
THE darkness engulfed Helios, a crackling red mist pulsing around him. He glanced around, disoriented, unable to think clearly. His mind was fuzzy, unable to focus on anything but the obscuring blankness around him.

"Where... where am I?" he whispered, looking at his own body, desperate for an image beyond the night surrounding him. He was stark naked, feeling hypothermia creeping up on him. His breaths were visible in the chill air. The only thing anchoring him was an innate sense of anger.

"Please, where... where is this…" he tried to speak, but his voice was swallowed by the abyss. He paused, attempting to stand, when he heard a voice.

"Hello, Charlemagne," the voice hissed like a snake, carrying an unsettling oddity. "You are in my home, Helios," it said, followed by sinister laughter.

"Your... your home? How…?" He paused, finding his voice. "Who are you?" he demanded, his face, contorting with anger. If this was a trick, whoever was responsible would face his full wrath.

"I am but a mere whisper, and I do not matter in the presence of one as mighty as you," the voice whispered and now Helios could fully comprehend the oddity of the voice. The voice wasn't present, it wasn't here with him, it's like it was distant and not just by mere space but by time. That voice was ancient, and foundational.

"If you know how mighty I am, you will reveal yourself to me, right here and right now," he called out.

The voice crackled again, like a buzzing snap of an electric wire. "You are mighty, yet you lay dying afloat a piece of wood on the cold streaming waters of the Eldertide. How the mighty have fallen," the voice chuckled again, its laughter resounding across the abyss.

Helios' memories pieced back together at last and his thoughts became clearer, he remembered how he had gone against the Bane of gods himself; Godblast. He turned around. "Am I dead? Is this hell?" He asked, although he never believed in the concept of an afterlife but his parents did, albeit hypocritically, but they still to some extent share in the spiritual notion of heaven and hell. "Are you the last enemy?"

The voice chuckled. "I must leave now, Charlemagne," the voice said and although he couldn't see, he felt the presence vacate the area. The darkness then swirled towards him, consuming him.

Helios opened his eyes, gasping for breath, as he felt the force of multiple hands, holding him down. "The Narvach is back online, inform the Marshal while I try to stabilize him," a voice spoke but he couldn't recognize who it was, all he felt was this innate power flooding within him and it wanted release.

The arms holding him down were only making things worse, he jerked his head backwards and he yelled, letting go of the swirl of energy within him. He heard multiple screams of agony as he felt his normal self returning. He glanced around him and he discovered he was in a medic bay.

He got up from the bed and detached the multiple monitors attached to him. He glanced at the mechanical devices around himself and shook his head. It meant he'd been saved by someone and if there is something Helios hated more than losing, it was being rescued. That pirate had played him and he would pay, he didn't care if even god couldn't stop him but he would pay.

Helios stood up and glanced around him. The medical bay was filled with nurses, many bearing burn marks on their bodies; some were even burnt to crisps. He tiptoed over their bodies and made his way to the exit, not sparing them a second glance.

Just as he was about to pull open the door, it swung open from the outside. He twisted his body, evading the sudden movement of the wooden frame. He glanced up to see a boy in white staring at him. The boy stood in shock for a few seconds but soon bowed. "Sir? Are you awake? The Marshal is calling for you," the boy informed him.

Helios gazed at the boy for a while before shoving him aside, having no time for lesser entities. He stepped into the corridor and headed towards the main compartment of the ship. He knew this ship like the back of his hand—one of the S Grade ships of the Marines. The Retribution! Unlike the Silent Sorrows, this ship was equipped with multiple arsenals, making it effective in combat, defense, and fast traveling..

On this ship, only one person held absolute power and he was on his way to see that man. He was so focused on his mission that he didn't notice he was wearing only a hospital gown and he was walking barefooted. In no time he reached the main compartment and glanced at the Marshal.

He paused at first when he laid his sight on the officer and almost spat in disgust. The woman was seated on one of the sofas in the room and her leg was soaked in a bowl of water as multiple gigolos massaged her legs up to her upper thighs. She moaned in appreciation, her face covered in wet damp white napkin. She wore a black gown that left most of her thighs exposed.

Helios does enjoy his own pleasures but currently, he wasn't in the mood for pleasure, he needed answers to multiple questions. "Hmhm," he grunted, getting her attention. "Marshal, you sent for me," he said with a smile, trying to look as confident as possible.

The woman raised her eyes up and glanced at him, the napkin, sliding from her face. "Helios Charlemagne," the lady chuckled. "Might interest you in a sensual massage, or are you too good for me?" She smiled, licking her lips in a seductive manner.

Helios sighed. "What happened?" He asked and before he could close his mouth, the woman appeared in front of him and a backhand smashed against his cheeks, sending him into the wall.