CHAPTERS 25: Truth of potion (4)

He stopped at the front of the door and entered it anxiously. The facade of bravery was just to intimidate her, or he would face consequences.

His eyes enlarged as he watched her drinking tea peacefully with no hint of regret. 

"Any last word before you die." 

The girl lifted her chin and displayed a smirk. Her calm demeanour irked Eros's nerves, but it also indicated that she predicted this. 

"Drop the act, you bitch!" Eros shouted and struck at him first with his fist. 

One hit was enough to send someone to the emergency room. The girl was not an ordinary human but a silver mutant and talented magus who could cast two spells at once. 

"Eros, your childish behaviour is so inglorious, " she mocked him. "Pity."

He rolled his eyes and swiftly moved to punch her face. 

The auburn girl cast a barrier spell to protect herself. 

"Frenzy Amber."

A large flame drew a line between her and Eroa, hindering him from getting closer. The flames almost reached the ceiling as the hazardous smoke ached his chest. 

"See! This is the difference between you and me. You are driven by your emotions, and I do things rationally. "

Eros coughed up; his eyes were burning, yet his will to fight alive was strong. 

"Oops. " He mumbled.

Suddenly, Beth was astonished that the flames were dimming. The man was walking through the frenzy of fire, and then he hit her. 

Her neck revolved 360° which made her fly backwards. . 

"Did I forget to mention that acid can extinguish fire? What you have done is give me an advantage. " Eros boasted. " Dumbass!" 

Eros's sweat was a mixture of two deadly sweat chemicals: HCL (hydrochloric acid) and H2SO4 (sulphuric acid). Hcl is non-flammable and h2so4 is used in fire extinguishers. Because of that, his body was non-flammable. Also, he used cream to prevent himself from burning before coming here. Of course, he would not tell this. 

On the other hand, Beth's cheek was swollen and red, fleshing off the top layer skin, epidermis. She cried of agony, yet Eros watched with amusement. 

Then he slapped her shoulder and shouted. "Being an equalist myself, you deserve this slap. "He started laughing in a devilish way. "Haha."

Beth, you look funny. " With a devious smile, Eros commented.

It was brutal that her off-white cheek bones were visible. It was as if a hooligan threw an acid bottle at a poor girl. Grotesque! 

Eroa couldn't identify her. "Beth, you look funny. " With a devious smile, Eros commented. 

He didn't have any remorse or pity. Perhaps after his mother's death, his ideology changed. He was not naive or the man she used to know. 

He decided to torment her over and over until he felt that inner peace. So he jabbed at her chin.

*Crack. * It was the voice of her bone that was split in many pieces. Her jawline might have been reconstructed. 

"Kufuckkkk." The girl was cursed out of excruciating pain, although her voice sounded like that of a grandmother. Her face was dark, looking like a worm.Her eyes didn't blink for a minute, as if she was in shock.. 

Eros nose burst of ash into his nose but he must endure it. 

"Stop it." She begged, but Eros didn't. He was filled with vengeance and agony. 

Having no choice, the auburn girl used the last trick that she had saved up until now. 

'A soul emerged from darkened skies, where the fears were born and the shadows rose. Run, run from the cold waves' cry, underneath the endless, darkened sky.' She continuously chanted the verse, and slowly, her pool of mana dissipated.

Eros retreated his feet and decided to restrain her; though, that was already too late. 

A thick mist engulfed the room, and the sound of ringing bells could be heard. 

*Ding Dong! * Out of fear, he didn't notice a moth sitting on his shoulder. The girl was smiling in amusement. 


**Boom. * *The moth exploded. 

Everything slowed down then a loud noise revibrate through his body. His right ear was impacted a lot. A second later, he was flying backward and landing in the corner of the room. 

The mist started clearing out. Eros glanced at the woman, who was laughing at his misery. 

"You are the first person who slapped, but also the last." Saying that, she was hunching her shoulders as she paced slowly towards him. 

Her whole body was aching, yet her flame of revenge was burning. She stomped with her heels. The crimson blood started spilling through his leg. 


"Eros, you are naive to think you can defeat a magus. "

Alas, Eros lost his consciousness. 

"Pity! The guy will die in vain. " As she turned around, her pupil enlarged in shock as a round metal object hit her face. It was a Dutch pan. 

"You dared to punch my son."" 

Fortunately, Beth lost her consciousness because of it. After all, it was a reliable Dutch pan which was made of iron. 

The man ran towards his only son and observed his condition. He shivered as he saw his son's body burned. The blood was 

*Slap.* Andřes hit his son on the cheek then again. Sadly, nothing worked. 

"You brat, who told you to be brave? You should have worked at a bank. But no, the prince wanted to become a hunter and serve his country."

"Idiot. "Andřes spit everything in one breath although his eyes were moist. 

He took out another note that was left by Eros. He put it inside the fridge with pasta, along with a syringe and a bottle. His father was his backup plan if something happened to him. Naturally, he could trust his father blindly. 

"In any case, I will die. Please inject me. " 

Andřes read out aloud. He took out the injection from his bag and penetrated it into flesh and skin. Of course, he was wearing gloves. 

"You are a really ungrateful brat." He complained in an irritating tone. 

Eros slowly blinked his eyes and saw his father look at him with concern. 

With heavy eyes, Eros mumbled: "Dad, do you like my pasta."

Out of nowhere, Andřes hit his cheek. 


"It was salty, and you sprinkled too many peppercorns. "


"Were you a crybaby? " Mir asked while folding his hands. His head was still dizzy, so he was resting in Sebastein's breast pocket.

Eros glared at him and answered. "No."

"Why did you call your father then? "

"My father, too, built up hatred towards those magus like I did. It was necessary to wipe out those stupid emotions. Furthermore, he loved my mother so much that he deserved it more than I do. "

This time, Sébastien commented that he was quiet the whole time. " You really do respect your dad."

Eros's corner of the lips was slightly upward. 

"My dad and I were ready to kill her. My late screedy chicken dad was so afraid of doing it. I had to persuade her a lot. "

Thinking back, Eros chuckled. He had never expected that his own father would have betrayed him. Alas, it was his destiny. 


Andřes felt compelled to assist in Eros's master plan. Drowning a woman in a tub of wax was horrendous. 


"Dad, you just have to fry this girl in a weird liquid." Eros said it softly and didn't find anything wrong with it.

"You think I am sort of a psychopath. Why don't we leave this matter to the police?" . 


"I can't. Those greedy bastards will let them escape again. Or they will get bail soon. This is my last chance," he pleaded. 


Andřes hesitated a little after seeing the poor girl's condition. She was tied to a rope and 10 meters up from the hot wax tub. He looked closely at his son, who was no less than a madman.. Waxing a human alive notion shuddered his whole body. 


He took a deep breath and muttered his wife's name once. 'Shiela, I am sorry for not teaching our son the right path. "


He patted Eros's shoulder in grief. The boy hadn't moved on from his mother's death. It was clearly shown on his face. His son would never torture a person like that. 

Andřes took a heavy sigh and spoke with determination. Because of Magus, her wife died. "Fine. I will do it. " 


He cut the rope with a knife. The girl dropped it in a large container of wax. 


The cries of anguish reached Eros ears, and he smiled cheerfully. This was what she deserved. 


Unfortunately, his laughter ended very soon. 


A police siren echoed throughout the warehouse. A force of police grabbed Eros swiftly, not giving him any chance to flee. 

Five men wearing black uniforms approached Eros. He was astounded by the police. Did Ellise betray him? There were many questions popping into his head. Sadly, there is no answer he would get at this moment in time. 


 "Eros McFlan, you are under arrest for homicide and killing a Magus. " The police officer bellowed. 

Eros didn't comprehend and stared at his father with painful eyes. 

Instead of running for his son, he stared at the police with a dreadful smile. 

"Son, I don't want you to be a criminal. So I have decided on this." Adres didn't look straight into Eros's eyes while saying that." I hope in prison you become a decent man. " "Eros, my son. My only son! I am proud of you for what you did for Sheila. But, but she would never want you to follow this path. For you, mom, be good."

"See you later." 


Andřes walked away without turning back. Meanwhile, he shouted in desperation, but no one was there to listen. 


"Kid, it's time to leave."