Devious Plans

Luna Maynard was at the end of her rope. She had done everything she could think of. She had tried to get Timothy to come around to her side. She would have done anything for him if he would only pick her and her son but no. He had to have Mia. What was so great about little miss perfect Mia?

Mia even had her very own super rich fiancé waiting for her but still Timothy persisted in his pursuit of the woman. They had a child together, a child that could get in the way of her own son's inheritance. Luna couldn't allow that to happen. She had begged her father to get Asher into the best school money could buy. It had taken a lot but finally he had agreed.

Luna knew she couldn't attack Ginger outright because Tim would find out and there would be hell to pay, but Asher was a child. Surely a child couldn't be held liable for an accident. So, she coached Asher every day that Ginger wanted to take everything that was his.

The boy tried to do as she asked, but it was hard, because suddenly Ginger had four bodyguards. What child needed four bodyguards? Asher couldn't get past them. Asher told Luna there was a little boy with Ginger all the time. Luna started to wonder what if Barrett had a son? So she scoured every archive for days. There was no record of a male child in the Lane family anywhere.

Luna was able to breathe again but she couldn't relax. If Tim had Mia, he would never come to her. Timothy was stupid for Mia Lane. She started to notice a couple of weeks ago that Jasmine quite often spoke of Mia and Tim to her boyfriend. A few days before, Luna had learned that Jasmine's boyfriend was Barrett's best friend Caleb. That was when Luna started following Jasmine and the previous night it had paid off.

Luna had followed Jasmine to a huge tower hotel and then waited hours for Jasmine to come out. When she finally did it was with Caleb. He was speaking with her quickly. Luna quickly snuck closer to hear.

"I don't know Caleb. If this comes out with my name attached to it there could be a huge scandal." Jasmine said nervously. Scandal? Luna could work a scandal.

"It won't I swear." Caleb said.

"Caleb, I like them both, but Mia is engaged, and she is living with you and Tim. This isn't good and she is headed for ruin. I don't want to go down too. I'm sorry." Jasmine said, opening the door to the car.

"Jas wait, they're married. At most the papers would say you helped them keep their marriage secret. There is no impropriety, I swear." Caleb told her.

"They got married secretly?" Jasmine asked and Caleb nodded. "I am so glad because I was so worried for her." Luna gagged. Oh, Poor Mia.

That bastard Luna thought, how dare he. She wasn't good enough? Well, there was more than one way to win this war. If she couldn't get Tim to come to her then she would just have to get rid of Mia and the girl. With them gone, it would be just as good.

When Luna got back to the house Jasmine had gone to her room. Luna crept to her room listening for movement. Jasmine was in the shower. Luna crept to the nightstand and picked up Jasmine's phone. She quickly downloaded a hidden tracking app that she had used in the past on Tim's phone that was accurate to ten feet. Which unfortunately didn't work anymore on him because he had a new phone.

Luna was about to set the phone down when a text alert popped up. 'Want to go shopping with me tomorrow morning?' It was from Mia. Well, that is just luck, she thought. She put the phone down and snuck back out of the room.

Tomorrow would be all about the right aesthetics and timing. If everything went right Mia would be gone and Tim would be all alone. He definitely wouldn't want her, but with no Mia and no heir, Asher would win the day.


Mia made a stop at the research hospital before meeting Jasmine. It had been a week since she talked to Nicholas. She went in and asked Nicholas somewhat desperately to do an ultrasound. He had asked her why and she told him she was terrified she was having twins again and couldn't sleep.

Nick had chuckled, said fine and taken her to an empty bay. Nick did the ultrasound with a completely straight face driving her crazy before finally producing a picture with single bean on it and then let her listen to the heartbeat. It was so fast. Mia thanked him profusely and hurried to meet Jasmine.

Mia and Jasmine strolled leisurely around the shopping center. She had allowed herself a cup of coffee and was loving every sip. They had done some minor shopping at a children's boutique and some more at a lady's dress shop before checking out some new handbags that Mia didn't like the style of.

"Tell me about you and Caleb?" Mia asked.

"I really like him, but I worry he is just playing me." Jasmine sighed.

Mia laughed and Jasmine gave her a strained look. "Caleb is a great guy and I think he is looking for his forever lady. You would be insane not to snatch him up."

Jasmine adjusted her sunglasses. "Really?"

"Yes." Mia said simply.

"How about you and Tim? Are you alright?" Jasmine asked.

"We're fine, I just feel stupid because I told him that I love him and of course he said nothing back. Now I feel kind of used maybe. I think it's all in my head. That is how men are right?" Mia sighed. "Now that I'm pregnant..." Mia clapped her hand over her mouth.

"I won't tell. Don't worry sweety. I won't tell anyone." Jasmine said and noticed the tears in Mia's eyes. "Let's get you back it's been a busy morning already."

By the time the two women arrived at the hotel Jasmine had Mia laughing. When they got to the hotel door Mia had just laughed out loud at a joke that Jasmine had told. When they walked into the hotel they came to a standstill.