Chapter 12: Ghosts and Trees
"Did your eyes just glow?!" I gasped and took a step closer.
She glared at me before taking a step back. Her eyes are now normal. They were not glowing just like before. She was much smaller than me. And she looks tiny with the oversized cloak that she wears.
"How are you here?" She asked as her eyes widened.
She tensed as I tried to step closer and I suddenly felt fear. It was not my fear—I am not feeling any fear. I feel more confused than fear. Where are these other emotions coming from? I'm confident they are not coming from me.
"I live here. Why are you here?" I asked back.
I looked at her up and down. Besides the strange brown cloak that she is wearing she is also wearing a strange dress. It was a long dress that looks like it came from the closet of some old queen ages ago. It was long and it looks heavy, and definitely stuffy and hot.
Totally not on the fashion trend nowadays.
I gasped, my eyes widened, and I accusingly pointed my fingers at her. My heart hammered inside my chest so loud I think she heard it. Now I am nervous.
A pale girl wearing an old dress is equal to a ghost.
"You're not a ghost, are you?" I stammered and took a step back. "I am not seeing a ghost right? You just came from some kind of medieval party, hmm?"
I raised my brow and the girl also raised her brows.
Then she disappeared.
Oh god.
Going into the woods is such a bad idea. It seems like my luck run out and now I am seeing ghosts just beside my home! I should not have entered the woods so bravely! I should have not let my curiosity get the better of me! I am so dumb!
The girl just disappeared in front of me. She literally just poof and then she was gone. Who could have done something like that if it weren't ghosts?
"I just talked to a ghost," I whispered as I stared at where she was earlier.
There was no trace of her. It was as if she was not there just seconds ago.
I took a step back but I was stopped by something cold and soft.
Cold and soft. It can be a tree but trees are not as cold and soft as this. It was different. It was something that I'd never seen in the forest just like the ghost earlier.
I exhaled before slowly turning to see what I bumped.
"Ahhhh!" I screamed before running for my life towards the dorms.
It was the girl earlier! She was the one at my back! I disturbed something that I should never have! Maybe Carlos also saw her and was too freaked out to tell me the truth! Maybe he thought I will think he is crazy! If I haven't seen the ghost myself I would probably think he is crazy—but I also saw it!
We are definitely doomed for disturbing the ghost!
And she looks like an angry ghost. We are definitely screwed!
I ran, I tripped many times on my way to the room. Those who are not yet inside their rooms saw me running and looked at me weirdly. Eventually, I made it in front of our room, panting and sweating from running. I opened the door with much force than what I intended to use and Megan quickly looked at me, her face questioning my state.
"You look like you saw a ghost," Megan said and ate popcorn.
"I think I just did." I said and drank a glass of ice-cold water.
"You're joking right?" She asked, wide-eyed. Her hand with a popcorn suspended mid-air.
"I think I just saw a ghost in the forest," I said and opened the door to my room, ignoring Megan's panicked voice.
"I didn't get a wink of sleep because of you." Megan said as we entered the elevator together.
"Same here. Do you think I was able to sleep when I was the one who saw it?" I cringed when I saw our obvious sleepless eyes.
We both have dark circles under our eyes and we did not do a good job of covering them with makeup. Besides the eyebags, our eyes are as red as they can be. It's as if we blushed them. An eye blush.
"You should have just gone inside your room without telling me about it! You just had to tell me that you saw a ghost and leave with no explanation!" She glared at me.
"We all got our own problems and I was too terrified to explain you the details." I said and yawned.
Before the elevator closed, Mr. Williards entered wearing his grin. He looked at both of us, stared at the bags under our eyes for too long before his eyebrows raised. I know sir. We probabaly look like college girls who crammed all night because they procrastinated the whole semester. I looked way worse when I did that and I never procrastinated again.
"Did you have a movie marathon last night?" He asked and pressed a button on the elevator. He is so kind.
"Irene just had to see a ghost in the forest and report it to me." Megan grumbled, "She did not even explain and went to sleep after telling me!"
"A ghost? Are you sure?" Mr. Williards asked his eyes filled with curiosity.
"Positive. I'll never forget the moment she just disappeared in front of me and then appeared behind me." I said, shuddering at the memory.
"You saw it in the woods last night?" Mr. Williards clarified.
"Yes sir! You will never believe me if you hadn't seen it yourself! Ugh! This is why Carlos did not tell me!" I said as my hands move animatingly.
This is what I thought! No one would believe me if I told them the story. Megan just had to tell Mr. Williards who will be with me the entire day! I hope he doesn't think I'm crazy. Though he is probably thinking it right now.
"So you went out in the woods in the middle of the night and you saw a ghost?" He asked.
I nodded.
"So Carlos saw it too? You were not just scaring me?" Megan asked and I rolled my eyes at her before nodding.
"I already told you that you cannot go into the woods. It is too dangerous." Mr. Williards scolded me. His face looks like a mom scolding her children for not following her.
"I'm sorry sir. I won't step inside the woods ever again!" I promised. I wouldn't want to see that again. Besides, I only went in the woods because of Carlos!
"So what does this ghost look like?" He asked.
"I think she's just a teenager." I said and shuddered as I saw her face in my mind; her pale skin, angry eyes and pretty blonde hair.
"Poor young soul." Megan said as she opened her tablet.
"She was wearing this oversized brown cloak and this super old dress that looks like it came from some medieval queen's closet..." I tried to show them how oversized the cloak was by gesturing with my hands.
"That's when I knew she was a ghost! With her clothes and her glowing eyes! and her disappearance! Gods!" I felt the hair in my arms raised and I tried to rub them off.
"You remember it pretty clearly." Mr. Williards said.
"I won't forget my first paranormal experience," I said.
"I hope it will be your last." He said.
I hope so too sir. I never want to see a ghost again.