Manoj, a brilliant student, secures a place at a prestigious university solely through his intelligence and talent, despite his difficult circumstances and lack of support. Yet, misfortune seems to follow him like a shadow. Amidst his wealthy classmates, Manoj faces numerous challenges, feeling like an outsider in their privileged world. But a shocking revelation changes everything: Manoj comes from one of the world's wealthiest families. Then why was he forced to hide his true identity and live in abject poverty? What hardships must he endure, and what drives him to keep his identity a secret?
Good. You deserve more popularity and readers. I will recommend your novel with my post🔥
very good story😄👍. You have a real talent. Don't stop writing. I want more chapters😍.
Wow nice book, good talent and you deserve more reader's and reviews, I will like to share some tips to boost your book performance, Are you open to that ? if you open fro that you can message the expert to thank better on Discord @Franklusi0805 and then tell them i commend for you?