Stealing Your Stuff

But now, the moment that zombie saw him,

It reacted as if it had encountered something terrifying,

Retreating repeatedly.

This was quite intriguing.

Two possibilities crossed Stel's mind.

The first was that zombies didn't actually eat their own kind, and this was just a coincidence.

The second possibility...

Was that the reason he wasn't attacked by zombies wasn't that they saw him as one of their own,

But because of some other reason...

This made things even more intriguing...

Stel began to suspect that the reason zombies didn't attack him wasn't that they saw him as one of their own,

But due to some other factor.

"Whatever, the outcome is the same anyway..."

As long as zombies didn't attack him, Stel didn't care whether they ate their own kind or not.

So he revved the tricycle and continued forward.

In no time, Stel arrived back at the supermarket.

Just as before,

Before transporting the supplies, Stel first cleared out the surrounding zombies.

Soon, the area was piled high with zombie corpses.


After dispatching the last zombie,

There were no more zombies left standing.

Stel's zombie-killing skills had become more refined.

He unlocked the chain on the supermarket's gate and parked the tricycle outside.

Then he began loading the supplies bit by bit.

First, he loaded all the essential rice and flour onto the tricycle.

Then came the sanitary pads Elsie needed.

Since the tricycle could carry a lot,

Stel decided to take even more sanitary pads.

These wouldn't expire, so the more, the better.

Because the tricycle could transport a large quantity,

Stel found himself loading even more items.

He didn't want to miss out on the many fruit cans,

So he took them by the boxful,

Stacking them neatly on the tricycle's rear seat.

"This looks good too, hmm... this is worth taking as well."

So the tricycle got more and more loaded with stuff.

It was even starting to tip over.

Just as Stel was about to move the meat from the freezer,

He suddenly heard hurried footsteps coming towards him.

The footsteps were very light,

As if someone was walking on tiptoes.

But because the steps were so hurried,

And the supermarket was very empty,

Even a small sound echoed loudly.

Someone was there?

Stel was suddenly startled as he was picking up items.

He slowly put down the piece of pork he was holding.


He lowered his breathing and focused his ears.

Listening intently to the approaching footsteps.

As the steps got closer,

His suspicion grew deeper.

Could there be another survivor in this supermarket besides himself?

Had this person been in the supermarket before him?

Or had they entered after he unlocked the door?

It was completely baffling...

Either way...

If someone was approaching him while he was gathering supplies,

It meant they had ill intentions!


The person nearing Stel raised a club and swung it forward forcefully.

The club made a whooshing sound through the air.

It was aimed straight at the back of Stel's head.


Stel turned around and caught the club firmly.

His fingers wrapped around the club,

With a slight exertion of force,

The entire club was firmly in Stel's grasp.

"Are you looking to die?!"

Stel was instantly infuriated.

Just the target area of the swing and the force behind it were meant to kill!

If he hadn't been on guard,

And prepared.

Then that one blow would have at least knocked me unconscious!

"Who are you, and why are you taking things from my family's supermarket?!"

In the faint light coming from outside the supermarket,

Stel finally saw the person's face.

In short, she was pretty attractive.

Even more so than Elsie.

Especially those breasts—perfect in shape and size, top-notch.

Seeing such a beauty, Stel's anger subsided a bit.

He tightened his grip slightly,

And easily took the club from the girl's hands.

"Your family's stuff? Does it have your name on it?"

With a flick of his wrist, Stel tossed the club aside.

The girl, now weaponless, stepped back a couple of paces.

Her shoulders trembled continuously.

Just moments ago, holding the club and attacking Stel,

Took all her courage.

But now, without her weapon,

And compared to Stel, her physique was no match.

Except for that one robust area,

She looked frail and delicate.

"This supermarket belongs to my parents. What gives you the right to take our things?!"

Despite being scared of Stel,

The girl clenched her fists,

And shouted at him.

So, she's the daughter of the supermarket owners...

No wonder she's here.

Stel thought and the answer became clear.

It means that since the zombie outbreak, the girl and her family had been hiding here.

What a miscalculation!

Stel silently exclaimed.

Thankfully, it was such a frail girl living here.

If it had been a group of thugs,

The first time he entered the supermarket,

Without any caution,

He could have ended up dead.

"You say this is your parents' supermarket. Where are they? And how old are you?"

Stel threw out his questions.

If the girl was hiding here with her parents,

It's very likely her parents were hiding nearby as well.


With this thought, Stel's demeanor became much more cautious.

He deliberately took two steps closer,

Closing the distance between himself and the girl,

Ensuring he could grab her as a hostage at any moment,

In case her parents were planning an ambush.

"My... my parents are already dead... outside..."

Seeing Stel approach, the girl's legs weakened,

She nearly collapsed to the ground.


Hearing this, Stel breathed a sigh of relief.

The girl's attitude didn't seem deceitful.

Indicating her parents might indeed be dead.

"You're happy about it, aren't you? I bet your parents are dead too!"


Hearing the girl's words, Stel's pupils instantly dilated,

Emitting a faint red glow.

His body reacted instinctively,

By the time he realized, he had already slapped the girl across the face.

"You've got a death wish!"

For Stel, his parents had always been a sensitive topic.

Though the girl wasn't entirely wrong,

In a zombie apocalypse,

Everyone was in danger.

Stel's parents didn't live in the same city as him.

But they were likely dead too.

Yet hearing the girl say that, rage boiled within him.

"You... you're too much, stealing from my family's store and hitting me!"

The girl was knocked to the ground by the slap,

Feeling overwhelmed with injustice.

She was only twenty-one years old,

Bearing the burden of living alone after her parents' death was already hard enough.