Zombie Boy

It took Stel ten minutes to pick out more than ten boxes of condoms.

After stuffing them into his backpack, he exited the supermarket, making sure to pull down the rolling shutter door behind him.

He wanted to protect the supermarket.

Otherwise, after he left, zombies might enter and contaminate the food.

With the map in hand, Stel headed in another direction towards the large supermarket.

Before reaching the large supermarket, Stel had to face the first challenge of crossing the overturned truck blocking the road.

The truck had completely flipped over, lying across the middle of the street.

Its cab and trailer had crashed into the buildings on both sides.

"Damn, what terrible driving!"

Stel cursed, but he knew he had to climb over it.

He found a spot that was easier to climb.

Placing one foot on the truck's large wheel, he pushed off and grabbed the top wheel with both hands.


With a bit of effort, Stel climbed up to the second wheel.

He then grabbed the truck's side railing.


Stel successfully climbed onto the side of the truck,

Standing on the metal railing.

He took in the view on the other side of the street.


On the other side of the overturned truck,

Countless zombies filled the street, just like those around the apartment building.

Some stood still.

Others were gnawing on nearby trees,

Their teeth stuck in the bark.

It was a grotesque sight.

"I didn't expect there to be so many zombies here too..."

Stel couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.

It seemed the city had been completely overrun by zombies.

In such a situation, there were likely very few survivors left.

"Sigh, but I still need to go to the supermarket."

Stel jumped down from the truck and continued following the directions on the map.

Wherever Stel went,

All the zombies he passed by did not attack him.

Stel walked very safely.

As he reached the end of the street and was about to turn,

He suddenly heard a voice.

"Help, help us!"

Hearing this, Stel was startled.

He didn't expect to hear a human voice!


Where was the sound coming from?

After hearing the plea for help, Stel looked around.

But there was nothing around except for a few scattered zombies.


The cry for help came again.

This time Stel sharply identified the source of the sound.

It was coming from an unfinished building.

There were many human voices mixed with noise.

"Yelling so loudly in broad daylight, aren't they afraid the zombies will hear them?"

Stel scoffed, disdainful of these survivors' desperate cries.

This city was surrounded by zombies.

The louder you were, the quicker you'd die!


Sure enough, after hearing the cries for help, some zombies standing still seemed to detect the sound.

They immediately started moving towards the source.

Stel hesitated for a moment but decided to follow and take a look.

"Help, help...!"

When Stel arrived at the unfinished building, he was shocked by the scene.

A swarm of zombies, like locusts, was devouring a person.

A group of survivors stood on the second floor.

A few of them were desperately holding onto a child's hand.

That child was the target of the zombies' attack.

"It hurts, Mom, it hurts so much..."

Stel estimated the child to be around fifteen years old.

The survivors on the second floor were trying to pull him back.

But Stel knew the child was beyond saving.

Even if they managed to get him back up,

He would turn into a zombie within minutes.

Moreover, more and more zombies were jumping up, biting the child.

The weight below increased, making it harder and harder for them to pull up.

"Come on, everyone! That's my child! We're almost there!"

A middle-aged woman, holding her child's hand, desperately pleaded with the surrounding survivors.

There was no doubt that the boy being bitten by zombies was her child.

Some chose to help the woman.

While others stood by indifferently,

Some even made cold remarks.

"That kid is beyond saving. Let go of him."

"Otherwise, you'll pull the zombies up here, and we'll all die!"

"Shut up with your heartless comments! How can a mother just watch her son die?"

"If you don't want to help, then shut your mouth!"

The women helping the child immediately retaliated.

A bunch of jerks...

Stel stood at a distance, observing the group, and made his judgment.

As long as they thought about pulling the child up,

It was a lost cause.

The child would definitely turn into a zombie, and possibly even...


Stel's brow twitched; what he anticipated happened.

The crying child suddenly stopped.

His movements became stiff.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the hand being held by the others.


He abruptly opened his mouth and bit down hard on the girl's hand.


The boy's jaw clamped down, tearing a chunk of flesh from the girl's hand.

Blood spurted out immediately.

The pain made her scream.


After tearing off a piece of flesh, the boy began to chew on it.

At the same time, a sinister smile appeared on his face.

"No! He's turned into a zombie! Let go of him!"

The other survivors, realizing the danger, let go of their grip.

But the boy's mother held on tightly.

"He's my son, I won't let go!"

"Your son has turned into a zombie! If you don't let go, we'll all die!"

The other survivors tried to bandage the girl's wound while urging the woman to release her grip.

"Clack, clack, clack!"

At that moment, the zombies biting the boy released their jaws.

They all fell to the ground.

Since the boy had become a zombie, he no longer interested them.

Freed from the weight, the boy, now a zombie, tightly grabbed his mother's hand.


With a flex of his muscles, using his arm for support, he jumped up to the second floor.


His mother, however, was flung down to the ground below.

"Hissss haa!!!!!"

The zombies below, smelling human flesh, swarmed her instantly!