Blessing or Troubles


Hearing Qian Daoliu explanation a shocked voice came. It was Qian Xunji who was shocked to core all these things were happening will bring a certain amount of danger but these things can be hidden but a grade five techniques that's a secret in sects.

Although this can also be hidden but who knows there might be someone who can see what kind of cultivation grade technique another person is using. But now they all reaped the benefits they should also be prepared to face consequences that will come along with them.

After all thinking Qian Xunji tried to calm himself down but he was still shocked and there was a fear on his face.

'Still let's face the situation in front of us.'

After Qian Xunji calmed himself down he faced evryone with a small smile and seriousness on his face, "Daoliu you must not tell anyone about cultivation technique grade, you shouldn't even tell people that you are cultivator just stay indoors and cultivate with piece of mind. As for resources I will see what I can do."

Qian Xunji's words hung heavy in the air. The group exchanged uncertain glances, absorbing the gravity of his instructions. Daoliu nodded solemnly, understanding the importance of his situation even though he hadn't faced outside world but their father always told them that outside world is very dangerous and they should be prepared for any situation.

"You guys also should focus on cultivation and I will do house work till you guys reached Body Breathing first stage after that you can help me in spirit rice and we might be able to use some of that spirit rice for our own consumption."

His sons exchanged determined looks, their respect for their father clear in their eyes.

After saying Qian Xunji looked at Qian Long.

"Long what do you think of joining Broken Dao Sect?" Qian Xunji asked with uncertainty he also knows it is very hard for them to join the sect and if they joined sect it might solve their many problems. And the best candidate for this is only Qian Long. Qian Xunji doesn't want people to know that his all four sons have spirit roots that wasn't there before. Because outside world knows that only Qian Long had spirit roots before and other are all mortals.

Another reason if Qian Long joined the sect they won't have to pay rice tribute to Xiao family they can do it directly to Broken Dao sect.

Hearing his father asking him to join sect Qian Long fell in a deep thought his brothers also looked at him with a sad face.

"I know Long it might be hard for you to leave the house. I will not force you to join sect. But cultivation isn't a things that we can do with peace of mind, we have to face dangers, we have to leave the house as for why I am not asking your brothers to this for now, you also knows this. But if someone from us joined the sect it will bring certain level of safety." Qian Xunji paused, looking deeply into his son's eyes.

Qian Long's mind raced. He understood the implications of his father's words. Joining a sect would provide resources and protection, but it would also mean leaving his family behind and venturing into the unknown. The weight of responsibility felt heavy on his shoulders. He liked things at home but he has to do something for family he is willing to try.

"You know I also want you to stay at the house, so four of you can cultivate here without outsiders knowing but it is impossible to do. I can hide you guys for one year, two years but I don't think I will be able to hold on till you guys become strong and we can reveal our secrets. You know Xiao Family stewards do inspection to all the villages under their commands every three years. So at that time it will reveal many flaws. So if someone to join the sect this will not happen." Qian Xunji said his deep thoughts although he had unwillingness in his eyes but he had to everything for his family first. His father taught him if he has to choose anything first it should be family. So if one person sacrifice can save whole family he is willing to do this. And it is not a sacrifice it's just sending him to better place to cultivate.

After a moment of silence, Qian Long took a deep breath and met his father's gaze. "Father, I understand the importance of this decision. If joining the sect will help our family and ensure our safety, I am willing to go. But you know Broken Dao sect recruitment is before the age of sixteen cultivator should be at Body Breathing Stage three. And I am not even first stage."

Qian Xunji nodded, "You don't need to worry about it requirement will be in three years and I will help you before that. And with Heaven Grade spirit root you will be able to reach stage three in less then three years I am sure of it."

"Then I am willing father."


It was already evening and Qian Tong and Qian Xing were standing near fields watching sunset. They felt refreshed after their first session of cultivation.

Looking at the horizon Qian Tong asked "Xing, is it really okay for us to send Long to sect? You know we heard from merchants that these sects are no good things."

"Brother, what can we do it's not like you don't know if we show any abnormalities them it would be destruction of our family. Don't you see how that steward act when he comes for inspection and he is greedy also so if he sensed that we have started cultivation then it will bad story. So sending Long to sect can put us in a safe zone for some year till then we might be able to come out of this situation. We were happy when we thought of getting spirit roots but now I feel our family was good without spirit roots." Xing also sighed looking little bit sad that he never had been before except for his mother's death time.

Qian Tong also sighed his eyes still fixed on the horizon. "You're right, Xing. Our circumstances have changed so much. It's ironic, isn't it? We thought having spirit roots would be a blessing, but it has only brought us more challenges and dangers."

Xing nodded, a determined look crossing his face. "We must stay strong, brother. Long's departure is a sacrifice for our family's safety. We have to trust that he will thrive in the sect and that his efforts will eventually benefit all of us."

The two brothers stood in silence for a moment, the weight of their responsibilities pressing down on them. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the fields, they heard a female child voice calling them.

"Big Brother father is calling food is ready."