Yes, That's what old man said

Mirror World,

This place resembled a fairy palace, exuding ethereal beauty and mystical charm. A tranquil, shimmering lake served as its heart, reflecting the sky's ever-changing hues and the delicate, floating islands above. These islands, draped in vibrant foliage and blossoms, they appeared to drift lazily and connected by elegant bridges of jade and crystal.

Towering bamboo groves and exotic flowers bloomed with luminescent petals, casting a soft and enchanting glow.

At the center of this place stood a grand palace, constructed from translucent, pearlescent stones that gleamed under the soft light of a crescent moons. Intricate carvings of bearded long serpatine dragons elegant red phoenix and many ancient symbols adorned its walls, while waterfalls cascaded down from its many terraces.

There are lush gardens sprawled in every direction, filled with rare herbs and spiritual plants, their fragrances mingling in the air to form an intoxicating aroma. But all this was just a illusion created by someone's consciousness.

"Yes it's a fcking illusion." In the palace a transparent spirit wandered and cursed loudly. He is Xu Ren. A reincarnated magic tool spirit.

"Son! You have two choices one is to reincarnate in another world and other is go to hell. You know in hell they will fry you naked on fire. So if I were given a chance I would definitely choose to reincarnate. So what do you choose son?" That's what the voice asked him when died.

"And now I fcking reincarnated into a spirit that can't even move on its on." Xue Ren has been frustrated here.

He had a good life on earth. He was good at sports in his teens and due to sports but later on he wanted to fly a plane. So he learned everything from flying a plane to doing stunts with it. And yeah he got selected in Air Force.

Than just like he was doing some Air Force excercises and *Boom his fighter plane blasted and he died.


I don't even remember how long I have been here.

But just after reincarnation he got information that I can't do anything on my own I will need a host or helper or till the formation around my cave disappears.

So all I can do is wait. In this mean time all I did was make this illusionary place. After all I also read many novels and watched many animes.

When I got offer to reincarnate I thought I would be some hero who will save world while collecting vases or some villain who don't any meaning of villain for him as long as he can Ntr protagonist he is villain.

But no I reincarnated as a fcking mirror. But I adjusted atleast I got another chance in life.

I have seen thousands of changes outside world and I dare not have any thoughts now. Its better to be a mirror who can stay safe. Reason because I have seen countless cultivator in these thousands of years killing their own relatives on a small treasure or some high level cultivator destroying towns or cities with a small thing that they didn't liked. Well because at this place there was a town thousands of years ago.

Although I was locked in formation but I still have five abilities. I have spiritual consciousness which can help me to see five miles surrounding my area and it can be increased as long as my power increase. As for how my power increases well it depends on my second ability. I can grant spirit root seeds to anyone and and as their power increases my power will also increases. And if they died I will get double feedback so it's a win-win situation. And with spirit root seeds I can also grant cultivation method which I have countless in this place. They are the only things that helped me in my this boring situation I even made many cultivation techniques myself by mixing many other techniques. But now I only have currently six spirit root seeds.

As for my third ability it is to attack although I only have three attacks with a cooldown of 24 hours but for now I can take down Fifth Heavenly Layer Qi Training cultivator and if it is by surprise than maybe I have chance to take down seveth Heavenly Layer. But I will not take any action till it's not my do or die situation because I know Mount Tai. I only have small Qi training cultivation and I have read there are many-many srong people than me in this world. So hell no I am going to attack someone if I can survive without attacking.

My fourth ability is granting a passive skill Talisman seed which can grant a passive skill which can help them in cultivation but that should be only if they sacrificed something.

As for my last ability is Fate controlling means no one can enslave me or seer about me. And sometimes I can even influence people's fate.

Just like I did to the person who is standing in front of my physical mirror body with a stupified expression.

But now I called this person I don't how should I act. Means should I reveal that this mirror has its own consciousness or play dumb just give him spirit root seed. Although he has already a spirit root but doesn't means he can't have second or they both can even become one.

If I act like with consciousness than everything he will do will depends upon that I don't want. Although I also want to see outside world other than my surroundings but that doesn't mean I will help him all time.

So just granting him some knowledge and spirit roots seed would be good after that I will sit back and watch everything that will fold upon.

But it all depends this person ideas although I lured I mean guided him here and even made him have idea that he should keep me for himself but with all this he has also his own ideas.

If he tries to hand over me to some person who has high level power than me, so there will be no other choice but to kill this person in front of me. But if he still tries to keep me than I will be happy to help. He will get resources and I will get cultivation feedback.