he saw what a lovely person she was.

This was the plan that would keep them safely out of Dominic's clutches until enough time had passed that they would be able to come out of hiding. Mia secretly doubted it would be that easy. In her opinion, nothing short of her being pregnant would stop her brother from his crusade to separate her from Tim. This was only because a judge would not annul her marriage if she carried Timothy's child.

Mia kept that sort of thinking to herself not wanting to complicate matters more than they already were. Even then her brother might try something. The plan was good but not fool proof since they did still had to interact with people. Mia didn't know what Dominic would do if she disappeared completely.

Mia was pulled from her thoughts as Tim asked Caleb a question that caught her attention.

"How was the party last night at Aide Castle? Did Asher enjoy his party?" Tim had asked.

"It was pretty overdone for a party for a six-year-old." Caleb said shaking his head.

Mia was confused, "I thought that party was on Friday." The invitation for her and Ginger had clearly been for Friday.

Caleb frowned. "It was last night. Luna was a madwoman when Tim didn't show. She publicly demanded to know where Tim was and what could be more important to Tim than Asher. She made it seem like you and her were quite familiar and that you are very familiar with the boy."

Tim scoffed. "I never said I would go. I sent him am adequate gift for a boy his age."

"Tim she was telling anyone that would listen that Asher is your heir. Luna was basically telling people that he is your son." Caleb told Tim with irritation.

Tim crossed his arms over his chest. "She will eat her words when I clear that situation up. Mia knows the truth as do Nathan and Jason. It will be dealt with."

Caleb scoffed. "Make sure you clear it up with the twins too because kids talk just like adults. These rumors are all over the papers this morning. Also, I found out last night that Luna has enrolled Asher in school."

Mia was startled. "Where?"

Caleb sighed heavily. "He will be at school with the twins on Monday. Apparently, the mayor paid a lot of money to get Asher enrolled in that school. The boy didn't have the test scores to enroll on his own merits."

"He's a bully. He already hurt Ginger once before." Mia exclaimed worriedly.

Tim put an arm around her. "We will figure something out. Our children will be safe. Why did you think the party was Friday?"

Mia frowned. "That is the date our invitation said."

Timothy growled. "Luna tried to use inviting you as an incentive to get me to go to the party. Which may have worked if we had not gotten married. Are you sure your invitation said Friday?"

Mia scowled at her husband. "Who is more trustworthy, Me or Luna? It said Friday, Barrett."

"Sweetheart don't get angry. I am just double checking. I am not a fan of being tricked. My presence would have confirmed her insinuations to many especially if I had arrived without my own daughter." Timothy implored Mia.

Timothy rose from the table. "Let's finish packing and get on the road. I want to get back and spend the evening with our children."

Timothy and Mia rose and went to the bedroom to finish packing their belongings. It didn't take long since they hadn't brought much with them. Other than a bottle of bourbon and bottles of wine they didn't have much else to pack. Fifteen minutes later they were ready to go. The men took the luggage out to the vehicle and loaded it.

The car was a six-year-old large silver SUV that had three rows of seating for eight total passengers and a generic make. Dominic and his guard were looking for people of affluence and wealth and this would never have been considered anything but family transport for the middle-class. It would not stand out in any way and would skate right under the radar. Tim locked up the house and the three of them climbed into their new SUV. The left the coast behind as Caleb drove them back to the city.