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Arrival At Planet Humbad

The journey to Planet Humbad was an almost 2hrs travel even with the spaceship moving at an approximate speed of Mach 7 through space. This shows just how far away Planet Humbad is from Earth.

Not a word was discussed between the New Cadets as they tried their best to get themselves into the perfect mental state of whatever would be coming in the next few hours.

Zeras sat within the Group A seat, his eyes closed as he regulated his breathing clearing away any type of nervousness he might had within, but unknowing to him, the calmer he got, the colder of an aura he radiated, making others feel as if he was a devilish beast in slumber. A feeling none of them could understand what the reason was.

"We have arrived at Planet Humbad, you're all advised to prepare for disembarkation in 59...58..57..."

Slowly opening his eyes, a piercing blue light flashed quickly in them before they returned to their normal dull color as his hands moved towards the seat belt and he undoes it...


"Please Disembark..." The AI voice rang throughout the hall.

Zeras immediately stood up on hearing the AI together with a total of 60 New cadets as the door to the Spaceship opened and outside it were the three EIA officials.

The entire group was led out of the Spaceship as Zera's eyes narrowed to points.

He could feel there was something different about the environment as he felt more pressed down on the ground than before as if gravity here was greater than on earth.

The sun was high up directly at the middle of their head which was more than a clear sign that it was noon.

Around the place where the spaceship landed were tens of spaceships with the fighter and bomber spaceship model being the most common.

Pass that area, tents could be seen spread Into the distance as EIA officials occasionally moved in and out, some carrying around different objects that were packed in mini-cargos while some could be seen getting into one of the spaceships and soon disappearing into the distance.

The group was led past many of the tents as they got quite the looks on their way but the EIA officials present were quick to ignore them as they kept on with their works.

"We'll be heading to the Space Mission Zone, there you'll be able to join one of the EIA officials and get your roles..." The voice of the female instructor echoed throughout the group as they were led on through the base passing different areas before they finally arrived before a completely different structure.

This structure was different than others as all the others were tents made with advanced heavy vinyl-coated polyester fabrics. One of the materials for making a tent that Zeras recognized as very popular through the EIA due to its UV blocking, low bulletproof, and anti-tear features.

This one structure was very different as it was more in the shape of a huge structure of about two stories and made up completely of earth.

Taking a second glance at the building and how it was made. Zeras could immediately tell this wasn't made, block by block. But was probably the creation of an Earth genetic ability awakener. As for how powerful such an awakener must be to be able to have such perfect control over his or her genetic ability, Zeras didn't know but he was sure it was beyond his level.

The group filed into the structure showing a large gigantic space, looking strangely ten times bigger than it appeared to be on the outside.

"Hey, Milliamp, they're here..." One of the male officers, the one who had yet to speak a single word until now called out to one of the offices as a middle-aged man who was dressed in a long dark red and wearing a spectacle on his face walked towards them with a small book in his hands.

"Thanks for the trouble, Roduf, Mira, and Koma, I'll take it from here..." Milliamp said as the three officers gave him a small bow which showed his higher position before they left.

Now adjusting his glasses and giving them a proper scrutinizing gaze was Officer Milliamp.

"Hello, young champs. I'm Sergeant Milliamp, Overseer of the Aerial Warfare of this mission. Before you're all assigned your roles, I think it's a necessity to know about who or what you'll be dealing with..." Sergeant Milliamp said leading them towards one of the rooms in the place.

Arriving in a large white space and suddenly clapping his hands together, a holographic image appeared mid-air showing the image of an Alien race.

"These are the alien race we are dealing with, this is an example of an average Humbans." Sergeant Milliamp said pointing at the holographic image.

In the image, the picture of a humanoid being could be seen standing at a height of approximately 2 meters, but instead of two arms, there were four arms present on it depicting it was not a human.

"This Humban here is proportional to an Early Meteor rank stage awakener. A distinguishing feature of the power level of the Humbans is their height, with them being a good 0.8 meters tall at birth and 2 meters tall at the Meteor rank stage. A 3-meter-tall Humban you come across is at the same power as an Early Cosmic Rank stage while one at 5 meters is at the Peak Cosmic Rank stage.


Another distinguishing feature of it was the blue scales that covered every inch of its body instead of skin while its eyes were a deep dark color like an abyss with dark hair reaching up to its shoulder.

"This Humban here is proportional to an Early Meteor rank stage awakener. A distinguishing feature of the power level of the Humbans is their height, with them being a good 0.8 meters tall at birth and 2 meters tall at the Meteor rank stage. A 3-meter-tall Humban you come across is at the same power as an Early Cosmic Rank stage while one at 5 meters is at the Peak Cosmic Rank stage.

Why am I telling you this? It's so you can know what type of Humban you should immediately try to avoid on sighting if you don't suddenly want to lose your life..." Sergeant Milliamp said causing Zeras to raise an eyebrow.

'It seems they would still have to arrive at the battlefield in one way or the other...'

"The Humbans are not in any way weak at all, but they do have a weakness and that is that they don't have another ability except from pure brute strength. Their only weapon is their pure power.

Besides, their intelligence is also very low making them an incredibly primitive species. They don't have any technological device at all and still rely on the old ways of things..."

Sergeant Milliamp said.

"The reason you guys are here is due to the minimal damage the Humbans can cause to those present in the air since they can't fly and don't have any spaceship that can do so. Then those in the air are very safe, but not completely invisible..."

Zeras raised an eyebrow on hearing that as he knew there wasn't much to be afraid of if you can fly in the air when your enemy can't, at least you're pretty much safe.

As if hearing his thoughts, the image on the holographic changed as a video played out to the entire group.

A video that immediately changed his views about the Humbans as he finally felt he needed to take this mission seriously if he didn't want to lose his life.