Death Zone

FOR two days, they had drifted on the boat with no sign of rescue. In time, they'd grown to know one another and were beginning to share a familiar bond than ever before. Ash sat with Glit's head resting on his shoulder, while Captain Felis and One-Eyed Rowan argued, a rare spectacle that had everyone silent and attentive, weak smiles on their faces as they listened to the elders bicker like siblings.

"I'm not saying we should kill indiscriminately, Cap'n. I'm saying we're part of the natural cycle. You talk about humans like we're separate from it," One-Eyed Rowan argued.

"We are different," Felis countered. "We have awareness—awareness of good and evil. Yet, we choose evil because it fills our bellies?"

"Being aware doesn't remove us from the food chain, and let's face it, the only reason you feel we shouldn't kill animals is because of their direct response to pain, when last we visited the Druid sect at Celtine Island, you know what they said? All that is living process pain just in a different way. What you guys suggest is hypocrisy, it is impossible for us to survive without sustenance, animals are indeed sustenance," Rowan countered..

"Plants process pain? That's just nonsense, and you know it. You need a nervous system to feel pain, my boy. Who the hell taught you science?" Captain Felis chuckled.

"I'm not the druid here," Rowan smiled, taking another sip of his coffee.

Ash and his friends were still in awe. Though they had been traveling with Captain Felis for two days, it was a great privilege to witness him in a relaxed state. Every chuckle, every shift of his muscles, every word he spoke felt different. Even though they'd known the man for four years, they now saw him in a new light.

"A good argument, but..." Captain Felis began, only to be interrupted by Glit's sudden excitement.

"Look, a bird!" she exclaimed with a smile.

Ash glanced up and saw a winged creature gliding above their boat. He was about to comment when he noticed the tense expressions of the two elderly men. "What is it?" Kay asked, beating him to the question.

Mute signed something, and Kay translated, "He says there is land nearby."

A wave of happiness washed over Ash as he scanned the horizon for a glimpse of land.

"Prepare yourselves," Felis commanded. "Rowan, get the two potion boxes and extra clothes. Glit and Ash, gather the food supplies." He turned to Kay and Mute. "Get the cover clothes. I'll face the threat," he added, eyes darting.

"Threat? What threat?" Ash asked.

"Oh, nothing the Cap'n can't handle. Just a sea predator that likes to ambush boats near the shore. It's quite common in these parts," One-Eyed Rowan explained.

As soon as they finished packing their supplies into bags stowed in the boat's many compartments, Rowan started the engine. The boat sped up, skimming the water at an incredible speed.

"What's that?" Glit asked Rowan, pointing to the engine.

"Oh, it's the boat's motor engine. Helps us move faster," Rowan yelled over the noise.

"I know that! How does it work?" Glit pressed.

"It runs on Hazard Potions. A drop lasts an entire week. Cryptological potions are pretty powerful," Rowan explained.

As they approached land, none of the sea predators Rowan had mentioned appeared. They anchored the boat and stepped onto the shore, turning to face the island.

The island was dominated by ancient, towering trees with thick green leaves, shrouded in a dense, fog-like atmosphere. Luckily, about five clicks to the south, there was a beach-like space where they could set up camp.

Ash and the kids were elated; for the first time in two years, they were setting foot on solid ground again. There was something about being on land that made everyone feel safe and at ease. It felt natural, as if they were reclaiming their domain. The ocean, by contrast, was an alien world they had to adapt to survive.

"Do you know what island we're on exactly?" Felis asked Rowan.

The one-eyed man pulled out a map from his long sleeve and began checking it as they moved towards the clearing. "I'll have to calculate it," he said. "I'm a bit lost, but I have most of my readings from when we left the ship, so I should be able to pinpoint our location."

They reached the clear space and dropped their bags. Kay immediately lay in the sand, wriggling into it. "This is so peaceful," he said, chuckling.

"Alright, everyone, listen up!" Felis called out. "We need to find a water source, gather enough wood for a tent and fire. It's getting late, and we'll explore the island tomorrow after some rest."

Kay stood up immediately as Felis continued, "We'll split into teams. I'll go with Ash and Glit. Rowan, you take Kay and Mute. If there's any danger, alert me." He whispered this last part to Rowan, then opened a box containing a potion and downed one.

Ash and Glit eagerly followed Felis into the forest. It wasn't long before they stumbled upon a flowing river. "Nice," Ash remarked, moving towards the water. "It's so clear."

"Island rivers are usually clean, but there's a problem," Felis said, a hint of concern in his voice.

""What do you mean, a problem?" Glit demanded, glancing around in fear of any imminent danger.

"If this island has so much fresh water, why isn't anyone living here?" Felis questioned, more to himself than to the others.

He probably shouldn't have asked out loud, because at that moment, a scream of pain pierced the air from the other side of the island.

"Help, Felis!" Rowan's desperate cry echoed, loud enough for even Ash and Glit to hear without super hearing.

Just as they were about to rush in Rowan's direction, a vine shot out from one of the trees, wrapping around Ash and lifting him into the sky.

"Oh, God!" Felis gasped. "We're in a Death Zone!"