Crisis Eruption!

Above the sky, the once gentle sun gradually transformed into a blood-red hue. The entire firmament turned crimson red! A blood sun hung in the sky! The heavens roared!

Countless pedestrians on the streets stopped in their tracks, looking up at this celestial anomaly. However, in the next moment, some gray-eyed 'people' emerged from nowhere. They bit anyone they saw, acting like they were insane.


"Help me, help me!!!"

"No, please..."


The entire street instantly descended into chaos. Many pedestrians were knocked down and bitten, leaving blood and flesh everywhere. Screams filled the air. Those who were bitten soon stood up again, turning into zombies and starting to attack others.

The remaining survivors tried to escape by car, but these zombies, acting crazed, pounced on the survivors attempting to flee. 

"Bang bang bang..."

These survivors ran over countless zombies, and blood flowed like rivers on the streets. Yet, in the end, they couldn't escape the fate of being devoured by zombies! There were too many zombies, their cars couldn't move. Many zombies got caught under the vehicles, causing them to stall. Zombies shattered the windows and directly consumed the survivors inside.

And this was just the tip of the iceberg. In just moments, the entire city was engulfed in smoke, filled with terrifying screams, painful howls, and cries for help. It was like a living hell!

Stel's eyes narrowed slightly. At this moment, Stel heard Elsie's voice behind him.

"Stel, you beast! I'm going to call the police and have you arrested!" Elsie yelled in anger, her face full of hatred and her teeth gritted.

The Stel just now was not human at all, he was more like a beast!

An hour, a whole hour! Stel had not stopped attacking! And it was still the first time. She now felt like her body had been torn apart, burning with pain. Stel laughed and said, "It doesn't matter. Now that the zombie crisis has erupted, if you can get out of here, go ahead."

"Zombie crisis?" Elsie laughed dismissively, looking at Stel as if he were an idiot. "Stel, do you think you can scare me like this? You're too naive!"

"If you don't believe me, just take a look," Stel said nonchalantly.

Elsie hesitated for a moment. She wanted to see what trick Stel was playing. She walked to the window and looked down, witnessing a scene she would never forget.

The once bustling and lively street was now in chaos. The cars on the street, who knew what they had been through, were piled up like rows of trains, colliding with each other, their hoods spewing black smoke, and their alarms blaring. 

The ground was covered in a gruesome scene of severed limbs. Many people were torn in half, still crawling on the ground! Countless zombies were chasing the survivors! Many people were knocked to the ground, being viciously bitten by groups of zombies, with blood flowing profusely.

The entire street was filled with screams, utter chaos!

Elsie's face turned pale with fear. She stepped back a few steps, her stomach churning as if she was about to vomit.

"Gag!" Elsie retched.

It took Elsie a while to calm down.

"How can this be?" Elsie muttered, as if in a dream, sitting on the ground with a pale face.

That scene just now made her completely believe Stel's words. The zombie crisis had really erupted!

Stel spoke calmly, "Elsie, you now have two choices: either become my slave and pay off your debt, or I'll send you downstairs to become a zombie!"

If it weren't for the bloodstained flower on the bed, he would have thrown Elsie out of the window without hesitation. But now, he decided to give this wretch a chance to live. Of course, it was merely a chance to survive.

Elsie's face grew even paler upon hearing this. She certainly didn't want to become a zombie. Zombies were so ugly; she didn't want to end up like that. But the idea of becoming Stel's slave... She didn't want that either. Who would want to be someone else's slave?

While Elsie hesitated, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Knock knock!"

Stel walked to the door and looked through the peephole, a slight smile forming on his lips. "If you want to leave, I can let you go now."

Would Stel be so kind? Elsie hesitated but eventually walked over. However, she didn't immediately open the door. Instead, she looked through the peephole to check the situation outside.

What she saw made her eyes widen and her pupils shrink rapidly, as if she had seen something incredibly shocking.

Outside, there were two zombies viciously ramming their bodies against the door. The older zombie, after repeatedly slamming against the door, had its face smashed into a bloody mess, sticky and unrecognizable.

It hadn't stopped; it continued to roar with its mouth wide open, violently slamming against the door. It wasn't until its head was completely smashed off that it fell to the ground.

However, the zombie's pale, lifeless hand kept pounding on the door!

Elsie was caught off guard by the scene and turned pale with fear, about to scream. Suddenly, Stel, who had come up behind her without her noticing, covered her mouth.

"Do you want to become like them?" Stel asked softly.

Elsie, filled with terror, shook her head vigorously. She definitely didn't want to end up like that.

Stel then released Elsie.

"Stel... I want to live... I'm willing to be your slave!" Elsie said, trembling and pale-faced.

At this moment, Elsie no longer had any doubts about Stel's words. The outside was filled with zombies, and compared to facing zombies, Elsie preferred to face Stel. At least Stel was still a living human!

"What did you say? I can't hear you!" Stel tilted his head slightly.

Elsie's eyes reddened, and she bit her lip. "I'm willing to be your slave! I will obey your orders for eternity!"

"That's more like it," Stel said with a slight smile. "But I don't want someone who is of no use to me."

Stel then slapped Elsie hard, showing no mercy. With that slap, half of Elsie's face instantly swelled up, and her head became dizzy.

Holding her slapped cheek, Elsie cried out in grievance. "Master, please forgive me..."


One slap wasn't enough. Stel, using both hands, forced Elsie's hands away and slapped her on both sides of her face.

"Now tell me, do you hate me for hitting you like this?"

After several slaps, Elsie's face was so swollen she could barely feel it.

"No, I don't hate you. Master can hit me however he wants..." 

She thought about it and realized that only survival mattered.