Chapter 18 The Emperor, War Reasons, and Reconciliation


"Your strength is truly impressive, Naruto," Hiruzen said as he walked towards a ten year old Naruto. They were within the forest of death at a secluded place marked with chakra barriers. This was the place that Naruto used to train without anyone seeing him or even noticing.

Naruto stopped what he was doing, stood up straight and glanced at the old man for a moment. "Coming from the God of Shinobi, I will take the compliment," Naruto said calmly. "But it isn't really coming well."

"I can always offer help if you want," Hiruzen said to Naruto with a smile.

Naruto raised an eye brow. "You confuse me, old man. Despite knowing that I am for Uzushiogakure, you would still wish to help me? Isn't that counter-productive?"

Hiruzen shook his head. "Naturally, my help doesn't come for free. Although I know you are for Uzushio, you still Minato's son and this village continues to be hard on you. You know that I have always cared for you, Naruto-kun. I didn't tell you about your mother because of any reason other than to give you an identity."

"And you did…"

"Yes, but it turned out in some ways I had not expected," Hiruzen said in a bitter tone. "Why do you hide your strength though? You're smart, stronger than your some people and I know that your chakra levels are beyond what many Jonin have. But yet, you don't display that strength, not even flashes of it."

Naruto sat on the ground and folded his feet, taking a meditative pose. "To be honest, old man, I am a little afraid. I am afraid that if I displayed that I am strong, people will hate me more. They will start thinking some fear induced thoughts that will make them do something stupid. But I don't want things to get that far. Such a thing would force me to leave this village. But I am still learning. I want to know more about the shinobi world, about the heart of men and how he deals with his anger and hatred.

"I don't want my life to turn out like these people. The Kyubi killed their loved ones and it lives within me, but do they really have to turn sour every time they see me? I have anger in me. It frightens me." He smiled bitterly. "My chakra has already been diluted because of anger. Sometimes I confuse my chakra for the Kyubi's. I don't want my mind to be corrupted with anger and hatred. If I can survive this madness while being surrounded by people who loath my existence, I think I can survive the future."

"What kind of future are you bracing yourself for, Naruto?"

"A future that compels me to be calm for the greater good despite raging emotions that want me to destroy everything that stands before me," Naruto said. "When those kids sent me to the forest of death to be killed, I was angry when I realized that it was their very intention to get me killed. The abuse at the orphanage and the voice of the Kyubi whispering darkly, 'hate them' repeatedly nearly made me plot something sinister. But I stopped myself. The world rejects me. Do I also reject it? Do I become what it calls me?"

The Sandaime Hokage just smiled. "There are many ways to look at things, Naruto-kun. You must always be open to look at things in all angles if you are going to try to understand how people work. How you think is not the same as how I think. The outcome of the thinking towards you is the same, hatred, but reasons are not similar. You will find that many people know that you're not the Kyubi but just a child, but because they are not willing to let go of that hatred, they refuse the truth.

"I am not going to push you into anything, but know this, the moment they let go of their hatred; they will stop rejecting your existence. Whether you reject them or become what they call you is entirely up to you. However, you must know what you want in life. Do you think what they are doing is wrong? Are you just going to become like them?"

"Because of them, I learned to throw away my hatred. I don't want to end up becoming like these people," Naruto said with a slight shake of his head. "You are the God of Shinobi, what do you say to a sparring session?"

"With you? I think you are a little too young and I am too old," Hiruzen said.

Naruto smiled. "Old man, one thing I have realized despite everything; it has been that you care for me. You know me and the Uzumaki, I have no problem in revealing how far my training as taken me through the secrets of the Kage Bunshin. I will show this to you, but I am likely to keep my portions of my memory of the skills I have gained so far sealed away until the day I leave Konoha."

"Did you just say secrets of the Kage Bunshin?" Hiruzen asked with a stare. "Who taught you that jutsu?"

"Nobody," Naruto said with a wave of his right hand. "I'm not a genius like some people, but I am not just thinking about seals when I sit motionlessly. I also think that the hand signs I saw, I think about what makes a jutsu, I think about the chakra concentration in my system when I release a jutsu. This helps me see things clearly. Time I have, chakra I have, so learning all basic elements will not be impossible for me… as it was not for you."


When Mei entered Naruto's office, her eyes went straight towards the redhead sitting behind the desk; the Desk faced the entrance. It was the first thing you saw once stepping inside. She turned her eyes towards the right; the emperor was sitting on a sofa, reading something. He didn't seem bothered to even glance towards them. But she knew he was aware of their presence.

"Mizukage-sama," Haku said, drawing Mei's attention away from her thoughts. "This is Karin Uzumaki… Naruto's wife."

Mei was surprised. She didn't hide it. This was the first time she was hearing something like that. She has had multiple conversations about Naruto and Uzushiogakure but it had never been mentioned that Naruto was actually married. So, he was a husband. It was indeed a surprise.

She walked towards the redhead woman and held out her right hand. "Mei Terumi," she didn't want anyone to introduce her. "A pleasure to meet you," she said with a warm smile.

Karin's smile was not so warm, but it was not cold either. "The pleasure is mine, Mei-san. Finally I get to meet the woman who has my husband showing consideration for what other people think to the consequences of merciless actions."

Mei raised both her brows in surprise. She turned towards Naruto – he still had yet to move. "I don't understand," she said.

"There are reasons why Kirigakure should be Uzushio's enemy… reasons even I can understand. But one thing is certain and with the inclusion of Haku, that man is impressed about your efforts in Kirigakure. And although he will never admit it, he does not want to destroy what you have worked hard to achieve. Considering that he can be careless and indifferent, I think that is something," she said calmly.

"That is the first time I hear something like that," Mei said calmly. "It is very considerate of him…"

Karin wondered about that. It could have been done purposefully. Besides, she had her intentions for saying those words. She stood up and walked towards Naruto. "I'm going to talk to Yoshino about the money you refused to give me. I'll go do other things thereafter. When I return, we will talk about me leaving," she said taking the scroll on Naruto's hand.

"You are not going to join us?" Mei asked.

"Diplomatic talks are not my cup of tea," Karin said with a shake of her head. She then decided to step out of the office through the backdoor.

Mei walked towards the sofas and sat on the one beside where Haku sat. She stared at the emperor for a moment before speaking. "I didn't take you for the kind of person who'd actually settle down and marry…"

Naruto smiled before turning to face Haku. "What things have you been telling her that gave her an unfavorable image of me?"

"I have only said pleasant things about you," Haku said.

"I just formed my thoughts based on our interactions and your appearance." Mei said. "This is a quiet lovely home you have here. The village itself is very peaceful. It is pity that its emperor is not so peaceful…"

"That wounds me," Naruto said. "What are you seeing when looking at me now, Mei? Do you see a man who is full of violence and bad intentions for everyone?"

Mei shook her head. "You look calm and quiet right here. This Naruto is see now is different from what you have presented whenever you came to Kirigakure."

"There is always time for everything. I have my moments. Right now, I am at home, enjoying the peace while it lasts for very soon, I will be gracing the battlefield," Naruto said. He hid his excitement very well. Then again, he was used to hiding things from people.

The war had already started. It was really a surprise to see that this village didn't seem like it was preparing for war. Although battles occurred outside the villages, the atmosphere did tell from within. But here, everything looked normal. It was even strange since there was a chance of an invasion. Kumo and Iwa wanted one thing only – and that was the destruction of the Uzumaki clan. These people should be worried but they didn't show any concerns.

"You don't look worried. This village doesn't look worried. It is hard to tell if you are really going to war with forces even Kirigakure could not face alone," Mei stated in a serious tone.

"Not worried?" Naruto smiled – it was not a happy smile. "When I first came here, these people were living in hiding. They didn't want the outside world to know of their survival. Every day they slept fearing the worst. They were surrounded by powerful enemies who could destroy them and there was no one to help them. I told them there was a way to get rid of the fear. There was a way to come out of hiding and still be protected. I just wanted to see the Uzumaki rise again. But they would not listen. They were too afraid. And so I warned them. Someone was eventually going to find them and when that happens, they would be crushed in their fear. The only way to avoid the disaster was to become strong.

"The elders refused to listen to a child but the shinobi led by Yoshino listened. They came to me. Their biggest concern was being invaded while they were not ready. There was no question, the moment the enemy heard of their survival, they were going to attack to finish what they started. I told Yoshino and his men my background; about how everyday I was surrounded by people who wanted to murder me but could not because of fear. I knew how to survive. I told Yoshino and his men that even though they faced monsters, they could still survive. I was small, fragile, but people hated me so much that they secluded me and murdered me with their eyes. But no one could lift a finger against me.

"Yoshino listened and was convinced of my words. Of course I was still weak. But I made the vow to become the strongest. I already held the strongest Bijuu within me anyway. It took some time, but Yoshino convinced the older generation. And we worked on their fears. Their worries. We worked on it so hard and practiced methods of complete survival even if the village is invaded. What you see now is the result of our hard work to make our people feel safe again."

Mei fell silent. She could feel sorry for the Uzumaki. To live in fear in your own village – it must have been a horrible experience. Worse, there was nothing they had done to deserve being targeted.

"Was it really certain that you would be attacked again?"

"When I went to Iwagakure, Onoki said if we were a threat, he would destroy us. What is his definition of a threat? You'd have to go back to the reason we were attacked in the first place. Kumogakure once attempted to kidnap my mother when she was younger. A couple of years ago when the current Raikage was in charge, they devised a sinister plot to get their hands on the Byakugan. When their plans failed, they threatened war with Konoha, even though they were completely wrong."

Mei frowned deeply. Those two villages: Kumo has always been known for being power hungry. "Was this the only way?"

"We could have sealed off our special chakra and become farmers for both Kumo and Iwa," Naruto said sarcastically. "In a world that rejects your very existence, what do you do? Do you wish you were never born? You did nothing wrong. Someone is just rejecting your existence because of a flawed thinking. You know this because you are not the only one who says this. Other people say it as well, but they can't do anything because they are either too weak to do anything or just afraid. What do you do, Mei?"

"At some point, bloodline welders were hated in Kirigakure and it resulted in us being targeted. Some fled, and we stayed behind to fight."

"Our response is the same, we will fight. And we will change this world so that it can accommodate us. You were not wrong to fight for the right to your existence. No village has the right to say this village it too dangerous it must be destroyed, especially when the very village lives in isolation, doesn't involve itself in shinobi wars but lives peacefully. Our fight is against tyranny and the right for our existence." Naruto explained in a hardened tone. "You decide Mei, do you want to trust us? Do you think we are wrong?"

"I don't think you are wrong," Mei said after a couple of moments. "I will work with Haku to resolve your issues with the Feudal Lord. But I will wait to see your actions until after the war to see whether I can call you friends."

"That is disappointing," Naruto said with a smile. "I was sharing because I thought we were friends. How long do you have before you return home?"

"Maybe two days. This is not the best time to be away from home."

"Indeed," Naruto said. "You will discuss further details with Haku. But if you need anything directly from me, shout. For now, my throne is calling me; I must go warm it."

Mei shook her head and sat in silence for a couple of moments. "The Yoshino he was talking about is the same as the one who leads this village, right?" Haku nodded. "How does that even work? Don't they fight? Naruto is the emperor yet he is living in land he does not control."

"He does not live on land he does not control," Haku said with a shake of his head. "He is the Emperor. Although Yoshino leads this village, Naruto is ultimately his 'boss.' Besides that, they understand each other. Yoshino knows how Naruto thinks. And they both respect each other well enough they don't interfere in each's duties. But before, Naruto would have Yoshino carry out duties he otherwise should carry."

"It is a very interesting system you have here."

"It is one made of rules that we all obey, even the Emperor. It might be hard to believe but Naruto follows rules."

"Isn't it because he made them?"

Haku shook his head. "Village and clan politics are two different things. There are clan rules and Naruto must play by them. Mind you, he is not the leader of the clan."


Haku shrugged. "He has never displayed interest for as much as I can tell. Besides, Yoshino was being groomed lead the clan before Naruto came to the picture. Either way, Naruto loves his clan and the only thing that matters to him is its survival and being great again. If he can do it without being clan head, no problem."

"That is the logical part of his thinking that he often uses," Mei said in thought. "Now I am at least starting to understand the kind of person he is."

Haku just smiled. "Then I hope for a more peaceful relationship with Kirigakure." He said.

"But we must first resolve the situation with the Wind Lord." Mei said. "You are also not worried about this war. The Wave will be the first target, are you sure you can defend it from the combined forces of Iwa and Kumo?"

"Perhaps I should worry a bit," Haku said in thought. "You did hear about what happened in the Rain, right? That was done by another Uzumaki. His name is Nagato. Nagato can destroy even one of the Five Great Nations by himself. If he wanted to invade Iwa, he'd do it himself and still come back alive. Nagato can destroy an army, and Naruto is an army by himself. He fools around a lot, but let him put on his armor, he will show you power no human should possess."

Mei frowned. This was coming from the gentle and kind Haku. It bothered her. "He is that powerful, huh?" she smiled wryly. "What about you?"

Haku smiled. "I am capable… Naruto made me train harder and control my bloodline in some ways I never even dreamt of but I am not like those two monsters."

"I'm not too sure His Majesty will be pleased learning that you call him a monster behind his back, Haku," Naoki said as he walked into the office.

Haku shrugged. "It's not like it isn't the truth… you know it well what it is like to be in a room with him when his chakra is leaking."

Naoki shuddered at the thought. "Those are emotional scars I wish not to relive," he said. "Mizukage-sama, this man is being modest. But he is the second most powerful person in this village. But that is not the reason I came here…" he said. "When you are free, Yoshino said he'd like to have a word with you about certain things, Mizukage-sama."

Outskirts of Kumogakure

Everyone else was on the move, but Ai still worried about taking Bee with him to the battlefield. He was not worried that Naruto would attack his village and he was not worried about Onoki. With the losses their suffered in the hands on Amegakure, he doubted Onoki would be making any reckless moves. He too would have to be careful of course. He didn't want to go through the same thing. But still, Ai wouldn't allow just two shinobi to do that much damage. He shook his head. What was he saying? Minato had done it before. Someone could do it again.

Ai was worried about Bee because he didn't want what happened to Yugito happening to his beloved brother. It didn't matter just how powerful Bee was, those people had the ability to subjugate a Bijuu and that was a massive threat to a Jinchuriki. If he was going to take Bee, he would have to move with him.

"It'll be fine brother! You worry too much, yoh!"

Ai glared at Bee for his careless attitude. "I need you to be serious!" he shouted before calming himself. "We will have to be watchful for any Uzumaki we see. I can't let you face one of them. Even if you come across one of them, don't ever transform, do you understand me, Bee!?"

"Understood, brother."

Somehow Ai felt Bee was just saying this to get him to quiet down. "If it wasn't because I need you when facing Naruto, I wouldn't even be bringing you along…" he said with a shake of his head.

"He is that powerful?"

"Admittedly, yes… I'm not sure I alone will be enough," Ai said.

Bee was surprised that his brother would openly admit that. His brother almost never made such an admission. This Naruto was seriously strong. He turned towards C and gave a questioning look.

"Well consider this; he played with both Ai-sama and the Tsuchikage without actually being serious. Not even a little. His chakra pool is humanly impossible. I got sickened just by trying to measure it… because it is also very sinister. I swear you'd think you are experiencing the power of the Kyubi itself. And, he didn't use his Bijuus power. I'm sure he doesn't need it given the amount of chakra he has." The blond didn't even blink when facing up to Ai's speed. It was going to be a massive challenge for them.

Bee only smiled. It looked like it was going to be a challenge and he would be tag teaming with his brother. What more could he ask for? His partnership with his brother was perfect. Who could stand against them? But of course, he would still have to stand before the emperor to tell.

"Let us move out," Ai said. "But we must still be considerate of Amegakure. No doubt they will enter the battlefield. If that happens, we will be working with the Tsuchikage's forces to engage them. But we might decide to go after them first if they prove to be a problem."

"They will be a problem to Iwa's forces," C corrected.

Ai could tell where C was going with his choice of words. This was war alright. He was thinking about having Iwa's forces weakened in this war while they preserved their strength. It was such a cold move to the people they were heading into war with as partners. But it was still war.


Naori appeared beside Naruto, who was resting on the throne, and then leaned over to whisper. "Kumogakure has started moving. There are 8000 of them coming through land, your Majesty. You also have the 9000 strong from Iwagakure."

The numbers were truly something frightening. Naruto had to sit up straight as everything finally settled down. It was now a reality. They were truly going to face those numbers. This was the war he had so dearly prepared himself to fight. The airship was not to be used for now, it was for later times in case there was an emergency. What he was staring at was a massive tsunami and history has always been written by the giant force of nature. Would things change this time? Would be able to withstand its mighty strength?

Uzushiogakure depended on him to succeed. If the wave defeated him, it was over for his people, he would have brought them out of the hiding place just so they could be killed. History would judge him. Naruto would never forgive himself if caused something like that happen to his people.

"How many attacks have we planned so far?" Naruto asked.

"You have a solo one, and another one that is proposed for you and Nagato. We have also planned to lay the traps once we learn of their path," Naori said. "You were supposed to attack the first time the moment they cross into the Land of Water, where Kumo shinobi will no doubt stop there to wait for Iwa."

"They will also not easily move into the Fire Nation because Konoha is waiting. But if we attack right, they may surrender before reaching the Fire Nation," Naruto started in a thoughtful tone. "Go get Haku for me… I don't want to summon him in case he is busy with something… but we are going launch a surprise attack. We can be as barbaric as we can be. It works better to have them think we have no strategy," he said before closing his eyes.

Five minutes later, Haku appeared along with Naori in the throne room. Naruto stood up, "We are going to battle, Haku," he said.

Haku blinked. "Now?" He was not expecting to fight any battle now.

"Yes, now," Naruto said. "Why does it seem like you are afraid of battle? You are the strongest person in this village aside from me; if you get nervous, everyone gets nervous."

"I think he is more concerned about killing, your Majesty," Naori intervened.

"We are going to war to fight people who will rape and butcher innocent lives in this village, and you are concerned about their lives?" Naruto asked in a cold tone. "Your conscious and moral values are what make you attractive, but I have already gone through this with you, when we go to war, you will not hesitate."

Haku was silent for a couple of moments before finally nodding. "Is it an all-out attack?"

Naruto shook his head. "We are just going to greet them. We simply can't let them think they will be allowed to move freely. We must show them our power. I am also very interested in seeing your training at work."

30 minutes later

From where he stood, the thousands of shinobi seemed like ants, but they were humans, people he had to face. People he had to fight. This was war. He'd left Kiri before the civil war, but he bad seen the brutality of men. Haku's clan had be murdered because of their bloodline, because they were born with special abilities that others did not have. Yet, here he was, ready to use those abilities to kill other people. He had been mentally preparing for this. He had been brought from the dead to be of use to Uzushiogakure in its ambitions.

They were floating high up in the sky. The air was strong, breathing was not easy. Naruto was using his control over the air currents to keep them suspended in the air. "Couldn't we have chosen a different side to view things? I'm becoming uncomfortable with being up so high."

Naruto just shrugged his shoulders a bit carelessly. "You seemed fine on the ship."

"This is not a ship and if you lose control, we are going to fall in the hands of the enemy," Haku said.

"It won't happen…" Naruto said. "They might have sensors. I didn't want anyone sensing us. That aside, the wind here is very strong and there is something I want to try…"

Haku had an uneasy feeling about things the moment Naruto said those words. "What exactly are you going to try, Naruto?"

"A natural disaster," Naruto responded calmly. "Stay on my back, if you don't, you might surely die." He said those words and began going through fast hand seals. "Kiss of the Wind God." Once done, he held out both his hands and ordered Haku press his back against his. He then began releasing large amounts of chakra into the atmosphere. "Release your Ice Storm…" Naruto said to Haku.

Samui halted as she felt a spike of chakra. She looked around but could not see anything. "Where is this coming from?" She asked of the massive doze of chakra. She was not the only one feeling it; the whole unit had come to a halt as they felt the overwhelming force.

"It's coming from above," Karui said, looking up into the sky.

When Samui looked up, she frowned seeing a dark cloud gathering. She had an uneasy feeling seeing such a formation in the sky. They were not supposed to be coming across any enemies as things stood. She didn't even think anyone in Uzushio had such an attack. There has never been any rumour of a jutsu like that. She told herself, but the uneasy feeling made her want to take a step back.

"What do you think it is?"

"It's not natural," Samui responded to Karui's question. "Just be on guard. We don't know what is happening now."


There was that shout. Samui held out her right hand, and it was indeed snow. But it was ridiculously cold. She had been in snowy conditions before, a drop of snow did not produce this much cold. The air became thick as a cold breeze washed over the unit along with drops of snow. It took only a moment for something to warn her heart when the breeze started to rotate.

"Everyone, get out of here!"

She gave the order, but only those close to her heard her. The winds were starting to make a blowing sound. Even though she called for people to get out, she remained rooted to her spot, eyes above her as she watched something form.

It was a tornado. It had started slowly but the moment the winds above started spinning, everything just went out of order. The dark cloud was spinning in speeds her eyes could not track. It was pipeline that started to form from below the surface towards the cloud. It turned everything into chaos when the blowing winds started rotating in furious speeds. The speeds were so powerful and fast that the dust it picked up was moving in such speed that it was able to hit some man and pierce through their flesh. When this started happening, the others began to run away.

The tornado finally took its form, violently twisting as it kissed the ground. As it twisted, it did not pull things towards it as a tornado would normally do, it was spitting snow. The ground where it touched was white.

Just when they thought they had escaped the danger, the tornado started moving violently. It was violent because it tore through the very ground, lifting up chunks of earth before spitting them out as ice stones in all directions with speeds that made them almost impossible to dodge. Some of the men were unfortunate as the moving tornado swallowed them. It was hundred who were swallowed and were spat out as frozen corpses.

The tornado finally stopped, moving, and the winds began to slow down before finally dispersing. The moment it did, a cloud of snow began to fall from the sky before slamming into the ground like a huge wave. The atmosphere was very cold. They could not stay here and be healthy.


There was a crash of something that fell from the sky. Samui was quick to move. She sensed something familiar. Her men quickly surrounded the area as well. She found Naruto on one knee, inside a large crater with a black haired person standing behind him. He seemed to have having some difficulty breathing.

"Samui," Naruto said, recognizing the woman had met when he visited the Cloud a couple of years ago. "I didn't think that you would be one of the leaders…"

The movements of the enemy forces were hard to ignore. They were not staying in one position, waiting to be attacked. They knew he was a Jinchuriki and if he transformed, it would just be a massacre. Would everyone react in the same way though? No everyone was going to charge in all at once. They had just surrounded them, forming seven groups, no matter what happened to the other, they would not attack until the other was finished – a curious formation. But it would only delay the inevitable. Still, they had recovered from his attack very quickly.

Samui looked cautiously at the Emperor. Her eyes moved around the remaining shinobi. What was that? Just a welcome jutsu to separate her men? This was dangerous but could they outrun them? Ai had not issued any instruction to flee from the Emperor as the Tsuchikage has for his forces to flee from the Amegakure group that destroyed the first group he had called out to war.

"Are you going to stop because it is me?" She asked, her tone flat, yet still ridiculously hoping that he would say yes. He was keeping Yugito alive, maybe he wanted her and as her friend, her status would factor into that conversation.

"You are not good at jokes," Naruto said. "Say I depart from here, would you go back to the Cloud?"

"I don't give the instructions."

Naruto did not offer a response, he simply darted towards Samui. There were several men behind her; Naruto did not mind them. As he grew closer, he jumped up slightly about the ground and stretched out his right hand, attempting to grab Samui by her face. His hand never reached her; she leaned back slightly. And two shinobi flashed below the Emperor. They did quick hand seals and released a powerful burst of lightning towards him but it never reached him; a mirror of ice formed between him and the jutsu. The mirror completely halted the jutsu.

Simultaneously, Omoi flashed to the Emperor's right side. He was holding a sword with both hands and swung it in a downward slash, trying to cut the outstretched hand. Haku appeared behind the Cloud nin, his right leg flashing through the air before his foot connected with the man's head from the left side. The kick sent him flying to the side.

Both Naruto and Haku retreated quickly before landing a distant away. "I wish you wouldn't lunge to the enemy so stupidly."

"You are insulting me," Naruto said, eyeing Haku with a look.

The Ice User shrugged. "You are needlessly putting yourself at risk and making me work hard to protect you."

"It is training. There is nothing that trains a shinobi's instincts better than real battle," Naruto responded calmly.

"This doesn't look like it is going to be easy," Omoi said, massaging his temple after being kicked by Haku. "I could have been hit hard and then he would have moved closer… it would have been the end of me."

"I wouldn't have cried if you ended," Karui was quick to respond.

"No one would miss you either," Omoi was quick to say in a flat tone.

"That's enough you two," Samui interrupted the banter. "We are dealing with a Jinchuriki, one hosting a Bijuu more powerful than the Hachibi."

"So it is hopeless…" Omoi summed it up.

"We can't afford to fight here. We need to back away. Ai-sama will understand. I have seen him fight before…" fighting here would just result in massive casualties. Samui didn't want that under her watch. She was going to get things ready. She was going to make sure that people live. If Naruto transformed, there would be nothing she could do.

"They are not just going to let us leave like that," Karui said.

Samui nodded. "You two lead the others to retreat back into the Lightning. We will regroup there," she said.

"I should be the one to stay behind."

"There is no need on playing hero…" Samui was quick to stay. "If you stay behind, they will surely kill you. I have no intentions of dying. But we need a plan." She said before turning around to look for someone.

Haku looked towards his right side sensing movement. A large boulder was rooted from the ground and started to charge towards him. The same was happening on Naruto's side. While he created a mirror to block the boulder, Naruto lunged towards it and slammed his right fist into it, shattering it within a second of his fist connecting with it. Haku pushed the boulder away and it slammed onto the ground.

Before he could even blink, multiple smoke screens exploded covering them in smoke. They could still locate each other. And regrouped. His back was pressed against Naruto's as he spoke. "You feel that?"

"Yes, the groups are moving," Naruto responded. "A retreat."

"Should we chase them?"

Naruto shook his head. "That first attack killed enough. Besides, we were not here to kill them but to welcome them. If we got them to retreat back into the Lightning, this is a bonus," he said.

Haku did not say anything but just waited for the smoke to clear. There were only two men remaining in sight. The others were mere shadows.

"How caring of you," Naruto said to Samui. "I will give Yugito a message. I am sure she will be happy that her friend is in good health."

"What do you plan to do with her? You didn't come to the Cloud that day to fight against a fellow Jinchuriki. There would have never been a need to even take us out," Samui said with a stare.

Naruto smiled. "Speculation," he said. "Haku, we leave."

"Well that went well," Naruto said as he walked towards his throne.

Haku stared at Naruto for a long minute before speaking. "I knew your control over wind was majestic but that was just unnatural…"

Naruto waved his right hand. "I'm not doing it again. It consumes too much chakra for my liking. If I am using natural energy it could be fine, but it also drains my stamina. I have no need for jutsu that leaves me vulnerable like that. You know how long it takes for me to replenish chakra…"

"And I thought you had us leave before I could fight because you did not want to end up killing Samui. She is Yugito's friend, is she not? If you ended up killing her, you would have failed with her," Haku said.

"That factored in the decision," Naruto said. "But you are not complaining, are you?"

"Of course not," Haku said. "For a welcome message, I think they received it. We just have to think about how we handle them for real next time when you fight," he added.

"In two days, I shall leave for battle," Naruto said. "It will be then that we will lay our traps begin our true assault on their forces. If the assaults fail to get them to surrender, we would not complain if by the time they try to cross the Fire Border the combined army is a little over 3000, we would have done well."

It would still require a lot of effort and Naruto unleashing the power of the Kyubi to make things happen. But if they did manage to keep this up, they could hold on things. "Even if it is only the three thousand, we have to assume that the Kages will no doubt try to hold you back while the army moves. If that happens, the Wave will be in trouble."

No doubt. That was they had to be careful. He also had to move with care because if something happened to him, Uzu would not have the confidence to survive. "Just in case, the airship must be prepared. And you must deal with the unit moving through the sea. If any army moves towards the Wave, no matter how brutally, the ship must be used. We will summon Guren and the other Uzumaki. You will lead this group to act as the last line of defence. If the worst occurs, destroy the bridge, unleash the Sanbi. This will make it easier to pick them apart."

"If we remove Guren from Sound, what happens to it? There is that chance that they Iwa's forces will destroy it as they move."

"I will call Deidara and Sasori," Naruto said in thought. "For destruction, they are best suited."

Following Day

Throne Room

Karin stared at the expressionless look on Naruto's face. His eyes were sharp, not fully opened. He looked a different person when sitting on the throne. Everything you say you know about him can be thrown out of the window. That is what just made dealing with him a bothersome task. Karin really preferred being away than playing wife but she could not avoid this situation forever. She had known what she was getting herself into when she agreed to marry this person.

She sighed before asking. "What has gotten you lost in thought this time?" She asked while standing in front of him.

Naruto's eyes narrowed as he responded. "Just thinking about my younger days in the Hidden Leaf." He said.

It always unnerved her when he looked at her like that. But Karin didn't show it. The younger days? Well, he has often admitted that he was a very sentimental person. But still, what a disturbing childhood he had in the Leaf. "Which part specifically?"

"There part where I was always alone. I am surrounded by people who don't hate me but actually love me, and yet, if I am around the village, I spend most of my time alone, staring into nothing and cut off from the rest of the village. I am feeling a little unfulfilled."

"You can always go to the bar," Karin suggested.

"Be serious, Karin."

She sighed. "Can't take a joke," she mumbled. "I will return soon. But you still have people you can be with. You just choose not to be with them."

"A choice yes, perhaps this feeling is just a lone part of me that is misbehaving. I have gotten used to the silence that I prefer it over spending time in a crowd of people," Naruto said with a shake of his head. "Did you get what you wanted from Yoshino?"

"Of course and he even offered to buy the tools for me," Karin said. "He and I have an understanding and he isn't stingy like you. I think I married the wrong Uzumaki."

"I would be willing to release you. I'd even officiate your wedding if you want to get married to Yoshino," Naruto said with a smile.

Karin stared at Naruto. "Don't even joke about that," she said. "That guy probably has weird tastes in bed. Just thinking about waking up to see his face makes me cringe."

Naruto laughed. "You started it. But you do him no good, dear. Yoshino isn't that bad," Naruto said with a smile.

"That is because you don't care for his schemes and have no problem with his twisted smile," Karin said with a shake of her head. "In any case, he has provided for me. And now I can leave and go back to work."

"Remember, once the war is over, you return home. I don't have to come to fetch you," Naruto said in a hardened tone. "So you are just going to leave just like that?"

"Yes," Karin said. "You are not touching me."

"I think you might be having an affair with Kabuto…:

"Hahaha," Karin laughed with sarcasm. "That guy probably gets turned on by his experiments."

Naruto smiled. He blinked for a moment. "We have a guest. Or at least I have a guest. It is good she is coming here while you are still around," he said before responding to Karin. "Well, he has twisted urges to cut things and study them."

"Who is coming?"

"Count from 1 to twenty."

"You know I can't sense anything with the barriers around the throne room and don't treat me like a child," Karin said before turning to face the entrance. It was not the Mizukage. She was still around but if it was her, Naruto would not have said those words.

After two minutes, Naoki walked into the throne room with Temari.

The blonde stared towards the throne. There he was, sitting on the throne, head resting on the palm of his right left hand. A smile on his lips. But there was someone standing beside him. A woman. Redhead, glasses, hands on her waist. She seemed to have been waiting impatiently. Temari's heart raced a bit.

"Your Majesty, I have brought Temari. She has a message from the Godaime Kazekage," Naoki said in a measured tone.

While his face was directed towards Temari, Naruto's eyes moved towards Naoki. "No doubt you brought her without saying anything so that she can see Karin." He said without a smile. "But you did well…" his eyes narrowed towards Karin. "Because we are going to war, he will be your guard from today. When you leave, go with him."

Naoki blinked. "Your Majesty, you want me spend my time in that island? What will I do there?"

"You'll be protecting me; you think that is not worth your efforts?"

"Of course not," Naoki was quick to say. "You have just never needed protection before."

"Of course, he is just playing with you because of your need to do things for your amusement," Karin said while moving towards Temari. She stopped beside Naoki and spoke once more. "On a serious note, you have been chosen to be my guard when I return. Husband wants me to play an active role in the Empire. I will be moving around, you will be with me. Got a problem with it?"

"No," Naoki said with a shake of his head. "Who will take my position?"

"No one," Karin said. "Haku and Naori will do just fine. If you want to complain to someone, go speak to your elders. They are the ones who requested your services and husband approved."

Karin then stopped in front of Temari. She smiled. "Karin Uzumaki: this is my house and that person sitting on that throne is my husband." She said. "I would like to have a chat with you, but I must run before that man forces me to stay. But hopefully, I will see you again, soon," she turned to Naoki. "You are taking me to the island."

Temari waited until the two had left before giving Naruto a questioning look. He just stood up silently and walked down towards her. "Follow me," he said in quiet tone.

Temari just followed the blond in silence. They walked for a minute until they reached what she assumed was his office. He sat on the sofa and motioned for her to sit across him. "You need anything?"

She shook her head. "No," she said. "Not even once you bothered telling me that you are married? And that was some way if letting the cat of the bag!"

There was anger in Temari's tone. But that was to be expected. He probably would not have told her if she had come when Karin was away. But Naoki had forced things. "Does it bother you that I am married?"

Temari glared at the blond. Was he seriously asking her that question? He was married. He had a wife and he was still making moves on her? The cheating bastard! Had he no shame at all? But what was that reaction from his wife? It looked like she knew about things and was reminding her of her place. Had she not been shocked at the husband part, she would have said something to that woman.

"Of course I have a problem!"

"But you and I are not doing anything. And when we were doing something, I was not married."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Temari demanded.

"No," Naruto said with a wave of his right hand. "I was just telling you the situation as it is and as it was. Yes, I am married. I had never mentioned it because it never came to mind."

Temari was angry. "You are married and you would forget your wife? Is that the kind of person you are? Well, it should not be a surprise since you are the same person who used to go to a bar to pick up on women, even older ones."

Naruto tilted his head to the side before speaking. "Now you are just insulting me," he said in a flat tone. "Karin is not usually around. I can go for months without seeing her. And how many times have we spoken, Temari? Two times it was personal. The first was not civil and the last was civil but how do I suddenly say, hey I am married, when we can't even sit down and talk."

"Not my fault," Temari said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Regardless, that is the situation." Naruto was firm about it. "When I sensed your presence, I was happy thinking you'd come to specifically see me because of our last conversation."

"Sorry to disappoint you but admittedly, I also thought it would be nice to see you again. To be honest I had missed that. But I did not expect to come here and be greeted by your wife!"

"Don't let it bother you. Don't think too much about it." Naruto said.

"How can I not? It doesn't change that you are married."

"You are being difficult, Temari," Naruto said.

"I'm not. But you don't help things." Temari said sharply. "Is there anything I should know? Any children I should know about?"

This was not going too well. "You really sound displeased."

"What gave me away?"

Naruto shook his head. "I am also married to Princess Koyuki. The marriage was done to unify our nations and I also needed her technology. We also helped her get her country to a sound financial position. Children? No, I don't have any children?" he smiled. "At least not that I know of…"

"You should check on that," Temari said.

"Are you happy now?"

"No," Temari said. "I have mixed feelings about this. I don't know what to think about it. We can just get to business. I will think about this later when I am calm."

Naruto nodded. "Best it be so," he said. "Naoki said you have a message from your brother… can I have it?"

Temari took out a scroll and handed it to the Emperor. Naruto took it gently and unfolded it before reading it.

"Emperor Naruto, I want to believe that we are still friends as you have said. But there are many things happening in this world that makes me question your motives. Why this war? What do you hope to achieve by it? I sense that something big will come after this war. Even then, I still want to consider you a friend. You are a leader of people and so am I. We are friends; I would like that friendship to exist even between our two nations. I know what you said to Shikamaru and to my sister, but this is a plea from a friend. I can understand your reasoning with Konoha, but we have done nothing. As a friend, if you still cannot change your mind, please tell me why. I would also like to know the reasons for your actions. In this case, I ask not as Kazekage but as a friend.

"I have also sent my sister because I want you to resolve your issues with her. I love my sister and wish her happiness. If her happiness is with you, I can accept that. But even if you are a friend, I will not forgive you if you are purposefully hurting her. I do not believe you are that cruel nevertheless. Even so, please resolve it.

Subaku no Gaara."

Naruto had an amused look on his face. Gaara would probably try to kill him if Temari returned home crying. "How nice it is that you have a caring brother," he said. "I will write my response to him."

"Is it going to be any favorable?" Temari asked cautiously.

"I will give a response I gave the Mizukage," Naruto said before handing Temari the scroll. "Your brother threatens me if my intentions with you are to hurt you. Then again, I had the feeling he wanted to attack me when I made my survival known to Sunagakure…"

"He is very protective of his family," Temari said with a smile.

"How envious," Naruto said. "Then again, my family is the Uzumaki. I will rip to shreds anyone who threatens their existence. Yet, yours is brotherly love, isn't it? Logic doesn't usually work there."

"Love can be illogical at times. It can make you do things that seem unreasonable," Temari said in quiet tone. She shook her head. She didn't want to talk with Naruto about this now. She needed to clear her head. "So, are you prepared for the war?" She changed the subject.

Naruto stood up and walked over to Temari. He leaned towards her and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Let me not indulge that tactic of changing the subject. You'll talk to me when you feel you can talk. This time, I am willing to answer your personal questions so we can resolve this thing." He took Gaara's message once more and walked toward his desk.

"Am I being dismissed?"

"Don't say it like that," Naruto said with a smile. "Naori," he called. The man appeared in a flash. "Kage Bunshin?"

"Original has gone to the Sound…"

Naruto nodded. "Where is Haku?"

"He is with the Mizukage. They appear to be engaged with Yoshino about something."

Naruto looked thoughtful for a moment. "What do you want to?" He asked Temari.

"Can I just take a walk around the village, alone? I want to clear my head and then get some rest afterwards."

"Haku usually handles such matters…" Naruto said. "Go get someone from Yoshino's tower to see to Temari's needs. Just walk her out of the compound before you do that."

"Hai," Naori said.


Temari stared at Naruto with an expressionless look on her face. It was more of a mask to hide her mixed feelings over their situation. She could not get out of her mind that Naruto just revealed that he was married to two women. It was not news she came here expecting to hear. Yet, it was the reality and she had to face it before leaving this village. She certainly could not stay here forever. Not when there was war knocking at the door. She had to leave, and of course with the protection of Uzushio. Both Kumo and Iwa were probably on the move. It was going to make travelling dangerous.

There was no doubt in her heart that she did like Naruto. He was her first and only. But he had hurt her. She could not forget that. Yet, that didn't mean that she had to stop living. Besides, she could make a decision that would not only be rewarding for her personally, but it would also help her village. Perhaps she would even leave this village without any worries and concerns over her relationship with Naruto.

"That kind of look does not suit you, Temari," Naruto said, holding a cup of sake. He didn't usually drink these days but today was a special occasion. It was the kind of night that deserved a drink.

Temari shrugged. "I think I know what suits me better than you," she said before falling silent. "I really came here thinking maybe we could start over. Your marriage revelation just stunned me and really does complicate things."

Naruto smiled. "The first part makes me happy. But nothing is complicated. If you are concerned about having Karin glare at you whenever you are around, you should not worry about it. If it is about the fact that you'd have to share me with another woman, you need not panic. It is a situation that we can all learn to manage. The important part is whether you will be happy or not with the decision you'll be forced to make. If you cannot be happy with it, then although it pains to me say it, you should not decide to be around me."

Temari shook her head. "If it is about happiness, I don't think I will be miserable. But we are just speaking now and it would honestly sadden me if I don't give it a try. I don't want to have regrets in my life. So yes, I am willing to have a relationship with you despite your situation."

"What kind of relationship? Canal for the physical pleasures? Romance for all that love offers?"

Temari stared. "Are you trying to make beg? Because if you are, I don't have a problem walking out of that door right now," she said in a flat tone.

"Eh… you won't be able to leave the compound. All exits are locked. No one gets in or out."

"Ignoring you isn't a problem."

Naruto smiled. "Are you sure about that dear?" he said standing up from where he sat. He placed his cup on the table in front of him and walked over to Temari. He placed both hands on her shoulders and smelled her hair. "You smell good. You have that smell of someone who came here expecting something…" he said.

Temari folded her hands across her chest, "From who, you? You can be such a disappointment…" she said.

Naruto chuckled lightly. He bit Temari's left ear and licked it at the edges before whispering. "We both know that's not true. Last time I had you atop of me, you were squirming with ecstasy and I remember you asking for more after you got used to the feeling of my thrusts." He then kissed her around her neck as he spoke.

"You have a wild imagination. I remember a quite disappointed look and I asked you if that was all you could do."

"You have been learning words, Temari," Naruto said with a smile. Both his hands grabbed her around her waist before he picked her up. He pressed her against him and Temari wrapped both her legs around him. "I'd truly missed you, Temari."

She was quiet for a couple of moments as she wrapped her hands around him. She grabbed him firmly, not wanting to let go. "Me too," she said.

"Okay, now get off me. I had a long day and want to rest." Naruto said while letting go of Temari.

She stared at him, unamused. "That's not funny," she said.

"I was not trying to be funny. You brother said I can't touch you unless we are married."

"There was no such message and I don't remember you having such problems when you touched me for the first time," Temari said. "Are you really going to try to make me beg?"

"Well not if you excite me."

"Let me go," Temari said before she was allowed to stand on her own. She closed the distance between her and Naruto. The emperor flinched when he felt a firm hand gripping his balls. "Is this excitement, enough?"

"That is just unattractive. I don't remember telling you I was a masochist," Naruto said. "Now, please let me go. You don't play like that. A child needs to be born in this world."

"First tell me you are excited."

"You cruel woman," Naruto said. "I will make you regret such boldness."

The Following Day

Temari stared at Naruto with a questioning look on her face. She was standing inside his office with one of his guards standing behind him. He was writing something silently. She had been called here but he had been silent ever since. "Am I being kicked out of the village? Because if so, I feel very used."

Naruto looked up at the woman for a moment before shaking his head. "You do need to leave now, Temari. Iwagakure and Kumo are already moving towards this village. We must prepare things on our part and I must head out for some destruction. I won't be in this village for most of the time. I need to finish things here today and then leave. That is why I must also make sure you leave before I do."

"Where are you going?"

"To war obviously, but I first have to make a stop somewhere to see certain things," Naruto said before folding the letter he was writing. He gave it to Naori. "This is my response to Gaara," he said.

"You are not going to take me?"

Naruto shook his head. "No, there are things I must deal with and you cannot be there with me. Naori will speedily take you towards the border of the Wind country. You should be safe there, is it not?"

There shouldn't be any problem if she were to be dropped within the Wind. The desert was her country and there was no one there. It was safe but not what she had expected. She wanted to get on that airship and get on home. But she could understand why they would not want to needlessly use it now – their enemies were already watching. A weapon of war could not be used for transport while the enemy is charging towards them. A move like that would certainly be a reckless step.

"I can live with that," Temari said with a nod.

"I will try to get to you when I can. But since the war has started, I will be quite busy running loose." Naruto said. "Naori will take you home when you are ready… You will follow me once you are done with her," he said to Naori before standing up from his desk.

He walked towards Temari and kissed her on her forehead. "I'll try not to die this time around," he said.

"I'm sure if you die this time around, it will be because someone killed you," Temari said. He was going to war; there was that chance that he would be killed. Anything could happen in war.

Naruto smiled. "Well, you can't disregard any possibility," he said before turning away from her. "Try not to move around too much once you arrive home. Those people will do anything to win, especially Onoki…" he disappeared in a blur.

Temari turned her eyes towards Naori and asked. "Where exactly is he going?"

Naori just handed Temari the scroll Naruto had given him and spoke. "You should get ready to leave, Temari. I won't hurry you. If you want to leave tomorrow, you can do so. But I will not be the one to take you straight to Suna because I must follow his Majesty. He will not engage the enemy until I go to his side."

Wind Country

Kurotsuchi didn't think that things would work in this way. Hell, they had been waiting in the borders with the River country waiting for something to happen and then one of the scouts informed them that they saw the Kazekage's sister. It was just her luck. Suna was regularly sending people to Konoha for diplomatic talks and such times; someone important was bound to cross the border. Even if it was the Kazekage himself, they would have tried to catch him, but not within the desert; such a move would have been disastrous for them.

But seeing the Kazekage's sister at this place, alone, it was her luck. There was no way Kurotsuchi was going to fail this mission. There was just no way. She had run with her men and they had managed to catch up to the blonde woman. She was an even bigger bonus since she was truly loved by her brother and seemed to have some connection with that bastard emperor.

"If possible, we would like to get this over without a struggle," Kurotsuchi said with a smile on her lips. "We don't want to harm you; we just want you to come to us."

Temari held out her fan with narrowed eyes. Who could have thought that things would turn out like this? She should have insisted that Naori take her to Suna, but he had said that Naruto was going straight to battle and he wanted to be closer to the Emperor to perform his duties. She understood that much but to think this would be waiting for her. If she thought that Naruto was a cold hearted bastard who really did not care for her, she would think that he knew this was going to happen and yet let her go through this situation.

"Iwagakure," she said. "Suna has no war with Iwa, why are you doing this?"

"We cannot talk unless you surrender to us," Kurotsuchi said. "If you insist on fighting us, I am afraid you will get hurt."

"You will have to hurt me to take me." Temari said in a hardened tone. "I will not be surrendering to you."